

I Saw Your Nanny was developed in 2006 by a former nanny, turned personal assistant. The blog quickly rose to fame and was featured in both National and International Media. I Saw Your Nanny has been cited in at least a half a dozen books since 2006. The Blog was out of commission for a while due to the family circumstance involving Mary Poppinz, who ran the blog for Jane for the better part of a year. The Blog is in the process of being revamped and an exciting new group of editors and bloggers has joined the I Saw Your Nanny Team. If you want to write, or share your own blog, contact us at

Nanny sightings are the crux of the blog. Since 2006, obtaining cell and video images of negligent nannies has gotten easier. It is our preference that submissions include photographic details relevant to the sighting. If it is not possible to get the nanny on video, please try for a picture of the child's jacket, stroller, even the venue. If you are unable to obtain a photo or video of the nanny in question, please provide a detailed description of the nanny involved. Nanny sightings are always confidential and will the identity of the provider will never be provided to any source.

The Nanny and Employer relationship is a tricky one. For those who have been a part of a working nanny/employer relationship, you have truly known bliss. Do you have suggestions how other employers or nannies could similarly succeed in their professional relationships? Our readers are nannies and employers and they want to know what works and what doesn't work.

If you are a nanny or an employer involved in a less than stellar relationship and seek the guidance of other nannies and employers, send your questions to

If you are an employer with a nanny horror story, we want to hear from you. If you want to rave about your wonderful nanny or the best nanny that you ever had; we want to hear that story too! We know nannies have their own horror stories too, and those too are of great interest. Nannies, do you want to tell us about the best nanny experience you've ever had..or the worst? The worst interview? The worst day on the job? The best gift? The best bonus? We are your forum.

We have many excitement columns and features to reveal. Thank you for being a part of our adventure. We look forward to reconnecting & lighting the web on fire with all things nanny.

Your ISYN 2015 Team,
Gianluca, Lesley, J'NeiNei, Adam, Caludette & Hillary One contact for all things ISYN
I Saw Your Nanny on Pinterest
ISYN on Twitter
ISYN on Instagram

Stay Tuned!
#isawyournanny  #isyn #nannyblog  #isynblog  #isyn2015

1 comment:

  1. famousinasmalltownFeb 2, 2015, 6:33:00 PM

    OMG! I can't believe it's back... ISYN, oh how I've missed you!!!


Email ideas, pictures, suggestions, complaints, sightings, stories and features to