McCain for President? I fear our Country would fall apart! Who wants a President that has consistently opposed efforts to guarantee women equal pay for equal work? That's very chauvinistic. He also does NOT support ending employment discrimination.. specifically discrimination against the LGBT Community.. and the most outrageous? McCain believes that gays and lesbians should not be in the military. He does not support our troops and has a horrific voting record when it comes to our troops, whether it is funding for veterans or for troops, for armor and equipment or for veteran’s health care.
McCain voted in favor of S. 2611, legislation that would reward between 10 and 11 million people that broke American law and entered America illegally with amnesty for their crime, and worked to defeat an amendment by Sen. John Ensign, a Nevada Republican, that would have barred Social Security credits for work being done prior to their receiving amnesty - in other words, while using identity theft and working under a false Social Security numbers.
He also does not support gay marriage and campaigned for a state amendment that would have banned civil unions and domestic partnerships.
AND John McCain also admits to being a lying, cheating, adulterer who left his crippled wife for a woman 17 yrs. younger.
As for Sarah Palin? Where do we begin? All I see is a man in a dress. The National Organization for Women (NOW) doesn't even support her. She is a hunter and supported placing a $150 bounty on the heads of wolves because they prey on moose and caribou.. two favorite targets for hunters in Alaska. So Palin instituted a program to encourage hunters to kill wolves so that there would be more moose and caribou for hunters to kill. This year, her state biologists even dragged 14 newborn wolf pups from their den and, having already shot their parents, then shot each of the pups in the head at close range. She's a monster.
She is currently under investigation by the Alaska Legislature for alleged abuse of office. And Palin has supported oil and gas drilling plans in Alaska, including in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge.
She is against abortion rights.. and believes a woman should NOT have the right to an abortion even if she was a victim of rape or incest! She has bigger balls than McCain.. that I'll give her.
MARK HALPERIN, TIME MAGAZINE: We would. We would also see a lot of stories about his going back on his word saying that he would accept the public money and would reach out to Sen. McCain to try to work out a deal. So, I think this is, this is a case of a clear, unambiguous double standard, and any reporter who doesn't ask themselves, "Why is that? Why would it be different if it were a Republican?" I think is doing themselves and our profession and our democracy a disservice.
AZnanny My facts are straight. I just didn't know you needed an outline.
"For example, Palin was cleared of any wrongdoing this morning and is no longer under investigation."
*This morning? Oh, excuse me for not catching the update. I was out voting. :)
"And for the record, Obama doesn't support gay marriage either, he just chooses not to make a stand against it."
*But he DOES support Gay Rights: Civil Unions, Adoptions by Gays and allowing each state to make their OWN decision on marriage.. to me, that is just as good.
I don't mean to be obnoxious, but Obama is going to win. Mainly because he will carry all of the gay and black votes. And Palin will suck this earth into deeper despair because she is doing more harm than good in a world that really cares about it's environment. McCain lost when he picked her as his running mate. Sorry, but it's true.
I agree about McCain digging his own grave by picking Palin. Even many Republicans were turned off by that ridiculous, shallow, transparent and ill-thought out attempt to get the female vote.
However, I need to ask a really hard question, and I need a really honest answer from somebody.
I know a couple of people that had wanted to vote for Obama. The reason they changed their mind, not only out of principle, but because there were many instances of black people using it as a platform to "get rid of whitey". Personally, it would be nice to see some equal ground from his Presidency, but I'm concerned. For example, those that may not know: Today in Philadelphia, the Black Panthers blocked several voters from entering a building because they were trying to intimidate them with batons (sticks). They didn't want them to be able to vote for McCain. That isn't right. Are we really going to see an uprising? Also, just recently a plot to assassinate Obama was foiled. I am really concerned that he eventually will be. Probably by the white supremists.
Ugh, I hate Obama so much, I really do. I don't love McCain either but Id rather him be our president any day. Oh well, looks like Obama has won it already BUT all of you Obama supporters will see whats going to happen while hes in office-and when you do I don't want to hear it!!
With Obama in office, my angst and general disgust has subsided.
Women's rights can't be taken away! We won't have to resort to back alley abortions and trying to convince someone else what to do with our bodies.
