
The Hand that Rocks the Cradle

Received Friday, October 8, 2010
Opinion 4 I know this is really unusual, but I'm at a loss of what to do. I'm going to avoid giving details as to location and the description of nanny and child for now, because I don't want to cause any harm to anyone if there is an innocuous explanation for what's going on.

So, I take my charge to a local park nearly every day, and there is another nanny there who also brings a young infant. I've talked to her on a couple of occasions so I know that she is the nanny, though that fact isn't necessarily immediately obvious to anyone who doesn't know them.

The other day at the park, I am almost 100% certain that I saw the nanny doing what appeared to be... breastfeeding... the baby, or at least pulling up her shirt, exposing her breast outside of her bra, and putting the baby to it. She draped a blanket over the baby, but I noticed when she adjusted that her breast was exposed.

Question is... now what? I mean, I know for a fact that this woman is not the child's mother, and I am 99% certain that she was nursing the infant. Perhaps the mother knows and is okay with this, but oh my god, what if she isn't???


  1. Maybe she's a wet nurse/nanny( I recently saw an ad for a family looking for a wet nurse) or maybe she's one of those crazy women who think it's okay to let a child use there breast as a pacifier.
    Could she be a nanny who brings her own child along?

    Either way it's kind of werid. I would just ask her one day if the infant is breast feed or bottle feed and see where the conversation leads.

  2. I agree with Boston Nanny...ask a few "casual" questions and see where it leads. If she is indeed a wet nurse, then while I personally think it is weird for another mother to breastfeed my infant, I know there are many others who don't have a problem w/it. And if she is not a wet nurse...well...uh..I don't know. Unless you personally know the mother of the infant, there is probably not much you can do here.

  3. Interesting post!! If you have chatted in the past, just
    ask her about it. Obviously don't sound confrontational
    about it. Post back and let us know. Good luck!

  4. doesnt suprise me, nannies do everything for the kids the mom doesnt I am not suprised there are not more sightings like this
    it is just a matter of time before nannies give birth that way mommy doesnt have to miss any time away from her precious more important then being a mom,job

  5. I agree with BostonNanny as well. Ask some questions and see what happens. If she's not a wet nurse, then it's really creepy. Hopefully she is or you were mistaken.

  6. Monkey, I *really* hope you've had your tubes tied before it's too late.

  7. Cali mom, because Monkey's values are such that mothers should be the primary caretakers of their children, you think she shouldn't have any? I personally think the world would be better off if more mothers made parenting their # 1 job and priority.

  8. I happen to agree with Monkey shines, but then Cali Mom has always been a- - - - -. I wonder if she ever found a job? Can't imagine why it is so hard for her what with her sunny personality and non-judgemental attitude.

  9. Monkey- time to increase your med dosage again!!!

  10. BipolarButNotAshamedOct 9, 2010, 4:58:00 PM

    Maynee, I know you're trying to be funny, but that was a major fail. To my knowledge, sarcasm and cynicism are not mental disorders. Monkeyshines was offensive enough, let's try not offend everyone else in response, shall we?

  11. I was a nanny for over 20 years and I am just calling it like I saw it!

  12. And how many of the dads did you sleep with again? (I forgot when you told us before).

  13. Bipolarbutnotashamed- I am sorry for having offended you.
    I do think sarcasm and cynicism can most certainly be symptoms of how mental illness is manifested. I would not
    Make fun of some who is genuinely struggling with a disease . My comment was just a flip comment directed to one person identified by name. Someone who posts nasty little comments to be mean- I was actually saying that some meds would help- I am all for psych meds!

  14. I slept with 4 of the dads, it happens a lot, men are men and they always like a pretty girl.I am Jamacian and Irish.Its convienent for the dads, half the time I dont break a sweat, yt men are not that great in bed. personally I would never let a pretty woman into my house it is to tempting. woman on this forum are so uptight about the subject its only sex

  15. Ah, thanks for clarifying.

    So, you're illiterate, slutty, hostile, judgmental, ignorant and possibly genetically defective. But you''re Irish and Jamaican and consider yourself pretty so fucking married fathers of young kids whenever you have an itch is fine.

  16. did your husband cheat on you with the nanny? I bet you are one ugly woman! that is why my posts bother you so much

  17. They don't bother me, but I'm mildly surprised you don't have any clue about what a complete and utter moron you sound like.

    Some basics of sentence structure and grammar might help at least a little bit, but if you prefer people to think of you right down there with the roaches that scurry away when they turn on the lights, or the skanky crack-addicted hoodrat that flags down cars at the scariest intersections in town offering a two-fer, then it's your choice.

    I suppose after all those STD's, you're probably infertile anyway, so we should be thankful.

  18. Monkeyshines-
    Stop bragging - if you have really been a nanny for over 20 Years - your pretty girl days are over. If it wasn't good for you and the dads accepted your favors because it was "convenient" you need a reality check. Stop trashing the moms who saw something good in you worth hiring and all the while you were low enough to lay down and service their husbands. And Shame on you for abusing the trust of the children you should have cared about by Damaging their families. Ask yourself why you would settle for something sleazy over a committed relationship.

  19. I'm pretty sure MonkeyShines is full of it and trying to get a rise out of the normal people who come here. Stop feeding its fire, maybe it'll go away. I don't believe any of it for one second, but really, who cares?

  20. The family may be from a different culture which utilizes wet nurses. It used to be commonplace for upperclass women to use wet nurses to avoid "ruining" their figures.

  21. NorthCarolinaNannyOct 18, 2010, 9:28:00 AM

    Wow no wonder i stopped coming to this site. The comments between monkey and Cali mom should be deleted. Why is this behavior aloud to go on like this? It's disgusting, childish, inappropriate, and completely unrelated to the post.

  22. I find the idea of a 'wet nurse' disturbing, yes its different when it comes to mom/child breastfeeding because thats natural.

    Wouldn't it be better to use a breast pump and do it that way instead?

    I agree with NorthCarolinaNanny, the monkeyshine and Calimom argument should be deleted, I personally don't care who monkeyshine slept with. This has NOTHING to do with OP's post.

  23. This is not a bible study group. It's a blog. Stop asking for censorship. Call out someone for their comment, sure but to plead for censorship? that wouldn't be a blog.

  24. It;s impossible to make everybody happy. Just the other day people were bitching about censorship on this blog and Mpp challenged whomever it was to prove it, and here we have others demanding it!

    I agree with leaving the Op's of sightings alone, the trolls that bash them should be deleted, and of course the posts that are racist, like the Jewish one a week ago that I see was removed (by the way, good job!) but the silly, immature arguing back and forth? Ha! I say leave it alone for it's entertainment value! If you don't want to read it, pass it by!


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