Nanny Wanted, VANC0UVER WA - I am looking for a nanny/sitter for my two year old son and six month old daughter. I work Sunday-Thursday from 1PM-10PM. I need someone who is reliable, responsible, good with kids and can watch them in your home. Pref a female and over the age of eighteen. We are looking for someone who is not a TV babysitter nor a candy babysitter and can handle a toddler and infant at the same time as kids can be a handful. You must have patience. Please be reliable too. My husband and I can not afford flaky sitters. Pay would be bi-weekly. We can not afford much. If you are a sitter looking to make 700+ from us a month, were not a good fit. Were looking to start out at about 500 or so a month. So 250 every two weeks. Once you prove to be reliable and a good fit we can raise the pay. We have hired too many sitters and paid them 900+ and then they go MIA! You also must live in Vancouver please. We live in Orchards and I do not want to drive to Portland to pick them up after work. Thank you.
Submitted by Anonymous MEEBO guest. Thank you!
Wow. Good freaking luck with that.
WTF. How clueless can people be?!?!
If you want more than $2.77/hr, we're not a good fit. No wonder she worded it as the total pay, who would work for 2.77???
I also love how she slips in at the end, the fact that you'd be watching the kids in your own home...
Hahahaha, they want to find a good care giver for under $700 a month. . . My rent alone is twice that!
Wow. Just...wow. And it'd be more like $2.50 an hour, because she says SHE WORKS from 1-10, which means she would have to leave at least thirty minutes earlier than that and would get back at least thirty minutes later than that. So yeah....and why she thought it was okay to say she's paid it before is hysterical--what did she mean to accomplish by writing that?
Actually, this is perfectly reasonable. You can find many in-home daycares for around $125 a week. I don't know why this mom is phrasing it as a nanny when she's obviously looking for a daycare.
IMO this is NOT perfectly reasonable because in Home Daycares might charge $3 an hour, but that is per child. This is an ad for two children.
I pay $135 a week for a school-age child. He is only there during the day when it is summertime, a half day or vacation. I live in a rural area, where this is a low-end charge at a licensed home-based daycare. Both of these children would be there for 10 hours or more each day.
This ad does not ask for a licensed person, nor do they plan to pay per child. They seem to want a nanny at daycare rates.
Apostrophes are our friends.
Yes, take your anger out on all nannies for your poor decision making skills.
So she's ooking for 50 hours of care a week for $125 a week.
It's too bad she needs Sunday care because she might be able to get that going to a home daycare, but most of those places run on a typical Monday-Friday schedule with standard 7:30 to 5:30 hours.
This is a good example of the confusion that exists over a babysitter, nanny, and daycare.
Wait...she says she cannot afford to pay much, then mentions that she paid former babysitters almost double what she is offering now. Confused much?
I don't like the way this ad is phrased at all. Seems like this parent wants the Nanny to "earn" a living wage by proving herself first. WTF????!
This parent is very jaded and is holding everything that her previous Nannies did in the past over any future Nanny's head. Why should her future Nanny be punished for the MIA Nannies??
This ad is so bizarre...love to read these even though they make my blood boil!
So many curse words came to mind while reading this. I can't believe this.
What bothers me most is that she says they can raise the pay if the person proves to be a reliable nanny and a good fit...how insulting to tell someone you can't afford much but you can afford more than you are offering them...I had that type of offer once...what a huge red flag.
You want to pay third world wages for childcare??? Shows how much you care about your child. You have champagne taste on a beer budget. Here's an idea...if you can't afford childcare, you can't afford to work!
Let me begin this post with the caveat that I don't support the parent in this posting at all.
However, the last poster's comment that "if you can't afford childcare, you can't afford to work" really struck a chord with me, because it's a recurring issue we see and a real policy/societal problem.
In many ways, these WTF posts are actually really sad. Aside from a few parents who may just be cheapskates, these are probably mostly parents struggling desperately to make ends meet, who absolutely need the parent's (most likely minimum wage) income to survive and thus they can't afford not to work, but also can't afford decent childcare to make the working possible.
There's not an easy solution but it's a sad state.
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