M-104 Bus heading South in NYC
Received Friday, July 11, 2008
Yesterday, (Thurs. July 10th) at about 3 or 4 pm on the M-104 bus going south in Manhattan, way at the back of the bus I saw a nanny sitting near a young boy and a girl of about 11 who I think was the nanny's daughter. The boy and girl were seated together, with the nanny seated nearby but paying no attention to them. The girl began to tease the little boy by hitting his leg and smiling, but when he began to hit her back, smiling also, she turned away -- I think she was deliberately provoking him -- and so he began to tap her more insistently. He wasn't at all hitting her or doing this in a hostile way -- he was trying to play with her. The nanny suddenly noticed what he was doing, lunged over toward him and yanked him by the arm so hard that he was rubbing it afterward. She almost slammed him into the back seat of the bus next to him and reprimanded him very harshly. He looked bewildered and then very withdrawn, as though he was used to this treatment. I tried to say something to the nanny -- that the girl had been playing with him -- but she was very irritable and did not listen to me. I felt very, very sorry for the sweet little boy. For identification purposes, the little boy was slim, white, had glasses, maybe 3 or 4 years old, and the nanny was black, somewhat overweight but not obese. The girl was pre-adolescent and also black.

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Isn't strange how the kids are always slim, sweet and white and the nannies are always fat, mean and black.
Wow - poor kid, nanny should have been paying attention to him, maybe then she'd have noticed he had a little game goin with the little gilr.
anon 9:39, that was unnecessary.
OP: What made you think the adult was a nanny to the boy? It sounds to me like these two children could be school friends with an advesarial relationship.
I doubt it: re-read the post, it says the boy was a pre-schooler and the girl was a pre-teen.
Here we go again with how can you prove she's a nanny?
So what if she wasn't? Maybe, just maybe, the parent might read this blog and find the discription matching her childs situation and be able to address her nanny, or a friend who pickep up her child, housekeeper or who ever it was and prevent the child from being treated like that again!
We know by now that people post all kind of stuff here about teachers or grand parents. If you don't have anything intellegent to say then go read another blog!
And for the record, the anonymous idiot who posted the first comment... Go back to your trailor with your nasty comments. I've read plenty of postings with attractive or slim nannies as the good/bad person.
Sorry, I totally missed the age of the little boy.
Best ISYN quote so far today:
"Go back to your trailor..."
I'm going to hazard a guess and say that the Nanny didn't much like the little boy "picking" on her daughter, and that's why she jerked him up the way she did. It's quite pathetic though, being the girl was so much older and bigger, and they were evidently playing anyway.
I would love for the little boy's Mom to find out about this and jerk a knot in the Nannies .....
oh, you know what I mean.
.... and I'm sorry, but 9:39, please tell me you didn't just say that?
I've seen quite a few posters describe Nannies as attractive and thin, nice outfits, great hair ....
Come on now.
Umass, I thought you might appreciate that. My fav yet was this woman I saw at a gas station on my way to chicago recently who had a shirt that read: if you mess with me you mess with my whole trailor! I've never laughed that hard!
Trailer Park Rules:
1. No cars up on blocks for longer than three weeks.
2. No changing your oil in the street.
3. No loud and wild parties without inviting the manager.
4. You may have no more than 3 beer can wind chimes each only having no more than 6 cans each.
5. Drunkenness will not be tolerated in the streets prior to 10 am.
6. While outside of your trailer you must be at least partially clothed.*
7. If you prefer to clean your trailer in the nude, please close the curtains. *
8. When bringing in the Jerry Springer or COPS film crews, please provide the management prior written notice so that certain residents may be forewarned.
9. Empty beer bottles should not be discarded on the front lawn. However, they may remain there until you are sober enough to collect them with the understanding you will collect them within 7 days whether sober or not.
10. When bringing dates home to your trailer, please be advised that in the event the sidewalks need to be repaired or replaced due to the weight of your date, you will be responsible for all cost incurred.
Note* (Exemptions to rules 6 & 7 may be provided to women between the ages of 18 and 35. Please submit a photograph to the manager for approval.)
Following these simple rules should make your stay in our trailer park more enjoyable for everyone.
I know, it's bad. Hee-hee.
That post is so sad....that poor little boy! It always amazes me how mean caregivers can be. In most cases, it is probably due to burn out. I know these nannies get worked pretty hard with all the long hours and such. Not that this justifies this kind of behavior - it is just sad.
