
Serious Problem

Received Tuesday, August 3, 2010
perspective and opinion What agencies do I report to in the state of Texas that the nanny we hired left my children unattended and left the home completely??? This was my 2 year old twins and a newborn baby one month old. I don’t ever want to have this woman be around children again. Furthermore, she also robbed our home on the way out the door.


  1. Contact the police and file child neglect charges as well as report the theft. Did you find her on your own or through an agency. If it was an agency I'd contact them as well.

  2. Yes, if u found her through an agency- contact them; as well as the police. I am so sorry thus happened to you.

  3. I'm really hope you already called the police and they charged her with robbery and neglect. If you haven't already then what are you waiting for? Make sure you take your children to the hospital right away, to have them checked out. The police would have called social services as well.

    If you already did all this don't worry, nanny agencies run background checks ( which You should have done). Also she should have been arrested and put in jail. If they haven't found her, then a warrant would be out for her arrest.

    You could call all the agencies personally, but I think you should spend that time with your children.

    Usually a search on google will bring up a list of agencies in your area.

  4. can we have more of the story? did you come home and she just was not there? please tell us more! and the other posters are right: you need to call your local PD and report it, if in fact you did come home to find no nanny in the house!!!

  5. Um, the police?

    I thought that was where people usually reported crimes.

  6. Ok just a quick question... Like other people have mentioned, did you call the police? There have been cases where the mother has been taken and/or killed and the child(ren) have been left behind. I'm sure there have been cases where this has happened to nannies or babysitter (although probably rare). Just my two cents...

  7. You do not mention how long it has been since the incident, but I hope you called the police to file a report right away. Otherwise, if you haven't, it is probably too late at this point. Unless you have direct proof it was her, it's just going to turn into a he said, she said kind of thing.

  8. Obviously, as ohers said, call the agency and the police ASAP. If you want to have her investigate for abuse you could also call your local DHS or CPS office or 1-800-4-A-CHILD.

  9. Sorry that happened to you, OP. As others have said, you should always call the police in this kind of situation. Even if it doesn't seem like the most likely thing, the police can direct you to more appropriate resources, but it's always best to report right away.

  10. Hey Anonymous,
    Parents have to go to work to provide for the children they lovingly created....grow up you Moron!

  11. Sooo.... a caretaker neglected your three young children, robbed you and you're seeking public opinion on what to do???

    Am I the only one who finds this extremely odd?

  12. No, Really??, I thought the same thing...

  13. Obviously we do not know the entire situation - and it is very important to contact police regardless - but if the case was that you arrived home and the nanny was gone and things were missing from your home, it is just as likely that she was abducted and her abductors robbed you, as it is that she left on her own accord and robbed you herself. PLEASE call the police ASAP.

  14. I have to agree with the other posters that this is a very severe situation and it is kinda odd that you are on a nanny blog asking for some advice from us. Duh?! These are your three precious babies...it is obvious that you should have called the police (the same day) and reported the fact that the children were left unattended and that you were robbed. Also, the agency, if there was one, should have been notified as well. Boston Nanny, you do not know if OP ran a background check or not..just because this happened does not mean that she did not. But OP if you really do not want her to be around children again, then you need to report her so she never is!!!!!

  15. Stranger Things Have HappenedAug 4, 2010, 8:17:00 AM

    I suspect a fake post.

    Maybe there was foul play and the OP was involved... so she came to a public website to document her feigned concern and outrage, to potentially serve as an indicator of innocence.


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