
Old Navy Store in Chelsea/NYC on 6th Ave

Received Saturday, September 25, 2010
nanny sighting 7 Wed Sept 22nd 2010 Approx 3:30 pm,
NYC old navy store in Chelsea on 6th Ave, this nanny let this baby cry and scream and cry never even glancing down to comfort this poor hysterical child approx 6-8 months old, literally pretending he wasn't wailing or even there ,then she would violently shake the bugaboo stroller from side to side and pound the handle with her fist, never even looking at the child just trying to pull the awning down to conceal him, the baby screaming and her shaking the stroller was so bad mulitple people on the line were commenting on how horrible it was.. I confronted her saying she needed to be paying attention to the child in which she told me to mind my business, my husband also confronted her her response was the same, other women on the line were chiming in she was upstairs for 1/2 hour that baby was still crying.. this woman was scary clearly very angry with the child.. I feel so bad for the parents..and worse for that child.
God knows what is happening not in public..makes me sick..

Double click on the video to see larger.
Have a nanny sighting, write now.


  1. Good for you taking a video. I'm so angry. That woman shouldn't be ignoring that child and she differently shouldn't be in that loud ass store shopping. It's a baby not a toddler, when they cry it's for a reason. I hope the parent see this, and fire her on the spot.

  2. Makes me sick!!! I hope to god that parents see this.

  3. that is horrible!! Good job taking the video!

  4. Great job taking a video!! Hopefully the parents see this one

  5. TheOriginalDenverNannySep 25, 2010, 10:02:00 PM

    WOW! Great sighting--the video taping is brilliant. I wonder if OP could email the video to a local news station and/or the police??

  6. That baby is crying HYSTERICALLY! I look after a 7 month old and I've only ever heard him cry like that once (when he was hungry in the car and his mom had to wait to pull over and feed him). Anyway that baby is obviously very upset and nanny is doing NOTHING! So sad :(

  7. I have to agree the baby does sound hysterical, this video absolutely breaks my heart. :( I wonder how many hours a day this woman lets this happen, and I also have to wonder how she treats this child in private. Scary. Are there are multiple sites this video can be posted on (perhaps a local site, or as someone else mentioned even going to the news)? I can't imagine ANY parent thinking this behavior was acceptable.

  8. Wow, in the 2nd video it is quick but you can see her start to shake the stroller really hard side to side.

    Thank you for actually taking the time to send in this video, OP. You went above and beyond the call of duty!

    Hopefully this poor baby's parents see this.

  9. OP, great thinking on the video. Like others have said, that baby's not just crying, it's hysterical. Definitely not a normal fussiness. I hope the parents find out. I wouldn't want someone that incompetent around my child.

  10. I love that you took a video. Poor baby.

  11. I really don't see the big deal. Babies cry. We can't be expected to just drop what we are doing to be at their every beck and call. Maybe he wasn't hungry or wet. You ever think that maybe he might have been teething??? Maybe she forgot his teething ring. Get over it, ladies. It's not a crime for babies to cry.

  12. Hey Nosey, maybe not. But do you think that her shaking the shit out of that stroller helped?

  13. Nosy: Perhaps the baby wasn't hungry or wet, however, she could've done SOMETHING to comfort the child and should've handled the situation differently. Based on your comment, I think you don't have a clue as to handle this situation.

  14. Nosy, it was a BABY..not a toddler but a baby. There is a reason they cry like that. And if the baby was crying over something as simple as teething, you don't continue shopping, you try to rectify the situation in any way you can. Even if its taking the poor kid out of the stroller and comforting her, you don't just ignore a wailing infant. I really hope you're not a mommy OR a nanny.

  15. Nope. No dice. I don't buy it, so stop selling it. I am a nanny and my charge is 8 months. He is having a terrible time teething. He cries nonstop and NOTHING helps... not Motrin, not Orajel, not Humphreys, NOTHING.

    My world can't stop just because he is in pain.

    Now I will admit that violently shaking the stroller was not the right thing to do.


