
Hero Nanny - Ana Maria Montano DeGimenez

L.I. Nanny Dies Saving Child from Pool
Hero Nanny - Ana Maria Montano DeGimenez
A nanny died Thursday as she tried to rescue a 3-year-old boy from a family's swimming pool, police said.The woman, 49, was watching three children under 6 years old by the side of the pool outside a private home when the boy took off his life vest and jumped into the water, Nassau County police said. More... Nanny who drowned rescuing toddler hailed. Neighbor Describes Frantic Scene Where Hero Nanny Died-Family asks why help came too late. Family of Drowned Nanny Wants Answers.


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Anonymous said...

4:02 that is not true. Many people post. Several people attack those who are in disagreement .There is a difference between agreeing to disagree and simply attacking someone with constant sarcasim and constant anger.
I would love to know how many people have been runb off by that nonsense? We will never know?

Anonymous said...

"Laugh your ass off" all you want (come on now, was it really worth all that ass-off laughing in attempt to mock me?)...

You're just being passive aggressive. Like any blog that has regulars, you will have cliques. Just as you would in any real life, offline social situation where a bunch of the same people get together and share ideas.

It's really not that HYSTERICAL a concept. It's how human beings interact with each other. It's how we have ALWAYS interacted with each other...primal or modern and advanced. The core human behaviors often remain the same. The ways in which we adapt and evolve are what differ.

Anonymous said...

Oh and no, I have no idea what the deleted comment said. I'm not debating whether or not it was offensive...I was just making a general statement.

Anonymous said...

Jersey, if your post was aimed at me,anon 3:54 pm, I was not mocking you. You said ,in a few sentences, what I could not say in an entire paragraph.
I am sorry if my post was taken the wrong way. I truly was thankful for what you said and how you said it.

UmassSlytherin said...

If you truly recognize someone on this board as someone you know in real life, why for the love of Salazar would you call attention to it, try to embarrass the person, and say bad things about them?

I'm just baffled by the ignorance of it. And if you don't know them, why would you make up such a stupid lie?

I just don't know which one is worse.

JJ, I like your posts, and you seem very nice. But as far as the "cliques", I just don't see it here. I feel like I just state my opinion and some people seem to like it and some people seem to hate it. I've been called names, told I'm stupid, told I'm a bad parent, and worse. It doesn't bother me in a big picture type of way, but I don't like it.

In closing, I think people shouldn't act like jerks.

Anonymous said...

4:19, No it wasn't aimed towards you. I should have specifically noted who I was responding to. It was for 4:02.

Sorry for the confusion and thank you :-)

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry, I didn't mean it to come off as offensive toward you. I only thought what you said was funny because I consider you a regular, that's all.
And most of the time, I like your posts, and when I don't I keep my mouth shut.
Too bad more people can't do that.

Anonymous said... what is too bad is that more people can't disagree without all the rude sarcasm and mean sprited replys. One of the worst offenders is the poster that the entire bottom half of this thread was about! That is what is too bad.
It is obvious that there are more than a few people who feel this way but ,of course, we are few in number and that is always a disadvantage.

Anonymous said...

One of the worst offenders is the poster that the entire bottom half of this thread was about! That is what is too bad.

Who is that supposed to be? Quite a few have been dumped on, Jersey was the last one talked about here, but I doubt you mean her?

Anonymous said...

I'd hope it wasn't about me. Rarely do I make personal attacks...or ANY attacks. And even if I did, I'd hardly call myself one of the "worst offenders."

And yah 4:02...I guess you'd consider me a regular...Oy. I need a hobby :-)

Anonymous said...

Jane, I must have been deleted for using the S-word in it's entirety, so I'm sorry and I will use an "encrypted" version of such words in the future :).

As for 12:17/2:58 and whatever other times you posted, I called you on your bull 2 times now and I'll say put up or shut up. I'll bet the bannk you have NO IDEA of my real name, where I live or any of what you claimed. If you did and really wanted to make your point instead of just looking like a sulky liar you'd say the last name of our mutual aquaintance, name the location and date where you last talked to me, or say the first name of your child or the name of the child of our supposed mutual aquaintance etc. Tell me what car do I drive? You can't, so you are busted and sulky about it.

Anonymous said...

sorry you're being picked on, calimom. some people need to get a life.

Anonymous said...

Really LL? Like you have room to talk about some people needing to get a life. Weren't you grinding another posters face in the mud and spiting on them a few weeks ago? In fact so badly they left the board? I'm just saying...

Anonymous said...

Jane, are you going to allow calimom to attack now? why has her post remained? what happened to

no ad hominem attacks?

Sulky liar??? put up or shut up??

Calimoms post at 7:18 is just that!
a plain and simple attack.

If you are going to enforce the rules..why not apply them to everyone.. even your favorites?

Or is it okay as long as the name calling and attacks are aimed at an anonymous poster?

very dissapointing, I must say.

love this blog but very dissapointed.

Anonymous said...

yes, and now LL is attacking someone because of their choice of discipline that she does not agree with on another is constant seems to be allowed so what the hell, I will jump in soon too! If you can't beat em' join em"!

