
Web Surfing

What other websites does everyone check on a regular basis? I check ISYN everyday while the kids nap. They don't necessarily need to be related to child care, although it would be awesome to find another site like this one out there! Just wondering where everyone spends the rest of their time on the web! Also might be a cool way to get to know each other better.


  1. Not going to lie, but I am completely addicted to I don't even live in DC. If you go to that URL, there's a button at the top of the site that says 'forums' and there is a Nanny Discussion forum. It's really active and there's a lot of new topics constantly!

  2. ^^^Me too!!! That site cracks me up, I leave comments under the same name I do here

  3. I've seen you on there, bostonnanny!! It really does crack me much drama on that site! I am guilty of just snooping around and reading most of it but I definitely add in my 2 cents where I feel necessary!! :)

  4. I love DCurbanmoms! Someone commented a few days ago on a topic here about there blog and I looked it over. It has potential but just no following (yet) from what I can tell. It seemed to have a few of the same qualities of this site. However, since they have no comments on any of the stories and the few "nanny horror stories" that have been posted are all written in the same tone/writing style I think it's someone trying to fake it until they make it, so to speak.
    I also check out daily. I practically stalk that blog, haha. They have lots of kid crafts, amusing stories, and you have to love a mom who gives a tutorial on how to make a Honey Badger onesie for their toddler, haha.
    Those are my main blogs!

  5. I reply to news mostly on the huffington post. And I frequent paranormal blogs because people ask me for help. But other than that I guess Twitter would be another place too.

  6. Wow. I just checked out DCurbanmom. Definitely lots of drama! Fun, but wow are the people rude on those forums!

  7. Phoenix, do you have a link to some good paranormal blogs? that short of thing interests me.

    I constantly move between isyn and the craigslist free section through out the day. I also look up cool knitting patterns.

  8. Wow. Just checked out DC Urban Moms for the first time. And I thought some of the regulars on this site were rude.. This is crazy!

  9. Lyn, I just checked out little and just saw the peek-a-boob post...I died laughing and now I need to find a new boyfriend to make one for. Thx for sharing that sight

  10. I'm always glad when other people like the same blogs I do. It must make me feel like less of a weirdo, haha.
    Have any of you read! I loovedddd that blog before it suddenly ended. She tells stories about her childhood using windows paint for the illustrations and they are hilarious. I mean fall off your chair hilarious. You have to read it until you stumble upon the one about going to the dentist or pretending to be a wolf and hunting down a male nanny outside, or about her fishing adventure. Really, just go back 2 pages past all of the depressing stuff and read from there. :)

  11. one place that I go is

    I have some of my stories written on that site. I go by Red. This is a collection of people's experiences. I have met a few people on there that i email every once in a while to offer advice and suggestions. It is really neat

  12. ♥ Amy Darling ♥Jun 14, 2012, 4:17:00 PM is pretty good, but not as good as this site. Why? Because there is too much moderation which makes me bored. *Yawn*

    I will most definitely check out the DC site.

    Thanks guys!

  13. actually sorry on that site i go by redphx. everyone always shortens it to red so I became used to it. but my screen name is redphx. it is very hard to find individual stories. but I think that you can search for a specific story. One of mine that stands out and is called polymorph. if you search for that story you will get to my section and able to see the other ones I wrote as well.

  14. Ms. Vivienne LePeauxJun 14, 2012, 5:00:00 PM

    OMG I checked out dcurbanmoms and have found my new crack!

  15. I love that some of isyn readers are now viewing dcum, I can now have some "sane" company in commenting on those crazy treads. The moms on that site are crazy crazy crazy...makes me not want to ever work in DC

  16. 9 to 5 chic

    DCmoms is ridiculous!

    I'll have to check little pink monster.

  17. You can check out my website, I blog about nanny and family related issues. Thanks!

  18. ok I couldn't resist. I went to that website. and I feel that I have a lot of rudeness that I can expel. I just don't think its all too user friendly. It's kind of ugly. But ugly things are being said

  19. I check for my daily laugh, and of course facebook.

  20. is awesome-- full of crazy moms (and some fairly normal ones). It's mostly NYC-based. I'm foing to have to check out dcurbanmoms! Nanny island is good every once in a whole, but there are not many threads and they move slowly. I LOVE hyperboleandahalf! I'm also completely addicted to pinterest, and I've found great ideas there to help me in my work.

    1. (Sorry about the typos! Dumb iPhone... ) :P

  21. is KINDA like this, only ISYN is way better, IMO.. NSG has posts with similar questions that you find on here an responses but not alot of drama in the comment sections which is boring hehe.

    DCurbanmom is a decent website and theres alot of drama in the nanny/parenting section.

    Urbanbaby - is another interesting website, but alot of drama starters so if you leave a question, beware because they will teamup an hate on 70% of OP's questions.

  22. Mostly Urbanbaby and occasionally (the old urbanbaby prior to cnet acquisition). Urbanbaby is more thoughtful, but can be very slow at times. Youbemom moves too fast midday and can be superficial, but is good for quieter late night hours.

  23. City-date forum, which has state and city forums, plus topics like travel, parenting, etc. It has a lot of fun and interesting posts.

  24. I actually found out about DCUM on here when a commenter mentioned it maybe a year ago. Some pretty ridiculous nannies on there...

  25. did you read the latest thread about the nanny that what's $32/hr for a two family share?

  26. Yes! And she is insisting that previous families always doubled her rate if they had more than one child! HAHAHA! That is madness!

  27. I love tweaking the idiots on DCUrbanMom!

    I post there as nannydebsays.

  28. I just found

    its written from a toddlers point of view and is hilarious.

  29. Sorry for all of the spam, it has been removed. My son had been sick the past 2 days so I was busy tending to him.

    Also, I have noticed yet another google glitch, hopefully it will be resolved soon... some readers tried to post multiple times and it didn't show up. Please check your comments to make sure they have been published.

    I have some catching up to do and will be updating the blog tonight.

  30. Mary Poppins

    I hope your son is feeling better!! Take care of him and hope he is well.

  31. Thank you ericsmom... his fever finally broke around midnight last night. He is feeling rather chipper this morning and finally had a bit of cereal. :-)

  32. Mani/pedi,
    my full c's are very insulted my your comment. I told them to calm down that flat chested haters are just jealous.

    NannyDeb, I <3 you on DCUM. I believ I read an entire tread about ppl cOmplaining about your comments. I too enjoy butting heads with crazies on that site.

  33. LOL! Yes bostonnanny, apparently I am just bad bad bad. I actually was wondering if the poster with your name there was you - glad to know it is!

  34. Aww, glad to hear Mary Poppins. Just be careful with the cereal (milk). May be irritating to his stomach. Wish you guys well.

    Mani really you wish for a child's fever to get worse? I hope your plane crashes.

  35. I take that back. I would never wish that on my worse enemy. I hope you get a bad case of food poisoning.


    I am glad you deleted Mani's post. To say something so mean about wishing a child to get sicker is plain awful! I shouldn't have stooped to his/her level, though. I am talking about the plane comment. Lets hope though that person gets a stomach virus

  37. I read the comment yesterday and couldn't believe someone would say such a stupid thing about a child. Even if they hiding behind a screen name online.

    People like that should be banned permanently from going online.....

  38. I saw that comment, too. What kind of person do you have to be to wish ill on a child? That's just cruel and I totally believe karma will intervene on something like that. It's just wrong in every way.

    Sorry for your child Mpp, I'm glad he's doing better. I'll say a prayer for you that he continues to heal.

  39. I am not a mom but I just started reading blog. There are message boards on there too that are rather entertaining :)


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