
Outside the Prudential Center Shops in Boston, MA

Received Saturday, January 3, 2009
nanny sighting logo I was really upset this morning, (1/3) when I saw a white woman, blondish hair, light features caring for a white child, dark hair. The child was approx. 2.5 years and wearing a red and white striped sweater and an orange-rust colored looking ski parka with white gloves. The woman was wearing a black jacket that was suede looking at went to her thighs, she had on blue jeans and black high heeled boots. Here is what happened. The woman was unzipping the back of the girl's jacket and trying to pull out the hood. She was frustrated, but she was also SMOKING. This meant she was holding the cigarette right by the girl's face, head and hair and smoke from the cigarette and her mouth, because she kept puffing were blowing right in the girls face. The little girl jerked back and said "yuck, yucky yucky, I hate it" clearly speaking to the cigarette smoke. With the cigarette in her hand the woman grabbed the girls face and squeezed the bottom part (cigarette poking from back of hand) and said in a low and seriously mean voice, "SHUT YOUR MOUTH, just shut your mouth". The little girl closed her eyes and was blinking back tears when the mother continued to try and free the hood. Finally she flicked the cigarette off to the ground (did not extinguish it) and made some annoyed grunting sound and then went back to trying to get the hood out. Of course, she did it easily without the flaming stick in her hand. Then she pulled the hood (which was little more than a plastic sheath) down real tight around the kid's head. The little girl said "Ohhhhh" and the woman said, "you have an ear ache, you need your hood".

Okay, woman. She has an earache? What she needs is a hat. A real hat, maybe some ear muffs and maybe not some crazed nicotine addict smoking in her face! (This could be a mother, step mom, or aunt, but does it matter? I Saw Some Really Bad Childcare!!)


  1. I quit smoking because I hated the smell. I have been smoke free for 2
    years now. I wasn't addicted, yet the job where i worked was so stressul, I needed a smoke. OK, so the nanny had the smoke in the child's face, and the child said they hated it. The child didn't have a hat on. I always overdress my charge when we go out. This child will be sick in a few days. I wonder if the parents smell the smoke?

  2. I really appreciate your honesty, OP. You didn't know if it was a Mom, Aunt or Nanny... just that it was BAD childcare.

    Maybe this little girl's Father will reprimand whoever it was for treating her that way and smoking in her face!

    Thank you for reporting.

  3. You would think most non-smokers would be able to smell smoke, but I have met some people that are really good at covering up the smell.

    Some things they used that hid the smell:
    Dryer sheets! (they rub it on their clothes and you can NOT smell the smoke!)
    Gum, mints, mouth spray.
    Perfume, of course.

    I'd like to think I have a sensitive nose, but even I have been fooled!

  4. Ear infections and parents who smoke run hand in hand. I used to work at a government subsidized childcare center. The children of the parents who smoke were perpetually sick. You can bet along with the croupy sounding cough was a raging ear infection. It was heart breaking to have a child come to school with an old lady smoker cough, ear draining crude and reeking of smoke.

  5. Well I personally don't like cigarette smoke but I also grew up in a house of chain smokers so what your describing happened to me all throughout my childhood. Yes it shouldn't have happened but I don't think it warranted a sighting either IF it was the mother. There are many things I see parents do that I would never do with my child but we live in America and we are allowed to raise our children as we see fit within reason of course.

    Now if this was not the mother then something needs to be done to this lady, what she did was wrong.

  6. TC
    Unfortunately, I agree with you 100%. If this was the Mom, there's nothing we can do... however, OP took a chance that maybe it could be a Nanny, and if it is, here's hoping that the Family finds out about her.

  7. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  8. TC are you honestly saying that this child only deserves and advocate if the person with her was a nanny? I seriously hope people who feel that way are not parent themselves. Children never deserve to be treated that way. I appreciate the OP for standing up for this child as a HUMAN BEING.

  9. Disgusted re-read what I wrote and think about what I said before trying to put me down and trying to bring my child into this argument. That is considered a low blow and I'm sorry my child is off limits when it comes to arguments. If you want to debate or argue with me that's fine but you never bring someone's child into the argument especially since I did not mention him on this article.

    I never said it was right. I said there is nothing that can be done IF this is the mother. She is well within her rights to do what she did. I never once agreed to it and I don't think it's right. But there is nothing that can be done IF she is the mother of the child.

    What good would it do to report the lady on this site if she is indeed the mother? Will it make her change her ways...I highly doubt it...

    Again before you fly off the handle read what I wrote.

  10. We can and will report everyone we see mistreating a child. The word will spread. People will change. It does take a village.

  11. Big deal. If this is the worse this whiny little girl has to deal with in her life, she is very, very lucky. And BTW, a hat won't help an earache, which is caused by an infection. Only antibx or eartubes.

  12. TC-No chance trying to explain it to you, it's obvious you didn't get it. I don't know you from Adam, I didn't know you had a child but my comment still stands, I hope that someone would advocate for your child if you ever pulled something like that.

  13. Sweetie you didn't get what I said....again you need to re-read what I said. :)

  14. Meebo Guest:
    Thank you for noticing the Date!
    It's been fixed. :)

  15. Realistic: Are you kidding me? The caregiver grabbed the girls face and spoke very harshly to her. What about this post makes you zero in on a "Whiny little girl" as you put it. You're nuts

  16. I really feel for this little one. My Mom smoked constantly in our house while I was growing up and I constantly had stomach aches. She would take me to the dr but the dr would always say there was nothing wrong with me. I would have constant nausea and throw up a couple of times a week. When I was 12 we moved into a brand new custom home and she decided not to smoke anymore. My stomach aches stopped immediately and all together. I wonder how many other kids go through childhood like this and I hope this Mom or whoever takes a minute to think about how dangerous her activities are to her and her daughter.


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