  16. Nosy, one of my charges suffered from severe reflux her first year (which is a lot worse than teething). She cried pretty consistently, all day long. However, as her nanny and hell, a decent human being, I would do EVERYTHING I could to make her comfortable. I would walk around with her putting pressure on her stomach, sit with her patting her back, or, at the very least, I'd carry her and rock her as I was tending to her sister and other things around the house. I would not leave her in a swing or her crib screaming for more than a minute or two and I certainly wouldn't SHAKE whatever sort of carrier she was in. Did I get frustrated? Of course. But did I ignore her screams? No way.

    When a child hits a certain age and begings testing the waters with the crying, seeing how far they can push you, then it's ok to let it go for a period of time. I'm not suggesting you run to a kid everytime they take a breath, but this is a BABY whose only way of communicating to their caregiver that something is wrong, is by CRYING.

  17. and as far as the stroller shaking is concerned, I think it's safe to assume that's not the first time she has ignored her crying charge or tried to SHAKE her into...quiet submission? Head trauma? Not sure.
    I doubt that this was the first time she's handled that type of situation with such uncaring indifference.

  18. Nosy: "My world can't stop because he is in pain."

    So let me understand this: you are a nanny, of an infant, and his only way of communicating is crying when he needs something, and you are saying that when he cries, you have yourself to think about, so you let him cry, even if he is in pain or sick? I agree with letting babies cry here and there, but to make a statement like that makes you look selfish. Turn in your resignation, because you are in the wrong profession as a nanny.

  19. This is just what I saw in the video: in the first video, on top I saw a woman leaving the store with a baby in the stroller.

    In the second video on the bottom, which lasted just few seconds, I saw a woman who was checking out of the store (so her hands were busy paying for her merchandise) and the baby was crying loudly and the woman shook the stroller. I do not feel there was enough of the tape to watch to see how she was shaking the stroller. The tape was way too short. Strollers are often rocked to comfort babies who are crying.

  20. mmmm....yeah I just watched it again and I would definitely not say that the woman was "violently shaking" this stroller. The camera was jumping which caused the picture to jump. I saw her shake the stroller a bit, but not violently, only in a way that was rolling the stroller back and forth, rocking for comfort.

    I'm sorry but that is the way I really saw it.

  21. TheOriginalDenverNannySep 26, 2010, 6:30:00 PM

    In any post, the details can be viewed in many ways. If we give OP the benefit of the doubt (which I think we should), many other customers were also concerned about a baby that had been full-on crying (not fussing, etc) for at least 1/2 hour.

    Whatever the reason the baby was crying, the nanny could not be providing even decent care if she disregards a crying infant to go shopping. Obviously, I have no idea what the nanny was buying, but even if her employers demanded that she shop for them at that time, she still should have attended the baby in some way.

    As some previous posters said, an infant that age should be comforted when he/she's crying. Child Development 101.

  22. OMG Are you serious?
    Do you thin the OP had her camera running the whole time? Or do you think she witnessed the nanny being horrible to the child and sought to record the nanny as a means of helping her employer's recognize her?

    ?, you're just a dummy!

  23. regardless if the nanny shook the stroller violently or soothingly, she was CLEARLY ignoring the baby's cries, and that in itself is an issue. Lets give the OP AND the other patrons whose concern she reported the benefit of the doubt and stop nitpicking. This sounds like an indifferent nanny and that is exactly the type that should be reported on this site. As I stated earlier, it's HIGHLY unlikely that this behavior was an isolated case.

  24. and trust me (sorry about all my after thoughts), I am the first person to stand up for the integrity of nannies in general and to rally against the thoughtless "nanny hater" types...but in my opinion, this nanny doesn't deserve justification.

  25. I second everything "Jacqui" said. No matter how "annoying" it can honestly be to listen to a baby cry inconsolably, the key to a good caregiver (whether it be the parents, nanny etc) IS "caring" - I'd hope most would at least attempt (whole heartedly) to make the situation better for baby.

    I've rocked many strollers back and forth, and it doesn't require the jerky rough movements I saw in this video. Sadly, this is not the first nanny I've seen literally shaking a stroller, and I can't find any justification for this behavior; it's common sense to be gentle when rocking a baby, not aggressive (no matter how irritated you are listening to that child scream).

