Contract Feedback
Hi! Need opinions regarding new job. I was offered a job through an agency and after interviewing with 6 different families-the top choice I wanted, was what was offered. The family said I was their top choice too! Looking forward to seeing the little one and engaging with her. BUT this is period where the step grandma will supervise me and show me the ropes, so any advice on how to make it work best when hedge is training me? I am hands on but of course I do not want to show her I'm confident to be in charge and over do it, so she know I'm not incompetent. 1) If I have a unique way of doing something and she does it differently, should I adjust to do it her way? 2) Is this contract workable? -midwest resident on salary for only child-getting 12. Parents estimate working 37hrs BUT will pay full time. Also get 5 sick paid days and one week paid vacation. I do child care related duties and occasionally meals for them (I love to cook, so it's a treat for me). I have my own insurance. It's a live out position. I do have my own car. Should I get business ride on it and discuss them helping with this fee?? 3) Last but not least, is it wise to interview for another family through same agency while on new job, in case it does not work out? Say while I'm training, is it OK to interview for another family? *any input on the contract, what you think about interview with another family as backup in case, is welcomed.
Me personally think it would be rude to interview w/another family while you are starting w/this one. After all, you DID accept the job, right?
ReplyDeleteIf the family finds out from the agency that you are still interviewing w/other families, they might just fire you on the spot.
Be careful.
I had a little bit of difficulty understanding some parts of the post, but will try.
ReplyDeleteDuring training, try your best to just be yourself and not put on a show. This is the time for you to interview the family as well. If you put on an act of being overly deferential, that could be misconstrued as insecurity or lack of knowledge. Plus, it is best for them to see you for who you are and vice versa. If you act very deferential, but are in reality an assertive person, and they proceed with hiring you because they want someone very shy/quiet/unassertive, you are just going to end up with problems later. Of course, you show the grandma respect and do not need to challenge everything. But it is fine to discuss your differences in how you might handle a situation.
The contract should be more specific. You get paid hourly with a guaranteed minimum of 40 hours and overtime rate of 1.5X for hours above 40 hrs. IMO, "estimate" 37 hours is unlikely to stay 37 hours and Id on't see anything built in to account for hours above 40 hours for your salary. Five sick/personal days are standard. Usually a nanny gets two weeks of paid vacation and I would ask for this if I were you, but at the very least insist on it for the second year.
Ask them to clearly define waht "child care related duties" mean and do not mean, and what housekeeping they expect. "Occasional" meals for the family should also be defined with a set number/week. If you enjoy it, use this as a negotiating tool and say you are glad to cook 5 days/week but want the 2 weeks vacation. NOTHING should be vague, estimated, or occasional unless the alternative benefits you. If you are driving the kids around, you should get the correct insurance and get paid the IRS rate for mileage. If not, then it is irrelevant.
Have you accepted the job or are you doing a trial? If it is a training period for an accepted job, then neither party should be interviewing around. If it is a work trial, it should be clear that both sides can and should continue interviews that do not interfere with trial hours. I would never get offended at a nanny continuing interviews if she did not have a guaranteed job.
Ditto on everything nycmom said. Make sure contract is detailed!
ReplyDeleteIt's just my opinion, but could your reluctance to commit to your new job have anything to do with buyer's remorse? Maybe you are having second thoughts.
ReplyDeleteIf you think you have made a mistake, then it's good to keep interviewing. Can you leave your new job during the training period if things don't work out?
Just because you both thought you were right for each other doesn't make it true.
I am someone who thinks that you should always cover your ass. But I am also the type of person that *decides* that if i want something to work out it will.
ReplyDeleteso, i would say in your case that since you are basically hired you should not interview with another family. When you are in training that is just that. Anyone going to a new job in any field is required to have training. That means they are hired and therefore would not need another job.
If they were just giving you a trial run to see if you will fit then you should interview just to cover your rear. Because in this case you would not be hired yet.
I think that you are hired for this job. If you want it to work out don't jinx it by interviewing. It would not only waste your time but it would waste the time of the interviewing family, especially if they are under the impression you are looking for employment. What would you say if they wanted to hire you? 'oh sorry, you were just an incase type of deal. I've already accepted a job.'
That would be rude
I've accepted the job. Sign the contract Wednesday. Also I will ask during contract time for a 50 cent raise and a review on the 6th month mark. How can I suggest a hire pay? I don't mind what they're paying. In the Midwest, more like Indiana to be exact 11.50 isn't bad. BuT I think 12 would be better. But the family outlined what the salary would be already and it is not like they asked me. So I'm assuming best thing to do would be to ask for a raise in 6 months with review ???? There was another job that sounded good. He hours are long and it was two kids. I guess I thought even though I was hired on for this one. Interviewing for the other would be good. Just in case things don't work out ????
ReplyDeleteHmmm, I am one to believe that a back up plan is always a good idea. However, now that you actually have the job, without a doubt, no. No, I do not think interviewing for another job "just in case" would be reasonable. If you lose this job, you can cross that bridge when you get to it. But I have to ask, why would you already be concerned that this new position might not work out? Is this because you have a feeling, maybe you've seen or heard something that you perceived as a red flag? Or are you just inclined to always be covering yourself juuuust incase? As far as the review and raise, just ask them! The sooner the better. Just say it like you would if you were talking to us. Maybe someone here can help you word it better than I could???? Best of luck to you and congratulations on your new job.
ReplyDeleteI actually agree with Nycmom 100% this time.
ReplyDeleteWhy are you so concerned about losing a job you are just starting.
Do you get a feeling from the family?
If so you porbably shouldn't have accepted.
In my opinion, once you accept a job, then you are saying you are going to make a commitment to a family and you should do so.
ReplyDeleteIt is wrong to accept a job, then continue interviewing w/other families.
How would you feel if you accepted a nanny position and the family continued searching for a new nanny just in case you didn't work out???
Legally you're allowed to interview with other families while you're under contract with a family, but practically and ethically it's not a wise thing to do. If the family found out you were interviewing, you'd have a very tough time explaining why you were doing so. In fact, they might lose trust in you and decide to let you go. You'll also have a tough time explaining your situation to other parents. That said, focus on your current job, and save interviewing for later.