12:50-That was great! Not sure how we got off the subject of the post onto the trailer trash comments, but what MPP said was funny.
This little boy shouldn't have been treated like this. No child should. This nanny sounds obnoxious and mean-I'm sure her daughter will grow up to be like her.
poor little puddin'. :(
i'm not sure... i feel like often [NOT ALWAYS] the bad nannies are described as "big and [insert non-white color here]" or more often just as big women. obviously if the situation is as the OP describes the nanny was overly harsh with the little boy, but i'm not sure why everyone must jump all over 9:39's comment because she notices a trend here. i notice it, too.
i look forward to any and all flames! =)
gabriela, et al,
In Seattle, you might notice a trend with the forecast, it is often overcast or cloudy with a chance of rain.
this blog is ny centric.
a ny photographer did a whole show on nannies of brooklyn. guess what adjectives would be used to describe these women??
Real world:
The photographer was making artistic choices. He chose not to photograph skinny Caucasian nannies like me.
Marissa why don't YOU go back to your corner and get to work.
MPP, you would know all about trailer park rules huh?
Really Marissa dear, anyone who who whines about wanting her boobs enlarged shouldn't be commenting about anyone else.
"MPP, you would know all about trailer park rules huh?"
8:16 PM
Why, do you need a copy of them dear?
HOW many caucasian nannies are there in brooklyn? I don't know but I would bet jamaican nanies outnumber caucs by 100- 1.
I mean come on. Artistic choices?
I live in NY. I know what your average nanny looks like.
I know there are some caucasian nannies but if the photographer took time to hunt your dumb asses down, he'd probably be so frustrated with bitching and moaning that he'd have to slap you.
You idiot! You walked right into that one! ROFLMAO!!
I'm the OP. and was shocked by the first comment. Did you think I was making up the identifying characteristics? If you lived in NY (or maybe any major urban area), you would know that it's not only not unusual that nannies are minorities and children are white, it would be truly, wildly unusual to find a situation where the races are reversed. That's the facts, people, in the country we live in, for social and economic reasons I assume you already know about. So I resent the implication that I was faking a large black woman and a sweet, white little boy when I was just hoping these identities would somehow alert the parents of the kid who was treated like this. He seemed so intimidated by his caretaker, it wrung my heart.
Please don't let these a-holes get to you. You did a good thing!!!
hmmm Op, I went back and read the first comment and didn't see where there was any implication that you made anything up. All that commenter did was point out something that's very common throughout the threads here. The comment didn't call OP or anyone else any names yet, you people never fail to disappoint on this site. Anyone who dares step outside of the sheep mentality here that praises Jane and her flock of regulars gets attacked. And you guys call other people trolls, this blog is loaded with them.
9:22 I have no idea what you are talking about. I did step in something that ressembled you the other day though....
MPP, you already know this, but don't let 8:16/9:50/9:51 get to you. She's still just pissed at having been firmly booted from that other thread yesterday.
Okay I rarely post here, but feel the need. I don't live in NY, but I do see a trend of nannies who are not of caucasian descent. Not that it is a bad thing, but a lot are coming from other countries or trying to make a living. People on here are constantly asking for better descriptions of the nanny or the children. I see no problem with what the op described honestly in my opinion. I probably would not describe someone's weight on here unless it was very noticeable because that is just something I wouldn't personally do because of how I was brought up and no my family is not big. Okay attack away. I don't care, but this is getting out of hand on this thread.
There goes Cali Mom ASSunming again.
I have no idea what thread you are talking about. I didn't get booted off of anywhere the other day.
Uh huh. Okay. Sure. ***nods***.
I'm the OP again. It's true that the first commenter didn't literally say I was faking the races of the nanny and child, but what do you think "Isn't strange how the kids are always slim, sweet and white and the nannies are always fat, mean and black" actually mean? That isn't a neutral comment about the imbalance in race between employers and employees due to class differences -- I'd be fine with that, in fact I agree it's not a pretty part of our society. But the way it was put was insulting to me as someone who cares about racial issues and economic issues too -- as if my description was biased or stereotypical. I really don't see how else you can read that comment.
As for my reference to the nanny's weight, I thought it was obvious that I wasn't putting her down for it, just trying to identify her in case someone recognized those involved -- isn't that what this site is for?
