free texas vacation/help with kids - I am looking for some one who wants to go to the beach, travel all over Texas and have a great time. I need help with the children. No salery but you all expenses paid. This is for the month of June. Must be able to pass a back ground check. If it works out maybe employment afterwards. ___________________________________________________________
Submitted by Anonymous Reader. Thank you!
I think this could work for the right person. Maybe someone who is thinking about moving to Texas and wants to check it out first. I would want to interview the family first, it's possible that they could be ax murders. But if they seem normal and are staying at nice accommodations it could be fun.
I think you are being too kind, i need a break. Going on vacation with a family is a HUGE amount of work, and the people who try and sell it as a free vacation for you are really trying to get free child care. It doesn't matter how great the accomodations are, you will be stuck there with the family the whole time and basically be on call 24/7.
This strikes me as another set of selfish parents who don't actually want to spend a 'family' vacation with their kids, and they don't want to pay someone else to look after them.
This is precisely the reason I HATE using CL to find jobs.....
Bahahaha...gotta love the parents who think that their nanny should feel honored and privileged to be able to "vacation" with their family. No thanks.
I agree with Rocky Mountain, these parents do sound very selfish. And since when is going to Texas such a great vacation?
I think this sounds awful.
I do think this could work out for someone.
Heck, I probably would have gone for it when I was 18.
Besides the obvious wtf, there is so much missing from this ad.
Part of me wants to email this person just to find out more.
i don't understand why parents would bring a nanny on a family vacation just so they could watch the kids they don't intend on spending the vacation with. Why not just have the kids stay with a relative or hire a vacation nanny that stays at home.
don't bring the kids if you don't want them involved in every aspect of your trip
I spent a week with a family in Charleston. I was paid $500, had all expenses paid, my own room, and most of the time it was me with MB. The few times I was alone was at night, with the babies asleep, so the parents gave me those afternoons completely off. It was definitely a paid vacation. I wouldn't have done it for free, though.
Miss Mannah:
Love your statement about Texas. I can't stop laughing right now!!!!!!
I'm from Oklahoma--I have to hate Texas! But now that we've beaten them in basketball, I'm sure they hate us too.
Nanny is secretly hoping you'll say- no big deal life happens.
Ask yourself, how about the clothes she ruins when your kid stains your nannies clothing? Like with paint or red sauce or who knows what. What about the wear and tear on your nannies car when a juice box explodes. Or perhaps when baby drops the iPhone in a glass of milk or on the floor- simply to shatter. Life happens. Don't expect your nanny to replace these things. That's just cheap.
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