
Text War - An A---ole Mom and Vortex's Hardworking Nanny Sister

From - Bored Panda and VortexThing on FB--

Being a mother is a tough job but it's no excuse to scam your child care provider. I am sure no parents reading now would do this, but any who do, even worse than stealing from your nanny wouls be letting your children see and learn this behavior


Vortex's Sister:  It was great watching J and S today. Do you mind if I swing by tomorrow at 2pm and pick up the money?

The A---ole Mother:  I wasn't aware payment was involved. You got free ice cream and a fun day, I am sorry for the misinterpretation.

VS: Uhm..we discussed payment of $16 an hour beforehand. Over text.

AM: I'm sorry could you show me those texts?

________________________________Texts Before The Job_________________

AM:  Great, see you then, $16 an hour sounds fair

VS: Perfect! I am looking forward to working with them, I'm excited !

AM: J seems to have a knack for you, go easy on him!

VS: haha I will! Thank you for the opportunity!

AM: Of course, call or text with any questions

_______________________________End texts before the job______________

AM: I delete my messages often.

VS: I'm sorry but as much as I love seeing your kids I am doing this for payment. Exclusively

AM: Well, you are acting kind of stuck up. Can we compromise at $20

VS:No, I watched your kids for 8 hours, our agreement was $16 per hour, the total is $128

AM I am not paying you $128 for a single day! They're easy kids!

VS : It's not a discussion of that. You promised and I have textbooks to pay for. Please i will accept $100

AM: Absolutely not. I wish i didn't have such a stuck up { really bad uncalled for C-word} watching my kids. I am going to block you now, do not contact me again.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Definitely take her to small claims court, a text shows the agreement - look on Judge Judy, she always asks about texts, they are legal. She should not get away with this