The nanny was a young woman with jean shorts and a black t-shirt. Her short dark hair was in a high ponytail. She was a very pretty young woman. Her three charges were a girl about 4 wearing a white skirt and floral t-shirt, a boy of about 7 or so wearing dark shorts and a dark t-shirt and a girl about 8 or 9 wearing a green shirt and shorts. The boy's name sounded like it was Jackson?
They had brought a skateboard, a HUGE frisbee (which the nanny used with the youngest girl nonstop for nearly half an hour with much laughing, squealing and encouragement!) and lots of imagination. It was so fun to glance over their way every once in a while and see them making sand angels with each other or sliding down the slide with the nanny. Yes, she used the slide WITH them! :) Everytime I saw them, the nanny was smiling, laughing and talking to the kids in such a neat way. The children were genuinely happy to have her interact with them, and she did it in such a loving way that I'm sure they felt like the most loved kids in the world!
Whoever the lucky parents are to have this young woman taking care of their children are very lucky ~ she is a gem!
What a wonderful nanny. I can just picture all the smiles and giggling. Thanks for sharing. I sure hope mom & dad know how lucky they are to have her.
Agreed, sydney! A wonderful story! :)
So nice to have a good sighting! Yay for good nannies!
Love the good sightings - thanks for sharing!
This is the norm on the rare occassions I see nannies in my area. It's a shame that this is considered such a GEM OF A NANNY...those bad nannies give the rest of us such a bad name.
Nice sighting, OP.
I don't spot many nannies in the area I live ~ but even if I did, she'd STILL be a GEM OF A NANNY! :)
It is hard to put into words just how wonderful she was - I NEVER saw her without one of the kids attached at the hip, having a great time ~ and we were there for around 2 1/2 hours! This lady should win a top nanny award HANDS DOWN! Being a first-time poster, I also forgot to say the sighting was Saturday evening around 6:45.
OP this nanny sounds like ours. She takes the kids to the beach and builds sandcastles and plays frisbee with them and they have a ball. My kids never one time have complained about her.
I have come home early from work and watched them play in the back yard or walk in and it is so nice and quiet with kids doing homework and her helping them. There are great nannies out there and it is basically just a few bad ones that
bring out the distrust in parents.
We also have a great Asian Nanny right down the street and it is like watching 3 kids play instead of a nanny and 2 kids lol
So many of us are blessed with the people we have that care for our kids.
OP, we must nearly be neighbors - I live less than 2 miles from Lindbergh Park! Glad you saw a great nanny in action.
(posting again b/c I didn't see that anonymous comments will be deleted)
What a wonderful sighting -- thank you so much for sharing this. We've been blessed with two great nannies of very different ages and styles, but they both had that deep down pleasure in being with young kids and so much patience that they seemed not to feel there was anything to be patient with! I'm a loving and involved mom, but I can't stay as in tune and upbeat as they did for so many hours on end! It really is a gift to the kids, and now that I have quit work to be home with my son I find myself constantly trying to live up to their example!
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