Gay rights should NOT be something you fear not having access to. Palin and McCain just want to take over power and rule with a mighty fist and their wretched, horribly flawed sense of LOGIC they like to refer to as Christ and their religion. (I am not anti religion, I don't have issues with people who are religious just because I am atheist. I DO have issues with people who think it is their right to make our decisions for us and then wave a book of fairy tales in our face and try to convince us that their way is the only one. The "moral" one.)
Palin supports drilling in Alaska, the place where she is oh so proud to be from. How absurd of a notion is this to anyone!? Even if they decide to go in and kill the environment and ecosystem for a break in gas and oil prices.. it would be years before there was any change. IF there was a change.
I could go on and on and on, but I won't. I will simply say..
SUCK IT MCCAIN! ...because baby, you and your bumpkin princess Palin never stood a chance. Thank you Bush, for ruining our resources and pushing republicans so far away it made even states like mine see the error in ways and decide to vote correctly, objectively, sanely.. They voted Obama.
Wow..our world is falling apart little by little ........and fast..goodbye old fashioned morales and values..what a sad,sad day for our country to see so many women celebrating abortion..even right here on I saw Your is just sad...the fact that such an issue is even on a ballot is sickening.The strong,hard-working&responsible women who birthed our great grand mothers are rolling over in their graves right now...... before you bleeding heart liberals come at me about womens rights and what if someone is raped..facts are the amount of abortions due to rape are less than 5% ....5 PERCENT!!! How about those that play God..can't have any babies..then get pregnant with 6 and abort 3 or 4..that is what this country has come to...and people are claiming victory because they can do so?!!
I would like to state that I am an advocate for abortion rights. Do I feel that abortion should be used as a form of birth control? No. But it is a woman's right what she chooses to do to her body. It needs to stop being a moral thing, start being a right. As a human being to decide what and how you want to treat yourself.
Having said that, I've been pregnant. I've had an unplanned pregnancy. Have I aborted five or six times? No. I chose to have my son even though I KNEW I could not raise him to standards I felt he needed and deserved. What did I do? I made the heartbreaking, difficult decision to place him for adoption. He's now 3 1/2 and thriving and I am lucky enough to be a part of that, being his birth mother in an open adoption.
I am one of those "bleeding heart liberals" you speak of. Yes. I applaud women's rights, voting rights, gay marriage. I think those are nothing that someone else should be allowed to set a precedent for. We're not these careless, heartless people you seem to think we are. I just don't think it's okay that everyone can't have equal rights. I also don't think it is okay to tell a woman she cannot abort a fetus she does not want to carry. What happens when she is told no? She tries to abort herself be it by poison, pills, a botched abortion that kills her in the process. By saying "she deserves it" makes you so much worse than any ideal you have in your head as to what "we" liberals are.
Justsaying Okay. You're on your way to the parking lot after shopping at the mall. It's getting late and you have to hurry home to fix dinner. As you get to your car, a van pulls up beside you and 3 men jump out and grab you. They pull you in and drive you to some deserted area where they commence to rape you for the next 3 hours. You find out later your pregnant from this attack. Wouldn't you like the RIGHT TO DECIDE whether or not you have an abortion?!
After all his promises, Obama and the media are already making excuses for him as to why we can't expect the change he promised in even one term. At least I can have the pleasure of knowing I didn't help put him in office. God help us all.
Justasking I think 'a sad woman' has made herself perfectly clear in that she would still keep the child.. no matter what. But that has got to be the most outrageously stupid question ever asked on this site! You make it sound like Gays are birth defects!
Please tell me how we are to know that a fetus is Gay? However, you did get one thing right.. it does start there. I believe 100% that people are BORN gay. They have NO choice. And BTW, I am not gay, but I do believe in equal rights for all.. Blacks, Whites, Men, Women AND Gays.
And to answer your question.. IF there was a way of knowing whether or not my child was Gay before it was born - your damn right I would keep it!!! But I would think long and hard about keeping a child that was the product of rape!
I will not even answer your ridiculous "if the fetus were gay" are a nimrod!
I was raped at 19 after my tire blew out on the freeway in Pomona california at 2am.A car stopped to help. My boyfriend watched as a gun was held to him and I was raped. It was the most degrading and painful thing I have EVER been through. Whats worse is that I actually felt more pain for my boyfriend as he was helpless and never forgave himself. The result was a pregnancy,that I carried until 5 months when I miscarried due to a RH negative blood incompatibility. So,yes,I would keep a baby that was the result of a pregnancy.
