
What Can I do to Stand Out?

Hi. I am emailing to have a submission posted. I would to know what I can do to become a good nanny? Credientally speaking, should I join INA and become a registered nanny? Also, is going to a nanny conference good? Is this worth it, as it will make me stand out? OR what will? Also, is joining an angency the best way to find work? I reside in the midwest. Lastly but not least, what can I do to up a second interview, with a family I have coming up? They really like my interview BUT what can I do to stand out or convince them I'm great for the position? it's a charge who is a year old... work out of house parents.   They practice attachment parenting and encourage outings. Thanks.


  1. Well I would read up on attachment parenting if you aren't familiar with it.

    Determine what their idea of attachement parenting is.

    I doubt you'll be able to take baby on an outing for your second interview.

    Just have fun and play, don't be scared to pitch in with things like changes and feedings, ask questions.

    In my experience people don't care if you're INA or whatever they care more about your references and actual work. experience.

    If you don't know how to swim learn to.

    Get & stay current with CPR & First Aid training.

    Agenencies and all that are ok. They can be helpful.

    I say you have better luck by getting known in your community local mommy groups are a good place to start.

  2. Attachment Parenting?? Eeek....I would read up as much as I could on it and see if it is for you or not. Me personally am not a fan at all.

    To stand out from the crowd, make sure you have your Infant/Child/AED CPR/First Aid up to date and have a copy of your card for interviews and such. Also, it is a good idea to have your fingerprints on file in your state as well as becoming bonded.

    Experience w/one year olds is also critical. Have at least 3 or 4 stellar references to provide and any educational diplomas would be great too.

    Stress that you are a non-smoker, have your own reliable transportation and have no pet allergies.

    Have a fair rate and stress that you have a great work ethic, consider the child's safety #1 at all times, and give some examples of things you and the child will do during the day.

    Also, have a professional resume on hand and always act professional...not to stuffy, but show that you take job seriously.

  3. I couldn't do attachment parenting especially with a child that is a toddler.

    So I would first read up on that and see if it's something you can handle.
    Know that some attatchment parents are more extreme than others so make sure you have a good understanding of their philosophy.

    In my experience parents want to know you have working experience in the area you specialize in. Have severl references and a resume on hand.

    Stay current on CPR & First Aid

    Since you'll be driving let them know you have a clean driving record.

    During the interview interact with the baby, be professional but don't stand around like a stiff, if you are able help with feedings, changes, ask about routine, ask parents questions related to the job.

    Congrats, I hope you get the job if it's what you decide you want.

  4. I worked recently for a Mother who practiced this "attachment parenting" BS and it was so stupid.

    I mean, I had to wear the baby in a carrier practically all the time he was awake, plus I had to massage him or he wouldn't go to sleep.

    And if the child ever cried, I was to go to him immediately and say, "Hush, hush my little angel" while rubbing and hugging him.

    If I were you, I would definitely read up on this type of parenting just to make sure it was something you can handle.

    As one poster stated, these types of parents tend to be extreme and I think working for them would be more stressful than the typical family.

  5. I thought one of the major aspects of attachment parenting was the mom stayed home with the baby? Seems a little contradictory to have the nanny do it.

  6. We practice AP. I agree there is such a wide spectrum that it would be wise to find out what AP means to them. We believe it benefits babies & toddlers to cosleep, breastfeed & be held. I personally believe massaging your baby to sleep only robs them of the ability to fall asleep anytime, anywhere. Its unfair to the baby. I dont understand the mantra"hush, hush..." & Im not seeing how thats AP related. For the person who said AP parents might be hard to work for, I have an opinion about that. AP parents are like any other. Some would be easy to work with, others not so much.

  7. Attachment parenting means a lot of different things to different people, so I would caution not to judge a family based on those words without really understanding what they mean by it. For us, it means parenting based on the idea of developing a relationship of parent-child (and nanny-child) trust, empathy for a baby that is experiencing a big new world and can't communicate about it... as opposed to some parents' philosophy (which is fine for them, don't mean to judge, just not right for us as a family) about a parent-child relationship that is more driven by discipline, authority, or order.

    Some more "out there" attachment parenting things give it perhaps a bad name but at its core its a very widely practiced and loving, not difficult, philosophy.


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