
Calling all Berkley and Oakland Nannies....

Received Tuesday, June 15, 2010
perspective and opinion I have a question and I hope you'd be willing to consider posting it, even though it's of a local nature.

I've worked part time as a nanny for the last few years and want to do it full time as a career. When I started I did a fair amount of research into normal wages for my area (California - Oakland/Berkeley) and found that rates start at $15 an hour. Today I responded to an ad for a part time summer nanny posted by the outgoing nanny. We talked for a few minutes and she said she gets $500 a week, which is $11.11 an hour, and in her experience $11 - $12/hr is normal for this area. She said she's been doing this for 10 years, has lots of nanny friends, and $15 an hour is pretty unusual.

So my question is, is what she's saying right or is my other research right? I'd appreciate it if nannies in my area would chime in.


  1. When I used to babysit in that area, I got $15 an hour.

  2. Berkeley patents network has a nanny salary survey in their archives, they also have weekly listings for nannys and families - so youight start there. I run a child care center in Berkeley and I'd say that nanny's who were hired more than 18 months ago are probably making $15+, but lately rates have dropped because there are SO many nannys looking for work. Our center isn't cheap
    , $1400-$2000 per month, and we have a huge waiting list, but compared to a nanny at $2600... We're a bargain.
    Good luck

  3. I nannied in berkeley the past 4 years and always made $15/hour at the very least (and definitely for only one child with no other responsibilities). I am away for school these days (since fall) but when ever I come back all the families I used to nanny for or babysit for ask me to babysit and pay me at least my old rates. However, when I was considering looking for a summer nanny job here I was finding that the rates were more around $12/hour which didn't make it worth while for me to come back to berkeley for the summer. I think that a year ago or even 6 months ago $15/hour was the baseline, but now with so many more nannies looking for work the rates have fallen unless it is with families that are already paying that much....

  4. I am in the area and pay $15 an hour right now. I have top quality child care and I am grateful for it. Maybe rates have dropped due to the economy but I am not nickel-and-diming when it comes to my kids.

  5. Mom who employs p-t nannyJun 17, 2010, 2:22:00 PM

    You should leave that family and find one who treats you with dignity like a human being.

  6. Thanks for all your advice. Yes, the BPN survey helped a lot. Thanks for all of you who said rates were falling. As I've been looking for jobs and seeing that many people were paying less than $15/hr I wondered if I was crazy since I thought that was the norm. Thanks for all your help.


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