As for gays..don't be so quick to judge,my kids have more Mary's for Uncles than you could ever imagine.My husband and I have several friends who are gay.They are welcome in our home,have been to baby showers,birthdays and most family functions.We have taken vacations with one couple.They are no different than any of our other friends accepting that they are same sex couples. Some of them are brilliant..some are funny but most importantly,they are friends who we respect,trust and care for. I also have a sister who is currently living a gay lifestyle.Something new to her after a 15 yr marriage to a man..more power to her. I don't judge someone by there sexual preferences..I judge them by the way they handle themselves and treat others..I do hope that anyone wanting to vote continues to do so while living the lives they on the other hand with your idiotic questions and assumptions..well,I wish your rights to vote could be taken away!! You my friend are the reason this country is where it is today.
Liberal I am..How dare you put words in my mouth..I NEVER said "she deserves it". I know I did not deserve it. But two wrongs do not make a right.
God help America. I am with you.Nor did I help Obama make his way to the White House!
That's a terrible story, A Sad Woman, and I'm sorry it happened to you or that it happens to anyone. I am proud, however, that you and I live in a country where you have the CHOICE to do whatever you decide with your won body and the fetus growing within it. I believe that life begins at conception, but I don't think that fact has any bearing on what our laws should be in a country where there are so many unwanted children, so many uninsured children, so many suffering children.
I look forward to the day when I can put the time and energy I now apply to protecting CHOICE into counseling young women to chose LIFE--but that can't happen until CHOICE is protected and we put abortion as a "political issue" behind us.
God Help America,I could not agree more. We have elected officals who support dumbing down our nations children, by filling our classroooms with anything but useful knowledge,filling our streets with ilegals,promoting abortions for teens and all the while people are too busy watching mindless television that consists of fart jokes,loud burps,sex and violence..grown up cartoons like the simpsonsor some of that other crap on thre Cartoon network that promote no family values and.... all these same people watching this crap are the people out there voting. I have said it before and I will say it again...the CFR & The Trilats have us right where they want for you
and your "Hot air remark" why make GHU a little footwork yourself....look up the CFR..look up the Trilateral Commission..look at what you have just voted into the White House!!! GHU is have NO idea what you have done!!
BLB, if that sums up you and your neighbors, then maybe you should move to a better area and make some changes in your lifestyle.
If it was just meant to be a ridiculous sweeping stereotype of everyone in America that you've never even met, 'nuff said.
I can only assume that God help America is one of those multi-millionaires who has gotten away with paying 2% income tax for way too long while the average US citizen pays closer to 35%+, and has all HER needs met so doesn't give a rat's ass about anyone else's. Boohoo, go cry in your brandy and berate your nanny to cheer yourself up.
JustSaying-- That right there is the difference. I do not think of a fetus as a baby. It isn't, not in the early stages we speak of.
You see abortion as murder, I definitely do not. I don't believe a woman should decide to abort when she is already 5 or so months pregnant. If you've waited that long to make a decision, you're kinda out of time and by then the right thing to do would be having it and choosing where to go from there. (btw, partial birth abortion isn't even term used in the medical field. It's something the pro life media came up with to use for shock value. The procedure itself is Intact dilation and extraction)
Doesn't it bother you to think of what will happen to a baby when the woman is denied an abortion she is asking for? If someone makes a decision of that magnitude it's something that is followed by a lot of thinking and emotion. Being denied that choice will likely just begin self destructive behavior for the woman AND fetus. Babies being born with horrible complications, addicted to substances, unhealthy from lack of nutrition and general care. Why bring a child into a world like that? So CPS can take the baby away and so nurses can spend days weaning it off of various addictions?
Abortion is not for every one, I am aware of that. But the women who do want one and are told no will almost surely just continue with the life style they are having or make it even worse in an attempt to miscarry. Women who make that decision should be allowed to go through with it, instead of giving birth to a child that is in pain and may never be 100% healthy.
Cali mom Love you to death, but I agree.. you let someone slip calling you a moron, yet you jump on BLB? Hmmm. I know you're not loosing your touch! C'mon now, girl. I've been waiting all day for your retort!
