
Don't Miss...

Primetime, "What Would You Do?" finds out, when the series returns on tonight at 10 p.m. ET. Using hidden cameras, the series sets up everyday scenarios and then captures people's reactions. Whether people are compelled to act or mind their own business, John QuiƱones reports on their split-second -- and often surprising -- decision-making process.
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  1. I've been an avid watcher of this program for a long while, and it never ceases to amaze me with some of the reactions these people have.

  2. Im watching the segment and I thought of "I saw your Nanny". Ive always thought this site was fair.. but not anymore. While I've seen terrible nannies and 99% of them black you are doing a disservice. If you want to report on bad childcare, step it up a notch with facts, pictures and backbone.

  3. to clarify.. you need much more than the posts of bitchy, bitter *victims*

  4. Then ask the "bitchy, bitter victims" to report as much info as possible and take pictures of the offending nannies (which will then only cause others to bitch and moan that ISYN is doing them a disservice.) They can only post what is sent in. You can't make everyone happy.

    Tell us what you would do if you saw a nanny abusing/neglecting a child? Minus calling the police (which most here don't do anyway because they must not think that it's enough to warrant calling them) - but exactly how would you report it to ISYN? Teach us so we will know better.

  5. So wait.. you haven't read all the bitching and moaning? Bonus Poll? Really? come on.. really?
    Craig's list WTF? Really really?? Let's judge ads!!!!!

    What Im saying is ISYN needs to be accountable. Posters should give their names. Jane Doe---Who are you? If you are so pissed at these nannies then give us your name.
    Only after that happens will this website be legit.
    Does that make sense? If we have the balls to name names and HAVE ACTUAL PROOF then we will take care of the childcare problem.
    So far, this site has bent to the bad nannies anger, not the parents.

  6. Shut the fuck up, dumb ass.

    What does the segment have to do with bad nannies anyway?

    Specifically black nannies?

    You're just a total jackhole.

    If you knew anything about the segment, you would know that aside from this disastrously boring episode in France, they usually have situations where most people DO NOT GET INVOLVED. And then they ask the people who they don't get involved.


    Why don't you reveal your name if you're such a god damn maverick?

  7. Jeez, I rather enjoy the bitter, biased ramblings of burnt out nannies.

    Keep em' coming!

  8. Who's the bitter nanny at 10:21?

  9. Wait, what?
    "So far, this site has bent to the bad nannies anger, not the parents"

    What about the anger of Jane Q Public (other nannies and parents) who have to witness the horrifying choices for childcare that other parents stick their children with? What of having to witness their misdeeds, fearing what will happen if you intervene? Will you make the situation worse? Will the child be punished? An already angry nanny, will she take it out on the child? And what if you are out with your own child or charge? Do you risk life and limb to confront one of NY's 250 lb nannies?

  10. I was disappointed in tonight's segment. The Paris thing was staged and ridiculous. And the illegal thing? That isn't exactly discrimination. People should speak English. People should damn well not enter this country illegally and be celebrated because they walk 2 miles to take him $10 an hour cash free.

    I mean the illegals are a huge problem. Shame on Quinonez for his biased view. I would definitely stand up for any individual being mistreated but ENGLISH SHOULD BE SPOKEN HERE.

    And if you own a store or restaurant, maybe you don't have time to deal with all the language restrictions of the Mexican immigrants. If you ask me, it is racist that we cater only to the Mexicans. What about the koreans? The Cubans? The Japanese?

    Learn English.

  11. "Why don't you reveal your name if you're such a god damn maverick?"

    Good point!

    I just don't see how Jane Doe giving her real name makes this site anymore legit than what it is, that's the most ridiculous reason I've ever heard. As a matter of fact, why don't you use your real name, if that's something that's so important to you? You want to help children, right? Isn't that why you're here?

    I personally think this site does a lot of good. I imagine it certainly makes Parents a little more careful about who they're hiring after reading some of the stories I've seen on here. I know I'm much more careful! Also, I've read that a couple of these sightings reached the Parents of children who were mistreated. And you know what? The children of those abusive and neglectful nannies are a lot better off now because of "Jane Doe"!

  12. "So wait.. you haven't read all the bitching and moaning? Bonus Poll? Really? come on.. really?
    Craig's list WTF? Really really?? Let's judge ads!!!!!"

    Bonus Poll: A very interesting read. I think it helped a lot of Nannies gauge what they could or should be making in their area.

