
Librarian eats small children...

Received Sunday, October 3, 2010
Opinion 4 I have been a professional nanny for 8 years and currently care for two darling little girls who are 1 and 2. We live in walking distance of a local, independent bookstore. There is a children's area with a train table. I take my girls there at least once a week and usually we buy a book or two after we play. Since I live in the area, I also get most of my own books and magazines there.

Last week, I was reading to my girls and had met another nanny there..We were reading with the children and the baby-who will just be one tomorrow was toddling around but certainly not running-she is not steady yet on her feet. A worker came upstairs and said, rudely that I needed to keep my children from running around, she could hear them downstairs and that they needed to be supervised...This woman was giving me the nastiest looks. I was shocked and didn't say anything. (there were other children and parents there)A few minutes later, I saw this worker-Marianne downstairs and asked my nanny friend to stand by my stroller. I mentioned to Marianne that I really found her comments rude and that I always supervise my girls. I told her that we always have appropriate bookstore etiquette and that I strive to have my girls conduct themselves with decorum. I told this lady that I am only responsible for the children I am caring for, not for every other child in the bookshop and that she needed to consider that I was not the only one up there. (that all being said, the girls I watch are 1 and 2..they are normal kids...i don't expect them to be perfect and know its hard to sit for a long time as they are so little. The 2 year old knows to take one book off the shelf at a time and to use walking feet and a quiet voice. The 1 year old is 1 so I just monitor her carefully. I also make sure we purchase something so we are not freeloaders) Marianne started stammering and I just left-I was so annoyed. Later that night mentioned it to my employers.

My nanny friend went in yesterday with her 5 year old charge...another staffer was chatting with the little girl and Marianne came around the corner like a hawk and got in the little girls face and said "you aren't going to run around upstairs, are you? And don't be pulling books off the shelf. My friend was shocked and said she didn't respond and just went up to play.

Both of us feel like this worker just has an issue with us being nannies and talks down to us because she views us as "the help". ...I see plenty of parents who take their kids in and sit and chat and let their kids destroy the place. We don't-we are professional nannies who have teaching degrees...if the kids pull something out, we put it back and if necessary we remind the children of "library rules"..once when the kids were to rambunctious, we just left and moves on to the park.

It turns out this woman is the manager of the store and the owners are never, ever in. Any suggestions? I really don't think its fair to just not go-my girls look forward to going to the bookstore and its a nice activity. Its also really convenient and great if we want to order a special book. This lady Marianne has never been especially nice but I really think her comments are out of line. And I also think its kind of the principle...It is awful customer service. I would really appreciate any advice or perspective. Thanks in advance.


  1. Have you discussed this issue with your boss? While the manager may look down upon you possibly the parents can take issue with this. Especially if they can witness it.

  2. You could always write an email/letter to the owners of the store.

  3. Personally, I wouldn't involve your bosses. They have more to do than deal with a crabby bookstore lady, especially since you've shown you're more than capable of standing up for you and the kids.

    You could talk to another employee and find out when/if the owners will be there, or write a letter or email to the owners complaining about her behavior.

    Otherwise I think you might have to just avoid her as much as possible while you're there.

  4. I second what ChiNanny said. Either Google the name of the bookstore, or check them out on Yelp. There should be a link to their website. Hopefully there's an email or something for the owners on there. Explain that you love the store, and would hate to stop coming in, but that Marianne has made you and others very uncomfortable. Tell them about her rudeness. If I owned this bookstore, I would want to know about this.

  5. I would document everything so that when you talk to the owners you've got specific in times, what was said, who all was there.

    I would talk to marianne once more and explain to her you don't like how you've been treated and if it continues you will speak to the owner and I would do just that if it doesn't stop

  6. OP here. Thanks for the suggestions. I did mention something to the mom I nanny for last week when this happened-she just thought it was awful customer service, that we all spend a lot of money in there.

    Another nanny-who this woman was very rude to-called and asked to speak to the manager-and that's Marianne! Then asked for the name of the owners and was told they never are in and are a silent partner. I will try and hunt them down because I do really think they should know how their customers are treated. I am not out for anyone to get fired, I am sure it's hard dealing with people all day but I don't want this treatment to continue. I will say that I went in yesterday to get a present, this woman was there and was sweet as pie. The thing is too is that its a really small shop..they only have about 6 or 7 employees so I feel like I always see Marianne.

  7. Marianne sounds like a jerk, and kinda like a few of the voices I hear on this site...surveillance just cuz its the nanny.

    I know you like the place, but they totally don't deserve your business.

  8. I think we may all be missing the point here. Some people, if they see children, attended or not, running around, will not patronize the establishment because they don't want to be around children. Period. The manager may think if child care providers were not using her bookstore as a go to place, her sales would improve.

    She might be right.

  9. OP again..village-the whole 2nd floor is the children's has a train table, and lots of soft places to sit and read. Its actually darling.

  10. She thinks children should be seen and not heard. Some people don't have a tolerance for little kids. Just ignore her.

  11. OP,

    I am glad you mentioned it to your boss. I was not implying that you should run to your bosses every time you run into a minor problem for them to fiz. But do keep them informed, this way if something you think is not a bother, it wont rise up and bite you in the rear.

    Speaking from a Bosses point of view. While I may not need to hear every little detail of my direct reports life or day, touching base with with them and simply having a general conversation about how things are going, keeps me abreast of how they are doing. It also emans I cna get a forwarning if trouble does actually rear its head and possibly know why it is happening.

  12. Fiz=fix
    emans I cna = means I can.

    Sigh, this is why I have a secretary.

  13. I have an idea...go someplace else.


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