
Departure Stories Needed

Sunday, October 3, 2010
I was wondering if you would ever run a piece on nanny departure stories..I feel like every nanny I am friends with has had one bad departure..I bet it would be interesting. Just an idea. The best I have ever heard-my friend K quit her nanny job because the contract was not being honored..when she told her employers they told her to leave immediately and told the little boy he would never see her again, she was making more money watching another child. Then found out who her new employer was and the dad went to fight the dad, man to man, for stealing their nanny..it ended up with the police being called.

Yes, submit your departure story to MPP using meebo (in the right hand side bar) or emailing isawyournanny@aol.com .


  1. I really wish I could tell mine, I have a completely insane story, but you never know who reads this.

  2. Leaving Through Text Message

    I have a departure story that isn't even close to that bad, though I thought it was at the time; I was nannying part time for a family 2 days per week as a supplemental position (working 30+ hours for a wonderful family for the other 3 days) and there were a few incidents when the father of this 2 day job would tell me they may or may not need me the following week, that he would "let me know." He never would, and after the second time he did this, I simply texted him (we communicated through text frequently) asking him to please let me know if he would need me the following Monday (since he hadn't let me know that they woulnd't need me the last week and I had heard nothing from them.) He waits until Sunday night to say that he would and I responded that I was already booked since I hadn't heard from him and in the future a bit more notice would be helpful because I was relying on the income; his reponse was incredibly belittling, stating that he too used to be young and have limited income and that for me to "question (their) integrity is bullsh*t." This was followed by him saying that if i didn't think it was working out I should not use them as a reference; childishly these messages went back and forth for a few minutes (he clearly had to have the last word) but while I will admit this could have been handled more tactfully on my part, once he cursed at me and blew up out of nowhere I knew for sure that this was NOT the position for me...the other family was the polar opposite, as was my departure when the little man started school after nearly 2 years with him. I adore him, still see him and his sweet older sister often and miss them like crazy! I have started working for a new family recently and think I may have gotten lucky again...so 1 bad position out of 3 isn't half bad!


Email ideas, pictures, suggestions, complaints, sightings, stories and features to isynblog@gmail.com