Let me say that I LOVE this website and find it comforting to know that other people go through the same things! I was wondering if anyone has ever done a nanny meet up or a nanny night out just to talk to other people who know what it's like to be a nanny, I work in the Boston area (north Andover) and am looking to see if anyone would like to start one? My email is agoding21@gmail.com or just respond on here if you'd be interested! Thanks!
I work in Boston and North Andover is a hike about 45 min drive but if your willing to come here or meet some place in between that would be nice.
MA has a nanny support group that is very active called MAPN. They do weekly dinners, book clubs, and play groups.
Andover has a mothers group called Andover mothers connection that is very popular. You can also meet other nannies at imagine that! Indoor playground in Lawrence. Also there is this place I think it's called shaw that has a variety of cheap children classes that many children in Andover go to. It varies in ages from 2-10.
re-post for anonymous:
Anonymous said...
I work in DC but I live in MA. I'd love to get together with other nannies if the outing happens when I'm at home!
Op here!
Dc nanny and bostonnanny that sounds great. Hopefully we can add some more people to this group :)
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