At first I thought the girl had a disability, but this morning I saw her walk and sit next to the nanny, who wouldn't let her go play. The little girl always looks sad and has never been in the sandbox, on the swings or down the slide when I am there. She is always in the stroller, or - shockingly - today she was allowed to sit on the park bench. She is definitely in a bugaboo which is the color navy if I can remember correctly. I also think they live in a building on Fifth Ave. nearby.
I just wish the parents knew what a lazy, mean nanny they had!
Who knows what these parents think, but when you have an elderly overweight nanny how much playing can you think she's really doing?
poor kid. If you're there with kids of your own, maybe ask nanny if girl can play with one of your kids? Just a suggestion.
I want to slap nannies like this one! Seriously do your job, it's not that awful to get off the bench and push a child on the swings or something.
She's an old lady, what do you expect? If you want someone to chase your kids around the sandbox, hire a 22 year old.
Poor kid! I like Kelsey's suggestions - if possible, ask the nanny if she can play with your kid/charge one day.
who cares if this lady is old. the kid should still be allowed to play.
okay, I don't think this a good nanny since she doesn't exhibit that she cares about the child's developement or happiness. she wants the child to be a little old lady and be content to just sit there.
however, there really is no rule that you must take children to a playground. not all children even have access to a playground, let alone have someone to take them and chase them around.
at my previous job, i was barely allowed to take the children to the park at all because there weren't any good ones in walking distance.
at least the girl was safe nearby the nanny instead of wandering farther than the nanny is capable and willing to follow.
I'm sorry, but I don't buy the "old lady" crap. My father and mother are both 60 years old, and they do a heck of a lot more than sit on their butts when they watch my 1 and 3 year old niece and nephew.
How hard would it be for her to push the little girl on the swing? That doesn't exert much energy. OR, better yet, dig in the sand (she could even sit on her ever expanding bottom for this one. ha) She could always stand at the bottom of the slide and do little more than clap her lazy hands together: "yay" when the little-one made it down the slide. Hell, if she's feeling particularly 'frisky', she could muster the strength to do the difficult task of bouncing the child on her knee (mine as well take advantage of that bench and use it to it's fullest potential), or *gasp* she could even bring a book and sit in the grass reading to her charge! BUT, that'd actually be doing her job...
There are endless things she could do with this child without running around like an absolute mad woman, and IF she really IS in that bad of shape, than shame on HER and MOM & DAD for hiring her to work in childcare...
but again, I'm not buying it...I call LAZY, and I call it loud and clear.
p.s: Just to clarify, my statement was NOT directed at "little old lady" (I hadn't even read her post until after posting mine.) My post was directed at several of the other posters stating that she was too "elderly" to do more than sit on her bum...I'm not attempting to attack anyone, just to point out how incredibly many activities their are for someone to do who isn't "22".
I'm just not buying the whole "elderly" thing...perhaps, my in-laws and parents have caused me to see 60 year olds differently, but they are exceptionally far from their death beds! ;)
I agree with Amnesia, this is not an age issue. There are plenty of healthy active nannies and grandparents in their sixties. (And lazy slugs in their twenties). This is just a lazy uncaring faux nanny. She may lack the physical energy to do her job, but more significantly, she doesn't show any interest in interacting with the child.
I feel like slapping the parents who hire sloths to take care of their babies.
I am 65 and am raising my Grand CHildren. I also have an 18 months grandson that I watch and I can keep up with him. This may be the grand mother that is watching the little girl and maybe she has medical reasons why she isn't chasing the child around the park. It may not be that she is lazy and is helping her daugher or son out for a while. I am not sticking up for the woman but it does sound like it is time to change nanny or get one and let grandma rest at home lol
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