
Show Us The Money!!

Please feel free to email us your Bonus/ Other Gifts this year from your NF, or TO your Nanny, or from the Nanny to the NF
- all submissions are anonymous

K.S.  9 years and nothing

K.L.  1  1/2 year and nothing

JSY  2 years, $3000 Bonus and $500 for Christmas

SF  1 weeks pay

SG  expecting 1-3 weeks pay at my current job, at my job before this - nothing

MJR  Previous 4 year NF  $600, 2 weeks off with pay. Been with new NF for 3 weeks and got homemade baklava - it was very good lol

AC  3 years, 1 week of pay plus a small gift, and my NKs draw me pictures. My former job I was there 9 years and they would give me $200 each year - btw they made 4 times the money my present
NF makes.

DG   10 years, 1 and 1/2 month of pay plus several other special, thoughtful gifts

TRS 8 years, a few hundred $ for Christmas and another larger bonus at the end of the school year


  1. MI. Just over a year. $500 bonus plus two weeks of pay. New Jacket, Yorkie towels (family knows I have 3) and crying little girl (nanny charge) when I went to leave for vacation.

  2. That shows what a great nanny you are that you consider your charges love for you a Christmas gift !! Keep up the good work!!

  3. Thanks.
    my bosses always show how much they appetite me. I have had my fair share of immature,lazy and just down right crazy parents in my 20 years as a nanny. I am so happy (and relieved) in which the family i work for now.

  4. I got a cute gift and two weeks pay last year. Nothing this year and it is almost my 5th year with them.


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