Upper East Side 21 Sycamores Park Under 59th Street Bridge
Received Tuesday, September 9, 2008.
Upper East Side 21 Sycamores Park Under 59th Street Bridge. 4:30 Tuesday, Sept 9. I just interacted with a nanny who was clearly drunk & abusive. Babysitter has dark short hair, & was wearing yellow t-shirt & khaki pants, with 2 other nannies. Her charge was a red-haired boy no more than 2. She became verbally harrassing when I told her that the boy might get hurt on the basketball court as she wasn't watching him. She then became very agitated & when I asked her if she'd been drinking she said yes! & told me to tell the boy - I was unsure if there was something else I could do - I will try to see if I recognize that boy or the other babysitters another time to reach the parents. I do not think calling the police would have been helpful but I did think of it.

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She was drunk?! That is really bad. I’m surprised she admitted to it, but maybe that is a testament to how drunk she was. I would definitely try and get in touch with the parents if possible.
I would've called the police in a heart beat!
Did she just say she was drinking because you asked?
If not I would have called the police, public intoxication is against the law.
I hope the parents see this, there have been a few times I've *wanted* to drink when I'm working but I never would actually drink while I am taking care of someone else's kid
Phoenix! I was worried about you. Did you see the really long thing I wrote to you? it's on two different threads.
OP: Next time please do call the police! If she was under the influence and unable to care for the child, he was in danger, which is exactly the time to call. Even if you think it wouldn't have been "helpful" (???), if something did happen to the child, they would have an incident report documenting her intoxication.
I did but for some reason when I was trying to reply to it, I got a glitch where my comment wouldn't post so I gave up.
I was saying that you were really close to my age a couple years off, i am actually a couple years younger than you had first assumed.
I didn't go anywhere, just been trying to get things in order for my babies to go to the doctor on friday. They have to get fixed, and I am torn between putting them through the surgery, I don't like to see them all drugged up. But they are both boys and young so it shouldn't be too bad.
I did read your post and I am writing this in vein that it will actually post to the blog.
My husband really really has toned down and is showing concern about things he never has before. Being more active and such. It was really strange when we moved into the last house is when he started this bad behavior (we lived there for 4 years) and now that we have left he is going back to the man that I fell in love with.
I am not going to jump to conclusions but there was something wrong with that place. As spiritual as I am, I avoided the issue but I knew there was something wrong. And now that I see that not only was I affected, my animals aand my step-son acted strangly in that other place.
I am hoping that my karma is going to do an upswing soon. Money has been so tight and I think I am going to go crazy. But with my raise on the horizon.... things should start looking up. I am going to try and get to my spiritualist for counseling soon. I need to have an overhaul on my soul.
How could you think calling the police would not have been helpful?
You WITNESED child endangerment.
Lets hope nothing bad happens to that boy after today and his parents see this post because you would be dealing with a hell of a load of guilt.
Phoenix, then you are my oldest son's age...which makes me feel all the more maternal about you.
I am glad to hear things are better. Just keep your eyes open for the things I mentioned and don't let yourself ever be dragged into a situation like I spoke of. AToo many young girls waste their youth by waiting for some guy to treat them better.
Good that you are going to your spiritual advisor. I would still love to hear at some point that you have visited a counselor, because there is actual science behind some of these behaviors. And I would love to hear that your husband eventually joined you in some counseling sessions. There is no shame in that. I also married young...although at the age you are now...not the age you were when you married.
We were young and immature and didn't always act right. And my husband was shades, although much less severe sounding, of what you describe your husband as being...so I sort of understand. (Plus, I had an actually abusive boyfriend once before that...so I had experience on my side when writing to you.)My husband and I eventually found our way into counseling, 14 years into our marriage, and I cannot begin to describe the night and day difference in our marriage and my happiness level...and his happiness level too...even though he would have sworn he was happy from day 1. He was just sort of a grump before...and everything somebody else's fault (usually mine.) Nothing terrible...but it was generally just draining to be with him, as he was constantly finding fault, no matter how hard I tried. Grumps are not happy people...even though they claim to be...that's why they are grumpy.
Now he's a changed person...not necessarily by choice at first, but because he knew it was the only way I was going to let him live with us...and over time, the way he HAD to act became second nature to him...and he will say to this day that he 100 ercent happier than he has ever been in his life. Because of the terrible role model his father was, he had never learned to act like a husband should toward his wife...or a father should towards his kids. The counselor taught him what was good and normal and what was wrong behavior. He actually did not know! His example was screwed up so completely. I can remember the counselor looking him sternly in the eye and saying to him, "You realize your parents are very sick people, right?" He sat there stunned for a minute, exhaled, slumped back onto the couch and said, "Yes." I kinda felt bad for him at that moment, but at the same time it was the moment when he became completely receptive to changing his own behavior.
Hold tough Phoeniz. Do not accept being treated badly for a moment. If you mean that much to him, he WILL make the necessary changes when push comes to shove. And if he won't...well then, that just shows you how much value he places on your relationship. All relationships are work. If we want to keep them, we do it. And one person cannot carry the whole burden.
I usually never question the OP's post, because I wasn't there, but this time I just have to ask why didn't you do something else? Aside from just ask her if she was drunk? I do not live in NYC, and therefore do not know if people use buses, trains, taxis, cars or whatever, but what if she had driven? How old was the little boy she was caring for? I just think that if I saw someone who was obviously intoxicated, I would have called someone. But thank you, OP, for at least posting about sighting! Hopefully someone will be able to recognize the woman!
if you are drinking and watching kids, which sadly happens more then ppl think, but in public!?
seriously thats sad and bad and makes me mad!
you should have called the cops though. Although more people then not would have just ignored it and leave it to someone else to deal with. Thats the sad truth of this world. :/. But you would have made a huge difference to this little boy if you did something about it, maybe saved him from a caregiver that really, wasn't so caring.
WHOA! Drunk? You are morally OBLIGATED to contact the authorities in that case I would think! Wow!
That's terrible! Poor boy! Who knows what a drunk nanny might do!
It's great that you, as an adult, decided it was best to let a child leave with an abusive drunk!
It's much more important to remember details in order to put them on a blog.
Please don't breed.
If some stranger got up in my face and impertinently asked me if I was drunk, I'd say yes too... it's called sarcasm.
wow there's a heck of a lot of people on here reprimanding the poor lady who witnessed this. wow, what a terrible person she is for not thinking to call the police. maybe she didn't want to or didn't think it was the best thing to do at the time!i am so glad you think you are all doing the world some good by making someone else feel bad.
not everyone really has the time to sit down and ponder situations like this that occur. unlike you all, who are sitting behind your computers so high and mighty, most of us don't have that much experience with these bizarre and scarey situations and we don't all react the same way.
you know, the op could have not even posted anything at all on here, and now she probably wishes she didn't.
people like you make me think this whole website does more harm than good.
Amen, stop the meanies.
Stop the self righteousness.
Good posting OP..though I wonder if she was just saying she was drunk simply to mockingly appease you. Sounds like that to me. Regardless, you can never be too safe. It was good to report it, even if it was only on this blog. A lot of people wouldn't even have done that.
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