I have NEVER done this but felt the need to do this today. I was sitting in the middle of the meatpacking on 9th between 13th and 14th, when I noticed a little girl and a nanny walking south. The nanny was on her phone, for a long time, walking WAY ahead of the little girl who was walking by herself in the middle of a very busy time in the meatpacking (anyone could have picked her up and the distracted nanny would never have noticed). While she kept looking back occasionally, she was much more in to her conversation as opposed to the where abouts of the little girl who couldn't have been over 3 years old. Then the nanny crossed the street with her, walking ahead and to the side of the little girl, not even looking at her. Cars were making turns and the little girl was just wandering around. The nanny continued to walk and talk and I saw a man look at the little girl as if, WTF? Is she alone? I know we ALL get distracted here and there with our phones, etc, but this really disturbed me as it went on and on. The nanny I believe was Asian, long black hair in a ponytail with bright blue sneakers. The little girl had brown hair, a purple floral dress and purple leggings. I snapped a couple of pictures after they had walked away from me (was on the phone when they were just in front).

Thanks for this sighting OP.
ReplyDeleteSomeone could have just grabbed this poor child.
Hopefully, Mom + Dad see this and fire this Nanny immediately.
Up until the point where you described the nanny, there wasn't a way to discern who she was from the picture. I'm familiar with that area of Manhattan and yes, its a busy car/truck area. If that were my nanny I'd be pissed that she was so careless with my child, especially when crossing the street.
ReplyDeleteI can't see if she has a pacifier in her right hand? If so, I tbink you've spotted Suri Cruise, lol.
ReplyDeleteIts actually not at all funny & disturbing. There are sickos out there hoping for an opportunity to grab a child. There are 66,000 stranger abductions per year, just within our country alone.
I won't be surprised if this little girl comes up missing. I would've stopped the little girl, seen how long it took this "nanny" to notice. Then I would've shared a piece of my mind. OR, Id follow them & try to figure out where she lived, so I could contact & warn the parents.
This is an at risk child. That is one bad nanny, ugh! I wonder if mom is as spaced out.
This is a little scary. My son would just dart into the road even if he was walking on my hip. I would be paranoid if I was watching this girl
ReplyDeleteI don't think that all kids need to have their hands held all the time but this is just too far away
Good sighting!
From the looks of the picture, the little girl is just going for a stroll all by herself. You can't even tell that woman is supposed to be with her. Great sighting, OP.
ReplyDeleteAt first I thought it was the blond woman looking in her bag, waiting for her. She seemed closer then her actual nanny!
ReplyDeleteHorrible nanny.
What is meatpacking?
ReplyDeletebostonnanny echoes my thoughts - when i realized it was the darker hair with the pony tail i cannot believe my eyes - good sighting OP!
ReplyDeletePlease to God nothing happens to that little girl!!!
I literally gasped reading this.
ReplyDeleteThat poor little baby.
What if she had been sntached or hit by a car!
she's not even looking at her.
OMG, that child is crossing a very dangerous street by herself!
ReplyDeleteThat nanny needs to be fired yesterday!
The meat packing district in NYC used to be where they butchered meat. It is now a hip gentrified area of boutiques and clubs where models hang.
That street looks like its about to cave in.
ReplyDelete@ Manhattan Nanny
ReplyDeleteSounds like a place I should avoid.
That nanny looks like a hobo.
ReplyDeleteI honestly have never heard the meatpacking district referred to as "the meatpacking." I guess you have to be a hard core new yorker to refer to it as such.
ReplyDeleteGood siting. Bad nanny. :( poor little girl could get hurt!
I pray the parents read this post. The child obviously doesn't like her nanny, and she is ripe to be snatched. It's just a matter of time with this behavior. There are predators everywhere, and this is a an opportunity waiting to happen.
ReplyDeleteThis is so sad. Imagine if this nanny were caring for two dc? This is *exactly* the kind of thing I would want to know as a parent. Good siting OP.
ReplyDeleteThis is really disturbing.
ReplyDeleteI keep thinking of all the things that could happen to this little girl.
Is it just me or does she looked a little unkempt as well? She looks lost.
I shiver just thinking about how this poor little girl is treated when she's at home with the nanny.
I hope someone who can help her finds out about this.
Whenever my finance and I walk in the city we always point out the "over paid" nannies. They're the ones who are dressed like they are prancing all aloof on the run way while their charges are a mile away from them.
ReplyDeletePoor kids.
That is terrifying!!! I hope this little girl's mom/dad see this and fire their Nanny! I don't understand how someone more or less ignore a child, especially in such a busy area. How horrible.
ReplyDeleteSide note: "meatpacking" . . . . *snickers* I just woke up and perhaps most of my maturity is still asleep. But I laughed when I read that term.
Oh my gosh...great sighting and horrendous nanny!!! :( Poor little girl.
ReplyDeleteGood job, OP. Poor kid. This kind of stuff really makes me sad.
ReplyDeleteA picture is worth a 1,000 words. This caption should read: "Clueless when it comes to children and their safety."
ReplyDeletePlease don't spread rumors. There are not 66,000 stranger abductions in a year. That is false information. When including both strangers & slight acquaintances there are still only about 100 true abductions where the perpetrator transports the child out of the immediate area, or intends to keep or hurt the child.
ReplyDeleteWhere are you getting your information that there aren't 66K stranger abductions per year???? My source is the NCMEC. What is yours?
ReplyDeleteEACH YEAR IN THE US.........
More than 58,000 children were abducted by nonfamily members.
So, I was off by 8K. The 66K is actually the number in Canada. In the US, there are 58,000 stranger abductions reported per year.
I didnt say anything about the transporting of the children, so I am not sure why youre throwing in completely different stats.
That is sensationalized and inaccurate. It includes children who wander off, whose parents get confused about who is watching them...
ReplyDeleteYou are probably one of those people who forwards the chain emails every few months about a fake kidnapped child aren't you?
You are probably one of those people who let their kids talk to strangers online & let the creep in the neighborhood babysit your kids.
ReplyDeleteYou still have nothing to dispute the facts I shared.