Druggie? Hmmmm. Guess I should go real slow with this since you don't seem to get it.
It's. A. Play. On. Words.
Get it?
I guess I'm the only one left that you've failed to attack ... although I don't know what I could've done to unleash the Beast, but if you find going at me gives you the cheap thrill you enjoy, have at it.
I know I am loved around here ....
and you just can't stand that, huh?
What a jealous monster you must be. Picking on a poster that never gets involved in any of the fracas around here.
Trust me. I have a life. A great life. And being a part of what this site stands for is part of that.
Sorry if you can't appreciate that.
12:35 So then, above and beyond any poster on this blog, this must be your life? Your REAL life! You accused MPP of not having a real life, but we all know that she does! You, however, turned around and admitted your devotion to and obsession with this blog, posting away all day and all night under multitudes of monikers. You certainly must have the most posts on here of anyone. I think I'll suggest to JD that she list you at the top of commenters where you belong, along with a moniker I feel would be the most fitting for you, i.e., anonymous Asswipe#1.
Oh, and in case you don't know it, you're SICK. The Sprak has spoken.
Gotta love the sprak!
You may use different monikers, but I highly doubt you are any one of the people that post often enough around here that anybody cares about. Why you ask? Because I doubt you are capable of being real enough for anyone to like you!
So, what was she wrongfully accused of that she didn't admit for herself? If she has posted as many posts and spent as much time making trouble on this blog as she claims then she definitely deserves the Anonymous Asswipe#1 title and NOT you. So, get over it.
(Ah, but then when you're #2, it's said that you try harder.)
Sprak, you are just angry because you and your BBF think you know everything and this time someone proved..you don't!
Go ahead with the oh so clever name calling..no one would beleive it was you if you changed your MO now!
See honey, the point is, your s@#t stinks just like everyone else's!
"Nite! I'M done!
I will sleep well knowing the almighty sprak is human afterall!Boy that feels good! Pass it on to your BFF K?
Yes, perhaps after a good night's sleep, you can reread my post and figure out that it was "in response" to 12:35 and was my first post on this thread. So, if you aren't 12:35, butt out. Bye bye, idiot.
okay..nite-nite sprak! dreams!
The reason people post anonymous is because they have no back bone or personality. I wish jane would make this a site where you need a profile to be able to comment. Because its hard to want to bitch slap some anonymous loser who has a "comment".
And for the record, at least people like calimom, mpp or sprak stand by a name so there is really is no reason to pick on them. They stand for something they believe in. Some of you are pathetic- is there really a need to insult any of them like that? They add personality and wit to this blog if you don't like it go read somewhere else! And if any of you have a problem with my blog, I'll say it on this blog or in your face- screw you flamers!
That would be nice Marissa, except if Jane were to make us register and do profiles, etc., yes I think it would knock down the bashing, but it would probably slow down traffic to this site, too.
We'll just have to put up with the anonymous losers who have nothing better to do than to start trouble here .... and then duh, always blame it on the regulars that are only trying to defend themselves. There was a lot of bashing going on last night that was totally unprovoked.
It's so tiresome. Some people need a friggin' life.
"I AM THE ONE WHO GOT BOOTED OFF YESTERDAY..not the above poster that you are ganging up on!
She told you as much and you still went after her!!"
I recognize your typing and believe that you're not the one that caused the trouble on this thread yesterday. Were you the one that also said that you didn't resort to calling anyone names other than bitch or something?
I guess my point is, there's an edge of cruelty to 12:35 that I don't understand. I don't know what would possess someone to start so much trouble with posters that did nothing to them.
"My point..I was gone and you STILL gang up & pick fights with people!!"
The problem here is that this poster started it with the trailer park comment against mpp. Now tell me, when has mpp ever caused any trouble around here?
"You are always starting flame wars!
It is ridiculous!"
I don't see where any of them started this one. I think full credit should go to 12:35.
And unfortunately, like you, I can believe the mass of different monikers, too. But I'm not sure that any of them would be someone that posts regularly enough that they would have any of us actually recognize and like them. They don't have the capacity to be kind enough to draw another reader in.
Anyway, just my thoughts.
well jane, I see once again, you pulled my post and all I did was let Cm & Sprak know that allthough they assummed I was the one causing problems on this thread, that they were indeed wrong.The fight they engaged in was not with me..allthough CM was insistent it was me! They were picking on someone other than myself, who, yes was booted from the thread the previous day.