    I'm going to agree and give OP the benefit of the doubt (after all, she witnessed it first hand).

  26. I hope to see more video sightings. Some of the newer phones will even record in HD.

  27. Nanny looking for a new postSep 27, 2010, 2:26:00 PM

    It makes me sick that there are "nannies" (some people don't deserve the title) out there who treat children--infants, no less!!-- in such insensitive and dangerous ways. As a caring, responsible nanny, I would love to have this woman's job!

    Jacqui, I totally agree with you on all points! You are one smart, well-spoken lady :)

    OP, excellent job!

  28. Are babies not allowed to cry? What should she have done in this situation? If she held the baby and made cooing noises and he was still crying - what would you think then?

  29. TheOriginalDenverNannySep 27, 2010, 10:10:00 PM

    I would think she was doing her job.

  30. This is heartbreaking. I agree with everyone above - the poor baby is hysterical. An infant doesn't reach that stage of crying unless they have been ignored for a long period of time (30 minutes as OP says sounds totally accurate). I cannot imagine any caregiver completely ignoring a child in that distress, regardless of the reason. Even strangers in line at Old Navy were drawn to help the poor baby.

    This is exactly what ISYN is for. OP, you did a great job and the video is truly brilliant. I would be devasted with guilt if I found out my nanny were doing something like this. I would doubt my judgment for a long, long time if I missed this callousness in a nanny I employed.

  31. Nosy: "My world can't stop because he is in pain."

    You are his nanny, and while you are at work, he IS your world!

    I take care of a 5 month old and his older siblings. Of course there are times when I have to let him cry for a couple minutes, but never to the point that he is hysterical. If he were crying like that, then yes, my world would stop. I would get out of line, take him out of his stroller and figure out what he needed. A baby dosen't cry like that for a half hour for no reason.

  32. Someone's Nanny,
    I agree and it makes me sad that people like you have to make that point. If you don't graps that accepting a child care position means that you will "take care" of that child's needs during your time on the clock, then you need to find another position.

  33. I don't care what you guys say. At the end of the day, if there is nothing I can do, there is nothing I can do. My mb would agree. get over yourselves and stop being self-righteous, obnoxious bitches.

    I'm so over this post.

    And I'm not bashing the OP. The OP did a great job of posting this, however, I think some of you nannies are just looking for a bone to run with and she gave it to you...

    It's not that serious.

    As a matter of fact, feel free to email my mb if you'd like. Her email address is

    I know some of you can't wait to tell on me, lol!!


  34. Wahhhh. I don't care what you say.
    Are you having two year old temper tantrum? you weren't there. Anyone who shakes a child's stroller violently in public is a dangerous person. Of course that is probably lost on you. What do you do for a living? Tow trucks? You ridiculous, opinionated cow. Why don't you post your real name so I know who I'm dealing with?

  35. Tokyo,

    Shut up, child. This not a playground. I will not meet you by the flagpole.

  36. Give the nanny break you guy like to talk bad things about nannies and you guy don't spend time with ur little brats

  37. You all need to spend time with your husbands then they would not cheat on you with young blonds and nannies focus on that instead of gossip about your friends and nannies you guy are so fake and for once learn to cook and please wash your under wear when you guy take them off and try to discipline yours kids talk so much bad things about nannies and you all can't do with out us learn to satify your husband insecure ladies

  38. This thread took a strange, slightly illiterate turn.

  39. Jacqui,

    Now THAT, we would agree on, lol!!

  40. TheOriginalDenverNannySep 29, 2010, 4:17:00 PM

    wow! I have no clue what just happened on this thread lol-- I read the last few posts and just started laughing!!

  41. NosyNanny,

    I am sure your boss would love the fact that you gave out her email address on this blog. I highly doubt it is your boss and I am pretty sure it is you but still...very unprofessional! Are you Patrina Felts like it says you are on facebook when you look up that email address??

  42. I have done some research.
    Troll is a 27-29 yr old AA female who has been fired from two nanny jobs.

    "I wanna read! I wanna read! I absolutely LOVE following your blogs. Your boys are so handsome.

    My email is"

  43. oh and she is from NJ.
    yes all this because she provided her email. I snoop snoop.


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