BLB On your comment: Look up The Trilateral Commission... I did. And I am not condoning anything Obama may have done, but there are fallacies MUCH worse than this that are being committed by other Politicians everyday. Obama has a relatively squeaky-clean image... minus a few "hanging out with the wrong crowd" strikes against him. I mean, come on, this Election was won by a landslide. If he was so dirty, please tell me how so many good American people can be wrong? And it wouldn't have mattered anyway, based on this, who won... McCain was backed by The CFR, too. (He was being supported by several Trilateral Commission giants including: Henry Kissinger, George Schultz, Lawrence Eagleburger and Alexander Haig.) Even George H.W. Bush, Bill Clinton, Al Gore and Dick Cheney are all members.
Every major crisis we face today is directly attributable to policies put forth and executed by members of this Trilateral Commission: Banking/lending/mortgage crisis, energy/gas price crisis, food/shortage/price crisis.
obama for prez..well, I am glad you looked into the CFR & Trlats.
It is rather scary and it is all true.
The fact though that people are celebrating "the lesser of two evils" is what is bothersome. It is not a victory in my opinion.
As for "if he was so dirty,please tell me how so many good American people can be wrong"
Please believe me, this is not something I want to be right about. I just happened to be in the right place at the right time for a ten yr period of my life and..saw what the CFR & Trilats are capable of. And,the good American people are wrong.
The CFR could make a dung heap come out looking and smelling like a rose bush without thorns if they wanted the "Good American People" to vote for it.
Want to do something really interesting? look up all the many belong/belonged to the CFR & Trilateral Commission..otherwise known as the Brotherhood of Death. Voting is a scam..we don't choose who sits in office..they do because anyone running not backed by them will never have a chance!
anyhow..enough ranting..I could go on but don't really want to take over this thread.
I am glad you looked it up.I hope others will too. And thanks for the feedback.
BLB You're not ranting. I think discussing Politics is what this thread is for! :) And I am well aware of the "brotherhood" - that's why I was wondering why it made a difference whether it was Obama or McCain who made it into the House. If they are basically "equals" in The CFR, what's so wrong about just agreeing with Obama's other issues and "choosing" him to be my next President? But I do thank you for one of the best discussions I've had on here in a long time!
OKay, this is the last one,I promise! If the CFR & Trlats does not make the hair on your neck stand up..this should!! Several of your past presidents,(Clinton & Reagan are just 2 of several) and Obama will be headed there soon too, dress in black hooded robes and watch a boat,with a casket in it,sail across the lake..then they burn it! It is called the "Cremation of Care"
NO women are allowed to attend any of these for you miss"now womens rights cannot be taken away" Boy are you wrong!!You truly have NO idea!! These men have no respect for women,children or anyone but themselves. They are sick and how scary that you probably voted for at least one of them in the past! I hate to tell you but your precious Obama is one of them or he never would have made it to the top. Cali mom.."Yes we did"..Whhoohoo".. Are you aware of this ritual? Will you still be voting for Obama after he joins in? Or do you still think I need to change my lifestyle and better myself? Can you honestly tell me that this is ok?Normal?If the local principal did this you would have him thrown out in a second....Perhaps it is you who should open your eyes and take a good look around at who you just so proudly voted into office. You are the exact stereotype I was talking about! Clueless!
Just in case the URL does not work..look up Bohemian Grove
Dear Obama for Prez..I see your point and agree that you are right. Really never looked at it that way!!I just get riled up so easily about it. I fear for our nation and for those who don't understand just how powerful these people are. So much of it is so blatant too and people just don't see it? anyhow..this was a good topic and I too enjoyed your views . Thanks!!
Well, Ms. God help America was the one who called me a moron, and I did address her/it, and the sour caviar she was choking on.
BLB, you think I should be dismayed and shocked into revulsion at the notion of some guys who watch a boat sail across a lake and then burn it? As long as there is not a living person being locked into the casket, exactly what is it I should be so incensed by? That women aren't allowed to join the ritual? So what? Women have organizations that men aren't allowed into. As long as women are allowed to do things that are important (like CHOOSE whether or not to give birth to a baby conceived as a result of rape or incest, or just by accident *like Palin's daughter*) and earn the same salary as a person with a penis earns for doing the same work, so fricking what? I bet you go purple and bust some veins just thinking about people being allowed to go to a dominatrix and get whipped and humiliated for a price, or all the other things people are allowed to do that don't appeal to you personally.
BTW, my dad attended Burning Man 2 years ago and I was slightly envious that I couldn't get away to join him so the thoughnt of some rich guys burning a boat as a symbolic gesture is hardly something to freak out about.
