
Sprinkler Park - Zionsville, IN

Received Friday, July 2, 2010
nanny sighting Zionsville, IN Sprinkler Park, 7/2 - Little girl was 3 years old. Wearing a pink bathing suit that kept falling down. I unclipped the back and tied it tighter for her. This little girl was left ALONE for long periods of time on the boulders with rocks and water. She kept throwing rocks and I'd explain to her how that can hurt others or hurt herself. She was sweet and didn't know any better. She was very happy when I praised her for putting the rocks down gently. I looked for the nanny wearing a white tank top, overweight lady. She had a son with red hair around 10 or 11 yrs old and another boy she was watching with dark hair. Little girl also had mesquito bites on her back. She had sandy colored hair just above her shoulders. The sitter was in the shade on her cell phone not even looking at this little girl and there was a pool of water she could have drowned in too. I should have been the one getting paid to watch this little girl, because I was the one doing it!


  1. The fact that you were close enough to adjust this litle girl's SWIMSUIT and the Nanny did NOTHING is horrifying. Clearly, your intentions were pure, but a stranger messing with my charge's swimsuit would certainly have my immediate attention.

  2. hope the parents see this!!Jul 3, 2010, 3:17:00 AM

    I really hope the parents see this! I agree with student nanny that since you were able to adjust the swim suit the nanny obviously was not watching nor did she care. You were doing the girl a favor but there could be plenty of other people who had different intentions. And then of course the fact that a three yr old was in water and rocks and was not being watched. I really hope the parents see this!

  3. Wow,

    My nanny would be gone allowing a stranger to get so close to my daughter as to fix her swimsuit. Plus, letting her play on wet rocks? Not good. Hopefully the parents find out about it...

  4. Wow, I take my charge to the water park often and she is NEVER out of my sight. Where I take her there are no standing pools of water but I don't care, she could slip and hurt herself. She could wander off, so many scenarios so I always keep an eye on her. I can't fathom taking my eyes off her.

    I hope the parents see this, I'd be really worried about my child's safety.

  5. How did you know it was the nanny? JUST KIDDING! LOL!

    Whew! What a deadbeat nanny. Even if I was on my phone, in the shade, protecting my lily white skin (which I don't worry about in the godforsaken state that I live in (Seattle, WA). I would HAUL ASS as SOON as someone touched the child in my care. Totally creepy premonition for an Ambert Alert. Thak you for doing the nanny's job!

  6. I actually talked to the nanny for a short period of time, after I tied the girls bathing suit for her. I asked her if that was her child, she said she was the sitter and the red head boy was hers. The other dark haired boy about the same age as her son she was watching as well. I was at that point giving her the benefit of the doubt thinking she was there to stay and watch and since I didn't know who she was before that I wasn't positive she wasn't watching her. However AFTER that she was gone for over 30 minutes OUT OF VIEW! I then asked the girl how old she was and when she said 3 leaned over to a father of one of the other kids and said "You hear that? She's 3 and her sitter is over there on her cell phone not even facing this way!" ALL the parents assumed she was my child since I was caring for her. Good thing I wasn't a kidnapper! I could have EASILY taken her away in front of a crowd without anyone thinking anything of it! I wouldn't have even had to walk past the lady. Also, the 2 older boys were NOT there during most of it. She left her COMPLETELY alone for about 30 minutes and 15 more minutes with the boy there.

  7. OP,

    Nice job for looking out for that little girl. Hopefully her parents will see this.

  8. Wow, just, wow.

    Good for you OP!

    If that were my sitter she'd be fired immediately.

  9. I don't think the swimming suit is the issue. The water is the issue. Water safety!


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