And no, the reference to a poster earlier was not JJ it was calimom.

Anonymous said...

Some of you are just sooo dumb. How can you claim to be offended "Anonymous". No one knows one anonymous from another. And how many of them are there? Who knows?

I honestly don't get why Jane does this. It just seems like a huge headache. How can a blog be about protecting the children when you have to jump in and discipline the adults who are behaving like spoiled two year olds?

As a former blog runner of my own, I can tell you that the amount of spam I had to delete was enough to make me SHUT MY BLOG DOWN. And Jane has to handle spam and a bunch of cry babies?


UmassSlytherin said...

I wish I had even spam on my blog.

I'll take some spam.

UmassSlytherin said...

crybabies are ok too.

Anonymous said...

Umass, you're too much, lol.
I'll come over and spam you if it'll make you feel better.

I have seen much worse than Cali mom's post remain on this board. I very rarely see posts get censored unless they are down right cruel, nonsensical or filled with offensive language. Actually, I think Cali mom's is pretty tame compared to some of the posts I read when there is a Blog War going on.
If someone is going to post something unrelated to the thread and make hateful comments and say they know who another poster is, well then I would imagine Cali mom has a right to challenge this person to "put up or shut up".

Anonymous said...

I am a firm believer in free speech, but anonymous at 2:58 (and other times), I did read your post before it got deleted and I must admit that there was something creepy about it. I recall some very uncomplimentary personal details being given, and whether true or not, somehow this seemed way more inappropriate than someone calling someone an idiot or lunatic. You claimed to have intimate information about a poster and your post ended eerily with a warning of sorts, as if to say you could do more with the information if you wanted.

Now, I've had the occasional dispute with a poster or two, and maybe was way too harsh a time or two, but to harass someone by pretending to know them is a whole different ballgame and I am glad Jane removed your post. I do not believe for a moment that you know this poster and I was not surprised that when your bluff was called, you did not respond.

I've been called a lot of names on here and no posts were deleted. I would not want that. Your post was beyond the pale, however, and the fact is, it was disturbing. I think if the person you claim to know and who you so disparaged says she doesn't know you and calls you a liar, she has the right to call you out. That is not an attack. That is a defense.

You seem confused between what is merely minor haggling over views and opinions versus playing sinister mind games with another poster. What you wrote was unacceptable.

Anonymous said...

Holy crap sprak. Awesome post!Great definition explaining the differences in why one post would be deleted over another.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Sprak, LL, Umass and others who have spoken up here to help me out. And Sprak, I believe she DID respond to my post telling her to put up or shut up. She responded at 10:29, grumbling because I was allowed to demand that she prove her allegations if she doesn't want to be seen as a liar. Of course she's pissed about it, I'm sure she expected me to cower and quiver and slink away from this site silently, forever paranoid about all my friends and aquaintances now, and it didn't happen.

Anonymous said...

what cracks me up is how that poster always carries on and on about how ANGRY and BITTER everyone is. it's as though she has no idea how she comes across.

anonymous jackhole: you're the one who comes across as a bat sh*t crazy, angry freak. you sound much less stable than the people you harp on ~ and now you're saying you *know* calimom? good grief! find a new hobby that doesn't make your ugly come out.

Anonymous said...

I'm tired of lindalous mouth

Anonymous said...

tough. :::smiles sweetly:::

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous said...

omg, would you just STFU and go away, anonymous jackhole. you're beyond ridiculous. seriously: @@

Jane Doe said...

I'm growing tired of this banter.

UmassSlytherin said...

I am as well, Jane. But if I may...

This anon poster just refuses to admit that what she did was totally uncool. I mean, she should get a clue: when you are on an anon blog and telling individual posters..."I know whoooo you arrreee!!! And you suuuuckkkkk!" of course it is threatening and scary. WTF else would you call it: pleasant and cozy?

Jackholio, just admit that you're a eerie troll and we can end this. K?

Anonymous said...

I know where you live.
I live near you.

I think Jane's fast deleting has to do with the fact that she blogs under a moniker and still had a problem with a stalker, although I think it turned out to be a deranged Lothario/Sponge.

Anonymous said...

sorry, jane. i'll stop adding to it.

everyone have a lovely day. i'm going to clean my house, then take my kids to their first swim meet of the season. cheers! :)

Anonymous said...

if any good comes out of this, it's that as a nanny i will be more cautious. i will not take children to the pool that can't swim. period. it's not worth the risk for any of us.

Anonymous said...

how are the non-swimming children supposed to learn to swim if they're never taken to the pool? i'm just curious. my two older children (11 and almost 8) are very strong, competitive swimmers. they became good swimmers from taking lessons and spening tons of time at the pool. i assume the same thing will happen with my little guy (age 3). when he swims, i am right there, in the pool with him and he is never out of arm's reach. to me, that seems more sensible then acting like water is the same as a loaded cannon. jmo.

Anonymous said...

The latest update during the investigation is that the little boy had taken off his life vest, but was running around the pool and slipped, falling in.
The Nanny probably thought he'd be o.k. since he was out of the pool, and it's just my opinion (from what I've read) - why she didn't get to him in time before he fell in.

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