I just had to share this sighting with you. It wasn't good or bad, just unbelievable. A young, Hispanic Nanny, thin and petite pushing a Red Double stroller. (Liner of stroller had circular design, also in red). The nanny was pushing the stroller down 94th. Street in NYC on Saturday, february 24 at approximately 3:30 PM AND she had two leashes which she had attatched to TWO Pomeranian looking dogs. The streets were packed, and she had to manage all of this? I would love to have met her employers. The nerve!- LS, NYC
Should a Catholic family hire a Seventh Day Adventist nanny or is it asking for trouble in terms of too many differences? I am interviewing her today and I wonder if she will accept working on Saturday's if need be. -Anonymous
How to Hire a Nanny ... click here to read the article By Betty Davis at Parenthood.com
Secret recordings, like tapes from nanny cams sometimes used to bring charges, are often very difficult to interpret.... click here to continue reading Stephen Mamber's Newsday Article.
Understanding the nanny tax.... click here to read The Motley Fool article by Dan Caplinger
I have never known a Seventh Day Adventist who would take a position that required her to work on Saturdays.
so you prescreend this nanny briefly by phone and in that time she says she is 7th day adventist. did you in prescreen tell her about your job requirements? or were you onesided like so many employers? 7th day adventist go to church services on saturday. i think by scheduling an interview with this woman, you have wasted your time and hers. if you are going to take the time to prescreen on the phone, know that it is okay to hear what she expects.
Christina Crawford: [Christina lectures her baby dolls after making Joan mad] You were very, very bad to wake Mommie up like that. VERY naughty. I told you, Mommie has to be beautiful today. This afternoon, she has to see MISTER MAYER. Today is so important. You are thoughtless and selfish. You must learn to think about other people. You are bad, bad spoiled children.
homage to mommie dearest on Bravo?
My pers. fav is "Don't you dare judge me!"
really enjoyed the article on nanny cams, esp the desacription of mom and nanny on the camera at the same time.
Why not just ask her about working Saturdays? As far as beliefs causing differences, that would depend on your expectations of the nanny as far as educating your children. I am a Jehovah's Witness nanny who works for a family who practices Hinduism; needless to say, VERY different beliefs :) We have a wonderful working relationship...
No wire hangers!!!!!!!!!!1
The saturday question should have been asked as soon as the OP learned she was Seventh Day Adventist.
My town has a large 7th Day population. They tend to be a devout group, serious about their convictions. Unless you ask her directly, you will not know for sure, but if she is true to her religion I would guess the answer to be "no".
Are Saturday's your only concern? Do you know their beliefs about people who worship on any day but Saturday? Non Saturday worshipers are damned and going to hell. That would be more of a concern to me - having her teach my child she is hellbound.
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