Help! How do I ask my boss for gas reimbursement for taking her child to therapy once a week. I hate asking for more money and when she asked me a couple weeks ago to drive it didn't cross my mind, but now that I'm low on gas and don't get paid until next week I'm trying to figure out what to do.
Well i would just straight up ask her for gas reimbursement, telling her that as much as you would love to take her daughter, financially you can't afford too. But depending on how many miles you drive her, don't expect much. I think the current rate is 52 cent a mile. Don't expect her to fill your tank each week.
I think that your MB will understand. Gas is not cheap these days and even driving a little bit adds up quickly. I would take notice of about how much gas you use up driving back and forth to therapy and then calculate how much you think you would like to be reimbursed. That way, when you ask her for the reimbursement, you will have a number in mind. Make sure to say that you don't mind taking the child, it is simply the extra gas that is the problem.
Did anyone else read that title, and think it was going to be about something else entirely?? Or is that just me? ;)
NannyE, I laughed out loud. :)
I figured we needed a little humor around here. ;-)
Use the standard IRS mileage reimbursement rate of .51/mile, multiply it by the number of miles for each trip and you have your number.
Example: 10 miles each way, once per week = 20 miles x .51 = $10.20 per week.
This amount takes into effect not only the price of gas, but also wear and tear on your personal vehicle.
Wood burning stoves, is there a reason you are copying me?
Go for it,
Good catch... that was a Spammer that slipped under my radar. They're getting really good now, especially when copying a partial sentence or paragraph off of a genuine poster. Sorry about that... all of them have been deleted.
Everyone keep an eye out... if you notice posts being copied just give me a heads up in the thread that they are using and I will get rid of them.
Actually, IRS rate now is 55.5 cents per mile.
OP, just say to you boss, "We never discussed Mileage reimbursement before, but now that I am driving X I would like to be paid the IRS current rate of 55.5 cents per mile."
I would also copy off the info on mileage from the IRS website and give it to your boss when you talk.
I agree with Babs. Driving while on the job is more than simply replacing gas used. Your boss also owes you extra for "mileage" since it is more wear on your vehicle overall. Tires, engine, etc....Gas is just part of it.
When I asked for gas reimbursement a few months ago, my boss told me he would not pay me the IRS rate of 52 cents a mile (he said he would only reimburse for gas not wear and tear). Do most of you guys get a set amount or the standard IRS rate per mile? DB made me feel greedy for asking for that.
You should make him feel cheap for not giving you the money you deserve! It is your car, and he wants to use it, so he has to pay for that. You are not greedy at all.
It would be a bit much to ask him to pay for a carwash every week, even I believe the kids leave the car messier than it was before you drove them :). But for wear and tear he has to reimburse you. There is no question about it.
Good luck!
Chrissy, I've never been able to get a parent to pay me for mileage either. Most seem to think the IRS rate is way too high and that the nanny is ridiculous to ask for it. And I've only been able to get one to actually pay me back for gas used while on the clock. Most of the other parents have always considered my salary to be enough to cover gas. I disagreed with them, but didn't have enough of a bargaining chip to argue back.
I agree with you, MissMannah. It is not fair for the nanny to waste her gas driving kids around. She is paying for the gas herself and should not be required to use it on the job. Essentially, she is PAYING to work. By that I mean using her own money to do her job. That just doesn't make sense. That goes for any mode of transportation. If parents wanted me to take the train, subway, a cab, whatever, I would expect them to pay. Why should I waste my own money on that? I think with gas, it is blurred because it is already in your car. To parents, they probably think you've already paid for it so it's not a big deal. Again, I disagree.
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