Not sure why you felt the need to remove.
It was a direct reply to CM's accusation and it was in no way threatening or obscene.
Very dissapointing!
If you will note, one of your "regulars" agrees..they are two distinct writing styles..
so what gives? Why erase it?
Are we not allowed to defend ourselves unless we have a moniker now?
marrissam, your moniker is just as anonymous as anyone else's.
No-one knows who you are, you can still post anonymous simutaneously and you can also create a second moniker if you choose.
In fact, several regulars do it all the time as can be seen if you pay close attention to writing habits and philosophical points of veiw.
So really, what is the diffrence ?
please explain.
uhh..okay anon 909am???
nice monker!Very original.
I was the one that wrote the earlier post to you. I think the problem is that there were so many hateful posts last night, it makes it difficult to discern who was who. I'm not saying I agree with you, but I do understand.
However, you do seem to have some kind of vendetta against cali mom and sprak, and every chance you get you blast them. None of the back and forth is right, and yes, some of them add to it. But it's kind of hard not to defend yourself when someone is being so nasty, you know?
"If you will note, one of your "regulars" agrees..they are two distinct writing styles.."
Anyway, in your letter to Jane, you said a regular agreed with you. What makes you think I'm a regular? Just curious ....
Now, now. There is a difference here between "anonymous" posters, and "anonymous losers", who just want to cause trouble, ok.
I can't even make it through all the comments on this thread without laughing. Some of us here [and I didn't say that that didn't include me] need to get LIVES. I mean, ladies, come on--trailer trash jokes and fights about who Jane likes best?
Also, I find it really disappointing that most of the comments on this thread have TOTALLY overlooked the plain fact that a young boy was put into a situation which the OP thought wasn't right, one she felt the need to report in order to inform the parents that SOMEONE, be it Nanny, Auntie, Babysitter, Neighbor, etc, was doing something she felt was wrong. Isn't that the whole point of this site? This whole post/comment thread has turned into a huge, pretty ridiculous, catfight.
And you just added to the ridiculousness by putting in your two cents, huh?
Who says that this blog has to be all about sadness and pain? Why can't an ocassional post be made just to add a little lightness and humour? Don't be so uptight, eh?
Who says that this blog has to be all about sadness and pain? Why can't an ocassional post be made just to add a little lightness and humour? Don't be so uptight, eh?
Hey everybody: good news!!! My little girl has added one more word to her vocabulary! She says "Dwaco!!!" (Draco)
She's sooo brilliant!!! :) :) :)
umass, whn my girl was in preschool she called lord voldemort *lord bulletin board*. :)
and i agree. jackhole was not the anonymous one starting trouble on this thread. jackhole has a really identifiable writing style.
That's scary then. That means we have more than one person in attack mode?
Congrats, Umass! How cute!
lololol lord bulletin board!!!! now that is very hilarious!!! :)
It is, lol.
12:17 if you have been around long enough to feel I have a "Vendetta" against CM & Sprak, then you are a regular.Atleast I would consider anyone having knowledge of the situation aregular.
Maybe my last post gives me away as a regular, but I didn't think the first one did, but anyway - I'm glad that you recognize that I am one and would hope you realize we're not all bad guys.
I don't even think some of those you go after are bad guys, I just think it's differing opinions that start it maybe and then digs are made? I don't know. Maybe you could enlighten me. I really want to know why you are so mad.
I'm pretty sure by your writing style when I'm reading a post of yours (as you suggest, some posters styles are very distinct) - and I've found myself agreeing with quite a few of your opinions, so I just wondered if it was if others disagreed or something.
I'm impressed anyone here has the patience and interest needed to read "anonymous" rants against "named" posters. And if you have the level of interest needed to id varied writing styles...I am, honestly, amazed.
Anonymous rants tend to bore me very badly.
826..when you can, check out the Madison square post:
MY anon story of a mommy who resorts to spanking a middle child.
I am attacked by LL with words like "grab a belt" and "monster" &"You CHOOSE to HIT your kid"
Simply because she disagrees with someones method of discipline.
I respond, and yes, am addmittedly angry at being called a monster with a belt .
Then here comes Calimom with words and phrases like"forced to hit your child" and "domestic abuser"
again because she disagrees with spanking.
