
Murray Ave School in Larchmont,NY

Received Monday, March 31, 2008
nanny sighting logo I saw your nanny put your child in physical danger this afternoon, (3/31). Pick up is CRAZY at school with parents double parking in front and there is a lot of traffic in front of the school at dismissal. I saw your nanny driving a silver Volvo SUV with at least one older child in the front seat park ACROSS the street from school and allow your child to cross oncoming and opposing traffic to get into the car. He really did not even look both ways. As I said this street is VERY busy at dismissal and he could have easily been hit by someone coming, going or pulling away from the front of the school. The nanny was young looking with long curly brown hair in a ponytail and looked Hispanic the boy was at least a second grader and had longer hair kind of scruffy with a grey long sleeved t-shirt and jeans. I looked at her completely aghast and she quickly rolled up the window and looked away,seemingly knowing what she did was incredibly stupid and dangerous. Perhaps you should tell her to come early so she can park properly, as the rules state. Also there normally is a police officer circling the school and she could have gotten in serious trouble for that. Parking improperly is one thing but endangering a child on a busy street is absolutely unacceptable


Anonymous said...

There is NO EXCUSE for this kind of behavior. A 2nd grader is in no way capable of crossing a busy street unaided. A 5th grader, maybe, but a 2nd grader, no.

Are you a parent at this school? If so, keep an eye out for the nanny, and if she does it again, get her tags and report her, if not to the police then to the school office.

Anonymous said...

Heh. Sounds like about 2 thirds of the moms I see when I pick my daughter up from her school. And don't tell me I don't know if they are the moms, I am on the PTA board. Disgraceful.

Anonymous said...

What ever happened to crossing guards? In my town, they have a crossing guard almost at every crossway. Theres a crossing guard right outside of the school. To cross kids over when they leave. Because of the same problem with cars doing illegal things.

Anonymous said...

Isee the same thing a school pick ups. Double park and just sit there and let the little kids cross on their own. What really fies me and when they roll down the window and tell the little person to "hurry up". . I have gotten back in the car with my kids, and waited for 10 mintues to get out so some one else can park because they rude people will not move. Maybve we should be telling the school about this. It could be stopped that before someone hits one of the children.!

Anonymous said...

To the OP: why don't you print out your original posting and hang it up at the school near the main office, or ask people whose nanny this is? If you have friends at the school, surely someone will know this family?

We're at Chatsworth, by the way.

Thanks for posting and good luck.

Anonymous said...

I wouldn't go that far, as to putting this posting up on the school bullentin. But there should be a notice put out to ALL families/nannies picking up children. The do's and don'ts. Some people just don't get it. Or actually letters sent home to the families, about the problems with parking, and crossings

Anonymous said...

I agree. My son's school did this at the beginning of the year, sending home notices to everyone. They have very strict safety guidelines about their pick-up/drop-off rules.

I've seen many a parents ass get handed to them on a platter if they don't follow them, lol.

Anonymous said...

To 11:22, wake up. Of course multiple notices have been sent out by the PTA and/or school administration. People just don't pay attention to these notices. If they can get away with something that saves them 3-7 minutes when they're late, they'll take chances.

Furthermore, sometimes the notices don't make it to the nannies and only the parents end up reading it.

Anonymous said...

Why don't you email your sighting to I just learned of that website, and surely they would link up with your Murray Ave. School sighting on this nanny blog!