My nanny can't keep track of anything! When it's time for soccer, she can't find shin guards. The soccer player is 3 years old! She takes my children to the library and they check out books and the books disappear, this to the tune of $135 of fines in 2015! There are certain toys that the children have that need particular components to be relevant and I have been over this with her. Since my children are so young, is it wrong to expect that she puts a game away properly and completely? Every puzzle she ever does, we can never do again because by the time I get to it, it's missing pieces. I understand missing a puzzle piece, but why wouldn't you pick it up and put in in the puzzle box when you found it? She's also lost an insane amount of bottles and sippy cups. My question for you nannies and employers is - is this fixable? I like here, she's been with us 5 months, but this continues to happen and I really feel I am about to flip out on her. I am a very organized person. I keep the children's drawers in extraordinary order. She doesn't do laundry or put it away, I do, because I am neurotic. She only needs to go in the drawers for a change of clothes or pajamas, but it's continuously trashed.
She doesnt have organization in her. This is something that one has instilled in them, raised that way or is eagar to learn to be organized. No amount of coaxing and talking will be'll always be rehashing it and likely a workin procesa fr a long timw to come. If you dont want the daunting task...let her go.
No. She's too scatterbrained. Some people are just disorganized. How will she teach your kids to put things away if she can't do it? Time for a new nanny.
I agree with the above posters. You've spoken with her about these issues how many times now? I say you have given her a lot of chances, and since things haven't gotten any better, it's time to cut ties.
You could always try docking her the money she has cost you, especially the fines for those library books. That might make her step up and be more responsible, but I would just try to find someone else.
Organization is something you have to be born with, taught at a young age or want to learn at an older age. If you've talked to her about it and it's not changing, then it probably won't ever change. As a nanny I can understand losing track of things once an a while or losing parts of toys; it happens with young kids. One of my charges just turned 3 and the other 2 and I put them in charge of keeping track of and cleaning up their toys. Things get misplaced, lost and left at varying locations but they learn to keep better track of their things if they want to keep them around.
I would sit down with her and express how much you value organization, and that it is a very important component of her job. You could say it very politely, but just make sure the importance of it is understood. As for the library books, I would purchase a basket and say all library books must always be put away here, or we will have to take the fines out of your paycheck. Just make sure that the importance of the organization of things is understood. Organization is not difficult to learn, especially if everything already has a set place. I would not fire her just yet, I would just try talking to her first.
Library books tip: I have one bag we used for the library. That bag always hung by the door with the books in them. Could be taken from the bag to read but once done, they needed to go back in the bag
i can be the dicken's advocate here - when i was in my early 20's i was GREAT with kids but - yep disorganized. Two moms i worked with sat me down and said - " you need to do this, pick up this etc' and yes they had to do it a few times - they very sweetly told me - " It's a GOOD thing you are so GREAT with the kids !!!" But i did care about their view and i got better
organization is a skill and a discipline - she will never be great at it - but if you work with her - and be honest with her - it can get better - let us know what happens
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