

Saturday, June 26, 2010
june cl wtf 5
.... WHAT?!

1) Unique family seeks open-minded nanny (Boston)
Hello :) We are currently seeking a nanny for our three children. We have a 4 year old daughter, a 6 year old daughter and an 8 year old son. We would be looking for someone who is flexible during the week and who can offer an occassional weekend (though this would be very rare). Even better if you are looking for a live-in position, but not neccesary. Our family is very unique so we would need you to be very open-minded. For starters, we are naturists. If you do not know what that is, please google it before contacting us. We would be looking to pay around $25 per hour. Please contact us if you are interested and include information about yourself and your experience as well as a contact number so we can call you to set up an appointment. Thank you!
Special thanks to jessicamparra for our Feature. Also, thank you to the following Readers for their Contribution: ladybugblessingscrafts, MissDee, mbargielski, nirvanalives, sarahvargas1, Cinder38, Cafegirl_78, nannybee, ISYNmeebo190925, HungryCollegeStudent and MichelleNelson... all of you did an amazing job! We really appreciate the extra help lately! Please send next weeks Ads HERE or use MEEBO. And don't forget to include the Links!



  1. I want what #2 is smoking. A person to take care of her for free??? Wow.

  2. I remember being a kid and posing with a glass of wine or a beer can. Too bad in this day and age everything winds up on the internet.

  3. #1: *shudder*

    #10: I don't like any ad that voices a preference for one gender over the other but none of the million and ten "female only" ads have landed on CL-WTF by that virtue so I'm wondering what is so odd about this one that it has?

    #15-19: That one poster seems to overlook that anyone can, and should, run a background check.

    #31: I love when someone posts an ad for a nanny that sounds like a build to order then follows it up with weak pay for their area. #31 is a perfect example of this.

  4. I have to admit, I don't really see the problem with #1-- if the family has chosen to be naturists, it's certainly good to let a potential nanny know! It's not "bad," just a different life choice.

  5. Blythe:
    CL-WTF isn't always about what's bad. Simply being unusual is enough to get on there. Naturists are pretty strange to most people, including myself. They sound like alright folks, but I would not want to work for them.

  6. my moniker is......Jun 26, 2010, 5:02:00 PM

    I couldn't find much about it, but I am assuming the naturalist means that the family are nudists? Each to their own, I don't think I could be a nanny for them.

  7. Well, I guess with #1 there won't be any diapers to change.

  8. Village
    LMAO... good one!

    What Beth said... it doesn't have to be bad, just unusual. Requesting a Male Nanny isn't something we see very often. I thought it was cool.

  9. world's best nannyJun 26, 2010, 8:06:00 PM

    Where on God's Green Earth do these people come from? It's enough to make any future nanny run to the nearest Wal-Mart!

  10. #1 - OK, they run around naked, but at least they realize they need to compensate (literally) for it. Still, it would take more than $25 an hour for me to work there.

    #3 - I felt sorry for this woman.

    #13 - I feel sorry for the poor woman who takes this job and winds up working full time for free.

    #15 - I really liked his ad. It didn't creep me out at all. Generally I'm suspicious of guys in childcare but he seems to have a good heart.

    #31 - I submitted this one and my thought as reading it was exactly the same as NE's. Why are they cheaping out when they have all these requirements? And pretending that $8/hr in the Bay Area is reasonable?

    #34 - this was my favorite of the cheap ones. $60/week for TWO young kids? Good luck with that - hope your kids make it out alive.

  11. My favorite part of cl-wtf is when everyone picks it apart. Listing it one number at a time! Sometimes you guys are so funny, and to Village, you made me laugh out loud, too!

  12. I think that too many people don't have jobs or they have really bad jobs. That really sucks but you still have to pay the nanny a decent wage.

  13. You wouldn't work for a naturist family for $25/hr?? I would. And I applied :)

  14. Catieface, let us know what they say!

  15. catieface,

    I would work with almost any family for $25 an hour, as long as their clothes were on. Naturists don't pass that test.

  16. I would work for them for 25 bucks an hour.

  17. I too would take $25 an hour to work for them.

  18. Have any of you given any thought to part of the reason the pay may be so high is that they expect a like-minded Nanny that would also walk around nude? It isn't that far-fetched! I had some friends way back that were naturists and the whole family, including the kids, walked around the house and (fenced) yard like that. They also belonged to a nudist camp (white tail resort). They prefer anyone that they associate with be in the "lifestyle". So perhaps they are hoping the money would lure (strong word here) a potential candidate that would be open to living this way in their home.

  19. I walk around naked but I wouldn't call myself a naturist. My husband walks around too... I guess we just don't see anything wrong with it. I just wouldn't do it in front of strangers, but to each his/her own I guess.


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