How about agreeing to disagree.
I am sure they both feel passionately about the subject. Just as I do.
However,there are ways to post that passion without calling names and making someone out to be a monster or abusive parent.
Their posts continually put people on the defense and then when someone replies or rebutts..they are accussed of starting a war.
See, I can appreciate your being honest with me like this. You're telling me all of this started with a post of yours, and you've been angry about it since then, right?
Now, just to make sure -- you were the one booted from the thread yesterday, right?
You seem so normal, and I'm not trying to patronize you, (because I know you've been called so many names) but if this was you, how come you made the comments to cali mom about knowing where she lived or whatever? Was it just another way to sort of "call her out"? I know what it feels like to be jumped on for nothing, so I do understand where you're coming from.
Do you remember the date of the Madison square post? To make it easier for me to find?
I do thank you for talking to me like this.
anonymous jackhole, you're completely out of your mind. i asked you a QUESTION on that thread:
"what will you do when your magic bullet no longer works? spank harder? grab a belt and turn yourself in to a monster?"
you didn't answer. is it because you're already using your belt? if not, why would you take that comment as a personal insult? i don't personally spank my kids, however, i am not one to get especially worked up if people swat their child with an open hand in the privacy of their own home. in fact, i do believe i've stated that before on this very forum. i've posted on several spanking debate forums and i currently run and operate one. believe me, my anti-spanking position is pretty darn mild compared to many others. now, if you ARE already *grabbing a belt*, then hell yes, i DO think you are a child abuser and a monster. i'm not going to *agree to disagree* about people abusing children by hitting them with implements.
as for the fact that you cannot seem to comprehend that by spanking you are, in fact, CHOOSING to hit your child, then what can i say? you're not living in reality.
i do wonder why this has to be rehashed on multiple threads just to feed your agenda. it seems to me that you are the one who can't handle people disagreeing or disapproving of what you do, not calimom or myself. honestly, i couldn't care less what you think about my parenting and nothing you can say about it it can UPSET me to the point where i spend all day posting about it. if you dislike us so much, why do you care what we write at all? just roll your eyes and move on.
Yes LindaLou, anonymous jackhole clearly CANNOT read. Maybe from being smacked around the head with a belt one too many times by her parents because she "forced" them to do that to her. It does sound as though she is freely admitting that she DOES use a belt to beat her kids, and THAT does indeed make her a domestic abuser.
Jackhole, why don't you just chase your kids down Main Street whipping off your belt and cracking it at them and see if CPS will "agree to disagree" with you that belting kids is ok. Because sometimes they "force" you to do it, of course.
Here we go again, here comes tweedle dumb and tweedle dumber....
And there went Tweedle-Tw*t.
1041 I will not go into the post regarding knowing cm as everytime I do I am booted off the thread. CM & I live in the same area. That is all I will say.
Sorry but I have No desire to get kicked off again.
As for normal..that is a broad range to define.Normal can mean so many things in so many different eyes.
I will tell you, my post was turned into some type of hysteria.
Just like a mommy who spanks her child..now being called a monster or domestic abuser by both you know who's on the Madison Square thread! hysteria..that is all it is.They do not let up.
I however am done..with them atleast.
I see that while I was gone they got into it with another blogger...that will always be the case.
My post was not eery or threatening. It was me discovering something and posting it almost as if a lightbulb went off in my head.
And even after being asked to produce personal info(about another blogger) by someone herself, I refused to do so on a public blog. My post was me thinking outloud and never a threat or meant to be anything other than that.That is afterall, what blogging is..thinking outloud.
several regulars took it too far and I fell for it!
I enjoy this forum and will continue to post, I will no doubt continue to be called names by those with nothing more clever to offer....funny I guess that has become "normal" for this site.
enjoy your blogging!
Yes, the bay Area is a quite populous place. So you may live "in the same area" as I do. But you're still lying if you claim to know me. Say the last name of our "mutual aquaintance". No one can possiby claim that as being too much "personal info". But you can't do it.
cm..here is an idea..lets stay far away from each other on this site..that way everyone can enjoy the blog and not have to get caught up in all of this ridiculous drama..my post was in response to someone else and Not aimed at you.
I no longer wish to be involved in this melo-dramtic crap.
Lets both agree to move on.
