Nanny with a high emphasis on Person Assistant (60/40) (Armonk)
....Generally, in the nanny capacity, you should provide astute supervision, all the while encouraging the children to act responsibly and to maintain their dignity. As parents, my wife and I are strict. ....
and ...Our ideal candidate will possess a love of photography....
Is the cleavage a selling point? Accepting Applications for Nanny available 9/1 (Norwalk)
Read something worthy of a mention? Leave us a link, we'll include it next time.
"To properly assess each candidate, we are asking that you take a skills assessment test. If you are not willing to take a skills assessment or if you think you may fail said skills assessment, please do not respond."
Are they serious?
I think they've got a lot of nerve. They can't even spell "licence" right, lol!
What is a "skills assessment test"?
They make an SUV sound like a semi-why not have each applicant take a driving test? Reminds me of an epsiode of "The Brady Bunch" when Marcia and Greg were trying to see who was the better driver, and they drove on the obstacle course. *LOL*
OK, so they want a chaueffer, a secretary and photographer? Exactly where is the nanny job in this?
That was one of my favorite episodes!!!
Greg's driving was classic when he broke the egg. *LOL* Imagine driving that huge Chevy?
I loved Greg. I wanted to do him fifty different ways.
I had a thing for Peter. I used to call my brother "Peter" when I was a kid. *LOL*
"Ow, my nose!"
Yep. That was my favorite episode. The one where Marcia got pinged by Greg's football, lol.
Doug Simpson.
"big man on campus!"
Something suddenly came up!!
Yes, the cleavage is a selling point.
dad, LMAO..that was funny!
in responce to your cleavage post- how dare you post a picture of an innocent woman in search of employment!
you're a jerk, OP.
OMGoodness..(MN) Breasts are really causing quite a stir today for someone..and if a women wants to show some major cleavege while posting for employment on a public forum, she is no doubt going to get some feedback.
She is obviously proud of her not so "little friends" !!
I have breastess. Big bootiful ones, too! :)
5:50, is that you, BLB? You figured out how to link your moniker in blue?
And hey, YOU got the butt, and I got the boobs! Lmao!
They also misspelled assesment (assessment),savy (savvy),tranfer (transfer),and mimimum (minimum). Idiots.
I think I'm the OP.
I'm confused, Jane? Op of what? You didn't write this CL ad looking for a nanny, did you?
Jane Doe, that was wrong of you to link to that womans listing looking for a job.
This blog has at least 2 posters, if not more, that regularly contribute ads from CL. I highly doubt Jane dug those up herself. She may have posted them, but usually somebody else sends them in. Maybe you shouldn't go accusing until you know for sure.
Oh come on. If you are going to put your picture on an advertisement seeking a nanny position, pull your damn top up. It isn't rocket science. If you should be shaming or damning anyone, it should be hussy/nanny for hire.
Let this be a lesson to all you young and whorish nannies. No one needs to see your yayas, we just want to see your CPR certification and your diploma. Got it?
can someone please explain to me why we supoport a certain poster on here who brags about her fake boobs, then condemn this woman? I'm not trying to be fresh but I honestly see nothing wrong with her picture. She is a large woman with large breasts in the picture, you see very little of anything. Why the double standard? Certainly her picture is less offesive than some scantily clad babe in a string-kini!
I think it's pretty poor taste to put up the link to this woman's picture; I've seen more moms with their boobs hanging out then nannies. And it wasn't like this was so extreme. It would be quite another thing if her ad had said something like "Playdate by day; playmate by night."
i think putting up the big breasted nanny's ad was mean. she looks like a bigger gal who probably has very large breasts. the only way she could probably hide them is by wearing a turtleneck...
that first ad is rediculous with a capital R. and funny...good luck with that one guys.
the second post is mean-spirited and innappropriate. i find it really hypocrital that a website that claims to protect innocents thinks it's okay to post a woman's photo so they can laugh at her.
If you guys running the site don't know how to edit the submissions, DONT HAVE A BLOG. Or grow the heck up.
Ummm...The NANNY posted her photo on Craigslist, for everyone in the world to see. Therfore I see absolutely no problem with Jane posting the link. If the Nanny didn't want her cleavage on the internet, she should have used a different picture in her ad.
gimme a break
why don't you give it a rest. none of us here want to see you mess with someone as nice as her. she's not even here to defend herself!
stop being a bully!
Gimme a break..the difference is one is an ad for employment, the other is a personal blog.Please tell me you understand the difference?
There was just a huge article on CNN ..the title was something similar to .."It's not the bar leave the tanktops at home".
It was speaking about how lax we have become as a society dressing for work.
My mother and my sister are both Double D cups. The only time they show cleavege is at the pool or casual weekend get togethers..never at church, work or anywhere else it would be inaproppriate.( like seeking a job with children) They both wear fitting bras and tops when at work .And I have never seen either of them wear a turtleneck!Silly
I have no problem with this woman showing cleavage.. wish I had some...but if you are going to flaut it..especially when seeking a childcare prepared to get some feedback!
