
Kid's Funstop in Roxbury, MA

I just wanted to tell the employer of Amelia the nanny that her nanny is doing great work. I saw her out with two children, between 3 & 4, twins, aleast one of them was special needs.  The nanny kept setting the kids up for success climbing, exploring, but staying near enough them to quickly help them when they had a problem. One of the children, a boy with dark hair and dark eyes in striped overalls and a turtleneck was easily frustrated and prone to tantrums. She met each tantrum with grace and redirected him. I didn't take a picture because I wasn't thinking of "submitting" this. When I drove off, the nanny was coming down the steps, carrying both children, one on each hip. One child was crying, one was not and the nanny had on the same calm expression. I decided to submit this because from the looks of it, the children may require some extra attention. It makes me happy to see a children's needs being met without anger or impatience, so kudos to you on your nanny. The nanny was named Amelia because another mother/nanny greeted her by name. The nanny was a black, American woman, about 25, medium height, heavy set, wearing Levi jeans, black converse and a knee length sweater coat, I was at Kid's Fun Stop this morning from 930-10:45 and she was there at about the same time.
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