Physical description of involved child/children: there where 3 children, the oldest (3 yrs) was blonde hair blue eyes and wearing a orange and blue striped polo with khaki shorts, the middle (2 yrs) was in a navy blue and grey jumper/romper with black curley hair and the youngest was (1 yr) blonde baby fuzz hair and blue eyes. I know the ages because I heard her talking to a mother, the two older ones are boys and the youngest a girl
Address or venue of observed incident: at the park on Fairbank Rd in Sudbury, MA.
Date and time of incident: today (Tuesday Sept 4th early to mid morning/before 10am)
Detailed description of what you witnessed:The nanny followed the 2 boys around yelling encouragement with lots of "yays" and high fives, she played in the sand box, on the swings, and assisted the boys in climbing up a ladder like part of the jungle gym (which I thought was too advanced for their size) but they made it up without injury. She talked to one or 2 other moms there but cut conversations short, she was constantly in motion. During this whole time she held the infant in her arms. When it was time to go she gave them a 2 minute warning and waited at the gate after telling them it was time to leave, she waited at the gait to show them she meant it and the boys quickly fell in line and held her hand. I was impressed at not only how well they listened as they stood inbetween the car and her as she loaded them in but as to how well she handled them. I can barely do it with one child, and to see her so young with 3 little ones was a nice surprise. I hope to find a nanny like her, after horror stories nannies like this give you hope. Whoever employs her, I just want to say congratulations on finding a good one. Description of vehicle, bag, stroller that may aid in identifying involved caregiver: she had a black mini suv, a toyota or honda something that size
Great post. Nice to read about good sightings. Its ashame no one seems to care about the good sightings. You didn't even get any response to your posting
I think its great that someone so young can take on that kind of responsibility and the children respect her. That is great. Way to go!!!!
awww a positive story. I love it!
This is my nanny! I won't tell her name or ours as if anyone steals her I will kick there butt! She has been with us since my 3 year old was 7 months and she is more than a sister to me. I love her so much. She is the best and is the linch pin that holds my family and life together. Thank you so much for telling me! I know she is the best and loves my kids more than anything, but to see it here, sent by someone anonymous means too much to me. Please keep up the good work and report these things!
To employer of nanny
Lucky, you. I hope you are a great employer to her. She sounds great. You must feel so happy to have read this. Most of the stories I read on here are bad it seems. A nice change.
You should get her a small gift of appreciation. Or have your kids make her something
She definitely deserves a gift or something.
Congratulations on finding such a good nanny. Treasure her. I hope my new one turns out as good.
--a fellow mom of 3
I have worked with young children over 10 years now.. In many settings, As a Lead Teacher/Teacher in a childcare center, as a sitter and as a nanny.. There are many wonderful and educated caregivers out there. You just have to look .. I am happy this family found a good match !! For all the families that have not been so lucky.. Don’t give up!
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