    CL-WTF?: Awesome Feature! You can't tell me that you haven't been on CL and just wanted to pull your hair out after reading that a Parent wants a Nanny to work 50 hours a week scrubbing every crevice in their house AND watch the kids.... all for a measly $6 bucks an hour! I 100% think that those Ads should be put on public display! And what about the Parents who want to hire a stranger RIGHT OFF THE STREET to come into their home and watch their kids after having only known them for 2 hours?!! Maybe another Parent reading that will think twice now about how dangerous that is!

    "What Im saying is ISYN needs to be accountable. Posters should give their names. Jane Doe---Who are you? If you are so pissed at these nannies then give us your name."

    O.k., sure, let's all give our real names here so that some pervert stalker can look us up and start psycho calling us!! Yeah, right! I'm NOT giving out MY real name! No flippin' way!! Get real!

  13. Wow, firsttimecaller, you are an asshole. Why would you slam somebody like Jane who has nothing but good intentions? Can you imagine the amount of free time she must give up to this Blog? All of it UN-paid?

    If you're so unhappy with the way she does things, why don't you start your own Blog, ok?

    And don't forget to use your real name. You will definitely want to put that up in lights for all of the pissed off Nannies to see so they will know who got them fired for trying to help the kids who were being mistreated in their care.

  14. Pffft, I'm not at all surprised by praytell's response. Half the people on this damn site are bigots who think immigrants are sub-human. I don't give a shit if someone is illegal or legal, HUMAN BEINGS deserve respect. Get a moral compass, imbecile.

  15. Everyone here just proved my point.

    "Shut the fuck up Dumbass"
    What an intelligent response from the poster who calls themselves "kiss my fat ass"

    And to Praytell.. this site isnt about the children anymore... its about posts like this "Should Nanny go behind Cheap, Bitchy Employer's Back? "

  16. I have no more respect for what Jane and her associates are trying to do here. Instead of being a site to help children who are mistreated by their caregivers, it's become a place that encourages anger and hostility. It's not solving any problems so much as it's exacerbating them.

  17. Hate to tell you, but these situations don't occur in a vacuum and there are always multiple dimensions to every story.

    You sound the the 'hang em high' sort so why don't you just stick with Lou Dobbs and Nancy Grace.

  18. ...and by the way, if you think this site is too nanny FRIENDLY, than shit - I think I must be the Queen Mum.

    Seems to me that half the people on this site are rednecks and the other half are entitled windbags.

  19. Firsttimecaller
    ....and you're here because why?

    LEAVE if you don't like the way things are done around here.

    I'll never for the life of me understand why some posters come on here and bitch and moan and CONTINUE to post!

    Good riddance to ya!!

  20. I wonder what the opinionated Ms. Em has to say about 1sttimecaller ragging on about this Blog? She's always got something to say, and I hope she can put you in your place!

    Why are you here 1sttimecaller? Are you out there doing any good for the children that need help? No. Obviously not. You're here complaining about what should be done around here. You are pathetic.

  21. Will Em...
    I'm doing more than you. And I have a brain. I'm sorry you are either blind or stupid.. this website is now for bottom feeders. Nice job Jane.

  22. 1sttimecaller
    You must be the bottom feeder you so fondly describe.
    Now will you please leave! You suck!

    And stop blaming Jane because assholes like you can't help but to come on this board and piss and moan!

    You must be so lonely. You have nothing else to do but to come on here and put people down. You are such a pathetic loser!

  23. I'm not sure Jane's posters are going to take kindly to being called "bottom feeders". What is your malfunction, Caller?

  24. Oh no.. bottom feeders dont like to be called bottom feeders?My heart breaks for all of you.

    Everyone: Read the posts. Its from complaining nannies. and anonymous cl posts and bonus reports.

    Great!!!! Im so happy that Jane and company are spinless and cant stand up for the kiddies.
    I hope Jane gets spine surgery. She needs it. Want to protect the children? then keep it about the children.

  25. One last question...
    Does "Marypoppin'pills" watch children or is that namesupposed to be funny?

  26. Nannie = bottom feeders?

    How rude!

    The scope of the blog remains the same. I think the extra things provide the readers with other things to read when the blog is devoid of sightings.

    I am sure first time caller thinks the blog should just be blank for days.

    First time caller, disconnect now.

    Find peace.

  27. First Time Caller has an ego issue and is nothing more than a school yard bully who needs to make herself feel better by calling the posters bottom feeders. Truly FTC, you are the same as those of us who visit this site. You posted seven times on this thread alone, more than anyone else. That would make you the queen bottom feeder in my opinion.


Email ideas, pictures, suggestions, complaints, sightings, stories and features to isynblog@gmail.com