I am a big it okay if I wear a small t-shirt and show buttcrack? Being a big woman is no excuse. what a silly comment.
kaci & dezi
right on! Any moron that's been here long enough knows that anonymous posters send in that CL crap, and then the admin. posts it on the blog.
make me sick, if you have a problem with it, by all means, go somewhere else! no sense in your getting all nauseated over it.
maybe you should go pop some pepto bismol?
As I've said before, I have big boobs, so I feel I can offer some input here.
I am actually quite modest, and very rarely do I show cleavage. I tend to dress in t-shirts and jeans/shorts, and flip-flops (I live about a block from the beach, it's how everybody dresses around here) - and I have never had a hard time finding anything to cover my ample assets.
If I were a nanny, I would never show any boob while going out for a job or interview.
And if I were an employer, I'd second-guess the candidate, and why she couldn't find something to fit her properly.
There is a time and place for everything. When you're at home, or hanging out with friends, that's one thing... But when your trying to get a job, you really should look more "polished".
mean-spirited? sorry but that's just crazy. If you post your photo on the itnernet, you are making it public. You have no right to complain about seeing it anywhere, on any blog, at any time. Why won't people learn this simple rule? If you play, you pay. There is a consequence for every action.
You don't want to see your pic on the freaking internet? Don't post it!!!!
Well, to all of you who didn't realize what a massive faux pas posting your knockers online for a nanny position is, NOW YOU KNOW.
And to all of you who didn't realize that when you post a picture of yourself online anywhere, it can end up all over the place, NOW YOU KNOW.
I don't pity this woman. She made an error in judgement. But, she also placed an ad looking for a job on a free site and look what happened? She got national coverage on her ad. Maybe she got herself a gig because of the attention to her post.
Stop boo hooing and start learning from the mistakes of others. Yes, nannies, this means you. Childcare Gone Wrong is supposedly cautionary tales and guess what? Ole knockers just became a nanny cautionary tale. If I was dumb enough to post my picture on the internet looking for a nanny job, you can be sure I would be doing something nanny-like. Not just standing there with my hoo has on display.
As a nanny with naturally large breasts you better believe if I'm going to be running around with my charges in the park in 90 degree weather I will be wearing a tank top and shorts and you will see some cleavage!
If I take them to the pool, or go in the sprinkler with them, I will be wearing a bathing suit and guess will see even MORE cleavage.
I dress approriately for the day's work ahead and as a nanny, the day's work can include makintg mudpies, having a water balloon fight or painting in the yard. So forgive me if i don't show up dressed as Miss Marple!
THANK GOD I don't work for any of the judgemental heiffers on here that are berating this poor soul for putting up a picture that looks like she's having a nice day at the park.
I also THANK GOD I work for parents who worry more about the day I spend with my charges, the attention and love I give them and my qualifications when they hired me over what I wear!
ok, scroll all the way up on this page..all the way up.... Who is that dressed in blue with her breastisas on display?
wow, JD are those real? All this time I thought that was animation! Silly me..tee-hee
I am also a big-breasted nanny and I work in So Cal where it gets HOT. You want to know the truth? I rarely show up NOT wearing a tank top of some kind.
You know what my child development teacher told us? When she was interviewing people for a job, and they showed up in high heels and a skirt she wouldn't hire them. You show up dressed for the job. That means prepared to work with the kids, and that equals gym clothes.
Anyone who thinks that just because this woman posted herself wearing a tank top it's okay to post her on a blog and berate what she's wearing is a heartless creep. Oh sure, you have the right to do that, but that doesn't make it right.
So please don't go on about how it's for the children because THEY don't give a $hit what you wear and the LOVE to rest their heads on my big boobs.
sz D in & I have opposite ideas about this post, however, I wanted to tell you, that you are right. The kids don't care what we wear . They are in it for the love and that is a wonderful thing.
And you also right about resting their heads. Both my mom and sister have double d cups and my daughters love resting their heads on their chests! I swear about 2 months ago after being held by her auntie, my then 9 month old was getting sleepy and was handed back to me. She went to rest her head and( I am lucky to fill an A cup) we all swear we saw her put her head down and then pop it back up to look for my boobs! We all know what we saw and it was a good laugh and a great entry in her baby book. Just thought I'd share that with you. Your post made me smile.
Size D in sd
I hadn't thought about it from your perspective, and you're right, kids don't care what we wear. As long as nothing is really hanging out, I guess it shouldn't matter. I know kids love resting on my big boobies, too! LoL
And BLB, that was priceless! How cute!
No, the children don't care, but they also don't do the hiring.
I contacted the person through their ad and told them it had been submitted to my site. I offered her a chance to respond. This is what I received back,
"I've deleted the post, I was trying to help my girlfriend get a job and rather than writing a bio, turns out we broke up and she's not even coming any more."
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