
Stubborn Eater...

I nanny for a little one who just turned one...  He is refusing to pick up finger food and feed himself.  He is not a picky eater-if fact he eats very well.   He is very stubborn and will scream until I feed him.  Thank you.
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  1. Have you tried putting one or two appropriate toys on the table with his food? Like a little truck or something. Get him in to playing with and handling his food.

  2. I would just keep offering the food to him - cut into small bits, cut into strips or chunks or not cut at all, to vary his choices - and otherwise just feed him. If he's only 1, he has plenty of time to come around.

    If you suspect he has issues with the way food feels, you can do sensory fingerplay with him, such as fingerpaints, dipping hands into uncooked pasta, sand etc. Google sensory play if you think maybe that's the issue.

    Just don't turn it into a power struggle, and you'll be fine - nobody goes to high school unable to feed themself ;)

  3. I would just put some oatmeal in a bowl and eat it like a dog. That will show him how to have fun with it. Have bowls of rice and have rice fights with him. and dress his hotdogs up like little men with raising eyes and carrot sliver noses and have them fight it out. That will motivate him to get involved. I like to do an activity called smoothie undone. we get frozen yogurt and bananas and strawberries and smash it with our hands and then eat it with a spoon or out of our hands. you have to really let the kid get in there.


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