This is ridiculous.
still can't answer my question, eh jackhole?
1:13, I'm afraid I am now a bit confused. Your post saying that you "knew" me and who I was and implying all sorts of things about me, my parenting, and what everyone else who supposedly knew me felt about me was NOT aimed at me? Who was it aimed at then?
cm, the above post that just got you all riled up is the one I was speaking of.
anon 1041 asked me a question and I answered it.. with my post at 113..it was not aimed at you or written to you but to another poster with a question. That is the post I was refrerring to not being aimed at you.
Lindalou and Cali mom
I really love you guys, but I really was trying to find out why this person in particular was so angry, and always seeming to go after certain posters. I don't think she was doing anything but being honest here, I don't know why the two of you had to get into the middle of it like you did.
This really wasn't necessary, it really wasn't.
I thought if I could find out exactly what was prompting the anger from this person, maybe things would calm down around here.
To 1:47
Please do not retaliate. I know you're upset they got into our conversation, but just leave it alone.
Sorry then, but this is a public board, and if someone is talking ABOUT me, I will talk to them if I choose to, and not pretend I didn't see what they wrote. And since you are still insisting at 1:13 that you know me and know where I live, who I am, etc, I will insist that you are lying. if you don't like what I have to say, then skip it. I sign my posts so my name shows up BEFORE my comment.
LL..I will never answer your questions. You and I are done!
That is my decision and you have to live with it!
I have nothing to say to you.so stop wasting time with your antogonizing questions.
If cm is able to agree to move on and stay away from each other..fabulous.. that is between her & I..you need to butt out and stop trying to start crap!
My post at 1:52 was meant for 1:13/1:47.
1:50 i wasn't even posting on this thread when jackhole chose to mention me BY NAME, thereby bringing me in to it. that was her choice. i generally post on topics that interest me. i don't seek her out.
jakchole, trust me. you've answered in your own way. :::puke::: i'll continue to respond to the posts that interest me as i see fit. if you don't want to interact with me, then stop bringing my name in to things i'm not involved in, you incredible nitwit.
Cali mom
Understood. I didn't know it would be something personal to this person like a post she had put up and what got her so upset was the responses from it. At least we know now why she's so angry! It's a perfectly legitimate reason --- spanking is a very sensitive issue to some people. I do NOT bellieve in it, so I get why you and Lindalou were so upset. All I was trying to do was engage another poster here that just always seemed to have a problem with certain people, and I have to admit that I appreciated her honesty, and not getting nasty with me too. That made her more of a person to me, and not as bad as she's always made out to be.
Can you go along with this and agree to disagree like she said?
LL and CM
This is my fault. I had no idea what her answer might've been. I don't want you two upset. She was only answering my question.
No need to call names.
i'm not the least bit upset.
are you asking if i can *agree to disagree* about whether or not hitting a child with a belt is okay? i'll let that one go when pigs fly jets. ;)
I've said all I'll say for now on the spanking debate, but if someone is going to say something ABOUT me, I won't ignore it just because they didn't say it TO me. And if someone is going to lie, I'll call them on it if they can't prove their claims. I'll read what I want here and post where I want here, and as I said, anyone who wants to skip everything I have to say is perfectly able to do so if they choose.
I'm sorry I brought this crap up like I did, I had no idea it was personal like that. I will let it go, but I do appreciate your honesty about it.
Thanks for our frank discussion.
No, I wasn't talking about the spanking debate. I was talking about this discussion and every other disagreement that turns into a flame war. That's all.
I was only trying to figure out what she so mad about. I thought if I could get her to tell me why, maybe things would calm down around here. Maybe it was stupid of me to bring this up, but it would've only erupted into another fight again some other time. I just thought if she had one person understand why she was so pissed all the time it would stop being so ugly around here. I meant no harm to any of you.
Thanks anon for the chat. I am sorry we were interupted but afterall, it is a public blog.
My grandma always said "it takes two to Tango." And frankly, I am no longer intersted in dancing.
In this group of 3 it seems only one wants to move on at this point.
All I can do is surmise form the posts above that the others are unwilling or able to do so at this time.They have that right and I will MMOB when we cross paths on any future blogs.
I however, refuse to be a part of it any longer. I asked and that is all I can do.
Nite and best to you..thanks again.
Thank you 2:16. I will keep my eye out for you.
Behave. :)
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