Saturday, January 9, 2010
.... WHAT?!
1) Im not appreciated here maybe youll do better (New Jersey)
someone needed to cook for my husband they dont eat my cooking go food shopping take care of baby pick up my husband clothing around the house baby wont eat anything other that hotdogs cheese and rye bread make lunches for husband No need to have conversations with my husband he only talks to his friends no sex hell take care of himself he just wants your dinner ready and the house clean lunch in fridge coffe maker set for the next morning look for his thermos in his truck wash and put next to coffe maker for him and if you make him rum and cokes every day 4 - 5 instead of telling him not to drink every daythat'd be great for him over the weekends you get to spend some more time with the baby my husband will get home in time for dinner after fishing climbing etc with his friends and then go to sleep at 9pm after he watches his shows again no real discussions required you wont have anything to say other than what the baby did anyway whatever you do dont take a nap when the babies sleeping you might want to out of boredom but hell be mad to see you sleeping i mean he works... go food shopping cook take care of baby who wont eat anything solid you make wake up and do it again!! your not allowed to leave the house without taking the baby
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Special thanks to both cdhere25 and northjerseynanny for our Feature Ad... awesome job! Also, thank you to MissDee, mbargielski, JLow2474 and missmannah... all of you found some really great Ads! Remember, CL-WTF will be Posted every Saturday. Please send next weeks Ads HERE or use MEEBO.
Why is #14 included? Using the word delicious to describe your child is creative, not strange. It looks like a normal ad, other than using delicious to describe the child.
Because it made me smile.
MPP: I get it. A child, like their smile, is priceless.
when I saw the delicious, it made me smile too. because I was picturing the witch from Hansel and Gretel licking her chops. lol :)
Ugh. #1 makes me wanna puke. This lady's husband is a mysogynistic jerk who clearly can't take responsibilty for himself. There is no way I could ever work for someone like that. I can't stand when women act as their husband's slaves. Ridiculous.
#1 is why so many woman don't want to get married.
Nanny PLUS-Now that's a good one. Someone should start an agency, for Nannys Plus.
No wait. Isn't that illegal?
I think for the child who is growing violent, sounds like he needs more than a nanny/mentor. Perhaps she should get a good therapist for him. I am not trying to be fresh, I am serious. Like, get to the root of the problem, don't pass it off on a childcare provider.
#8, Volunteer to sit a baby with Downs for 6 weeks?
#12, Needs a boot in the ass! Okay maybe a shrink would help too.
#30, Do we have a problem with $30 an hour?
#1 was funny and I don't think it's a real ad at all, just one of those venting things where a woman realizes how hard her life is and needed to use humor to diffuse the hurt. Anyway, I thought it was creative.
wbn, the problem with #30 is that it's a scammer ad. They'd likely respond by asking you to give them your credit report because they need it for insurance purposes, and if someone is desperate enough or just not too savvy, they'd get their identity stolen at the least.
It's a WTF because it's too good to be true.
At first I thought number 3 seemed like a decent gig..nice folks, accomodations, decent pay for a live in, decent hours, etc. I was like "why WTF?" Ya know?
Buuuut I am beginning to suspect with the likes of "...added responsibilities" and such that I have been naive....
Are they seriously suggesting such a thing?
Yes, Lola, I do believe they are... the only thing missing was the ***nudge, nudge, wink, wink**. Gross!
Number 24 and number 11 I have seen here in previous WTF's
Sooo I am wondering are you (ISYN) just reprinting OR are the parents in need of Nanny's again (or still!) And they have posted the same ad on CL's?
Anyone, anyone?
i recognized them too! especially the one about the 'huggy' family who doesn't want a nanny with stds...
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