Cali mom Except at Burning Man, women are allowed! ;) But I get your point, and it was an excellent one. Funny too, because I once had a BF tell me I would've made a great dominatrix.
God Help America, I think you'll find that a great many terrorists were sad to see the end of the Republican administration. So says the Washington Post:
Obama was the best thing to happen to the US in a very long time. Slowly, in time, we might see America's global reputation as the ignorant bully of the free world subside...things can only get better because they sure as hell can't get worse.
Well goddoesn'tevenhateidiotslikeyou, I have to say this is the only sensible thing you've written here so far. I am absolutely appalled and disgusted that Californians caved in to hate, ignorance and prejudice and voted AGAINST civil rights for all.
well, I would hardly compare a gathering of 2,000 white men cheering for a satanic ritual, a mock human sacrafice with Grove members carrying torches,wearing hooded robes and buring multiple effigies to an Art festivel of sorts..but hey..perhaps that is the difference between you & I?
As for your silly dominatrix scenario..I really don't care how people get their groove long as they are getting it on!!!
I most certainly don't want people telling me what to do in my bedroom,kitchen or on my living room coffee table...Don't be so quick to judge people just because they disagree with you on one certain subject! You know that old catch phrase
when you make an ass of u & me! so lets not assume..lets just lay down the facts.
You voted for someone you know nothing of except what the media fed you and wanted you to know.. You did not know he belonged to the CFR or The Trilateral Commission when you voted and now that you do you compare their men only,satanic rituals to that of an art festivel. You have no clue as to the Secret Societies that truly run this country.It appears you really don't care now that it has been brought to your attention.That is your perrogative But....
Here is another fact. You voted for one of two pawns placed in the public eye by a very elite group of white men that run this country. fit the stereotype to a tee!
Don't let your dislike for me keep you from getting the facts about what is really happening in this country.... Being one in a huge group of sheep,one blindly following the other, is not something to be so proud of. "yes we did... whoohoo"
Prop 8 is a shameful, hateful piece of legislation. I bet Sad Woman and God Help America were farting in unbridled happiness when they heard it passed.
BLB said: "I really don't care how people get their groove long as they are getting it on!!!"
Well then, why do you keep spewing about what the guys do at the Bohemian Grove? They're just getting their groove on, so what business is it of yours? Your hypocrisy is ridiculous. Why is their ritual "Satanic"? Because they wear black robes? even if it were, they'd simply be practicing their freedom of religion. And Why is it any different than a bunch of people crawling around on their knees with their mouths open begging for an appointed authority figure to stuff a piece of stale white bread in their faces and mutter things in a foreign language at them while they imagine they are being "blessed" by the Big Sky Fairy via the old man in the white robe?
cali mom...having sex in the privacy of my own home on my own coffee table with a leather paddle to my husbands ass and my tax payer money being spent by the leaders of this country in a satanic ritual out in a Grove are two very different things. If you truly see them as the same then perhaps you should re-think voting! You are stretching here to make a will most likely fly with most but not me. You run across this board with an "I am right about everything attitude" well guess are waayyy the hell out of your league on this one just as I am at times.
This is huge and you can ignore it and make stupid comparisons but you have no freaking idea what you are talking about. Hey ignorance is bliss right?
I am are not interested, I get it! but just for shits and giggles..go check it out next know where it is!!
calimom thats funny cause the way I see it more than JUST ca voted against gay marriage this one is for you sweetheart coast to coast baby coast to coast
W3ell BLB, you still haven't managed to explain why you imagine the ritual that you were frothing about is supposedly Satanic.
And once again, even if it were, people are allowed to practice Satanism just as they are allowed to practice any other religion. And can you link your source for the part where your tax payer dollars are funding this club? If what you mean is that politicians spend their SALARIES to participate in the activities, then YOU are stretching to make a point. I guess by all your anger towards this club that you have chosen to never vote for any elected official? Because your argument againts Obama is that he will soon be a member of this club, and that all presidents have been, so according to you every one of them has been a Satanist?
Sad thing, yes, this civil rights argument WILL make its way to the state supreme court on every state where prejudice is being codified. Not that long ago people like you were squalling about being forced to accept interracial marriage and desegregation of schools. But the times they are a changing and this ignorance will be overcome in our lifetimes.
