

Saturday, September 25, 2010
.... WHAT?!

Feature :
1) Tutor/Babysitter/Disciplinarian (Minneapolis)
I am looking to hire someone short term - hopefully - to watch our 14 year old after school to make sure he is doing his homework. Need to have strong personality and be stern in nature. May even send you to school with him for a while so he can get the right homework to the right classes. Up for the challenge? He goes to Waterville MN highschool. He could come to your house or your could come to ours. Want to help????
Special thanks to afnt81 for our Feature... also, thank you to the following Contributors for their help: proctorhome, MissMannah, emjoyneely, anjul.of.grace and mbargielski. All of you did an awesome job! Please send next weeks Ads HERE or use MEEBO. Don't forget to include the Links and the Body of the text, if possible!



  1. Wow! These are really good this week! My favorite is the one with 11 boys and 1 girl and you can also bring one child! Unbelievable!

  2. I think the 12 kid family sounds fun :)

  3. Anonynanny-I agree. I would actually consider this (as long as the SAHM really is doing her own thing during most of the day).

  4. hahah I wonder how much the nanny will get paid for that magical 8th day of the week.

  5. Going a little off-topic...

    I've seen it mentioned in so many ads but I've never had an actual employer request it. What is the 1-2-3 Magic discipline method? Is this some kind of new fad or has it been around for awhile and I'm just pathetically out of it?

    Kate and anonynanny, the 12 kid family might be fun, but you'd have to pay me a lot more than $450-$600 weekly to take on that job!

  6. What's wrong with #3?

  7. 1-2-3 Magic is just a positive parenting/dicipline approach. While I was in grad school I interned with an early childhood cooperative and we gave parenting workshops on the topic that always had a great turn out. It seems to work for a lot of people, but I haven't used it personally.

  8. Jenn could you describe it better? As in what do you do during this 102-3 thing? Your description left a lot to be desired and I am very curious about it.

  9. I looked it up and apparently it is a fancy name for the "3 strikes and you're out" game that kids and parents have been playing forever. You know it, child is misbehaving and gets two warnings and on the third time he gets a time-out. Wow, it looks like a lot of parents are getting suckered into buying books and DVDs just to be told a bit of common sense.

  10. just another mommySep 29, 2010, 9:02:00 PM

    I don't care for 1-2-3 magic. I had to use it when I worked in daycare about 8 years ago. Basically it is you tell a child something to do. If they don't start obeying right away, you begin to count. They have until the count of 3 to obey. I don't like it because there is no reason for them to start obeying until you get to 3. I don't use it with my kids.

  11. They used it at my daughter's daycare. Now, if I start to count, she jumps up, covers her ears and screams, "don't count, don't count, don't count". (as she's running to do the thing I asked her to do).

    I prefer not to have to count or have to jump through any hoops for a child to follow a simple direction.

  12. Ok,

    This 1-2-3 thing is something we use at home too. Of course with Dad it is NEVER a slow count. Especially when the oldest is obviously trying to scam off or ignore what they were told to do.

    Who da thunk itsa brand spankin new fangled child rearin methodology majigger.

    (Yes, the misspelling is delibrate.)


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