I was just reading some of the comments left on this part of the blog and I also heard about California and other states banning gay marriage. All I have to say is how dare anyone the government or anyone tell anyone else WHO they and cannot marry. Its so funny because if you look at the divorce rate in America its so sad and ridiculous. If two people of any sex want to get married who are we to stop them. And the people who have the nerve to talk about the Bible need again to look at the divorce rate in the country. If marriage is suppose to be so "sacred" as you say why is it that spouses cheat on each other and commit SO many sins within the marriage? I have many Gay and lesbian friends who are in committed relationships and the love they have for each other will put most to shame. Its just sad that they can't have the same rights as everyone else because of ignorance. It makes me so sad to know that. I will never understand it. I hate hypocrisy and its sad that this country is run on it
OK, I wil try to get back to the nanny-related topics on here, but I do feel really strongly about this and have to chime in one more time.
Yes, I just don't get the whole "our way of life is threatened-we must 'protect' marriage" bullcrap. Do people think that a gay guy or lesbian is suddenly going to bust into their house and seduce their spouse away from the? That their husband will finally run off and marry his gay boyfriend if OTHER people besides themselves are allowed to get married at will??
And the old "we have to 'protect' our children" hysteria...As far as I've always known, marriage is all about not ONLY love (the obvious element) but commitment, monogamy and responsibility. Do these pseudo Christians really feel we need to "protect" children from the concepts of monogamy, commitment, responsibility and lifelong LOVE?
One last hairball I've heard people cough up about how "same sex marriage doesn't produce children so it isn't really marriage", well I guess then, that if a woman has had a hysterectomy and survived uteran cancer, her marriage should suddenly be declared null and void. How about men who have had a vasectomy? This would mean they can't legally marry until it's reversed. And in order to prove it has successfully been reveresed, they must impregnate someone or have their sperm count tested.
Just WTF. To believe that voters have the right to dictate whether or not a specific group of people ought to be discriminated against IS clearly UNconstitutional.
Vote early. vote often!
ReplyDelete......And vote for Obama!
ReplyDeleteMcCain/Palin 2008!
ReplyDeleteExit poll results---
ReplyDeleteLet's have them.
I a voted straight republican ticket.
McCain for President? I fear our Country would fall apart! Who wants a President that has consistently opposed efforts to guarantee women equal pay for equal work? That's very chauvinistic. He also does NOT support ending employment discrimination.. specifically discrimination against the LGBT Community.. and the most outrageous? McCain believes that gays and lesbians should not be in the military. He does not support our troops and has a horrific voting record when it comes to our troops, whether it is funding for veterans or for troops, for armor and equipment or for veteran’s health care.
ReplyDeleteMcCain voted in favor of S. 2611, legislation that would reward between 10 and 11 million people that broke American law and entered America illegally with amnesty for their crime, and worked to defeat an amendment by Sen. John Ensign, a Nevada Republican, that would have barred Social Security credits for work being done prior to their receiving amnesty - in other words, while using identity theft and working under a false Social Security numbers.
He also does not support gay marriage and campaigned for a state amendment that would have banned civil unions and domestic partnerships.
AND John McCain also admits to being a lying, cheating, adulterer who left his crippled wife for a woman 17 yrs. younger.
As for Sarah Palin? Where do we begin? All I see is a man in a dress. The National Organization for Women (NOW) doesn't even support her. She is a hunter and supported placing a $150 bounty on the heads of wolves because they prey on moose and caribou.. two favorite targets for hunters in Alaska. So Palin instituted a program to encourage hunters to kill wolves so that there would be more moose and caribou for hunters to kill. This year, her state biologists even dragged 14 newborn wolf pups from their den and, having already shot their parents, then shot each of the pups in the head at close range. She's a monster.
She is currently under investigation by the Alaska Legislature for alleged abuse of office. And Palin has supported oil and gas drilling plans in Alaska, including in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge.
She is against abortion rights.. and believes a woman should NOT have the right to an abortion even if she was a victim of rape or incest! She has bigger balls than McCain.. that I'll give her.
ReplyDeleteMARK HALPERIN, TIME MAGAZINE: We would. We would also see a lot of stories about his going back on his word saying that he would accept the public money and would reach out to Sen. McCain to try to work out a deal. So, I think this is, this is a case of a clear, unambiguous double standard, and any reporter who doesn't ask themselves, "Why is that? Why would it be different if it were a Republican?" I think is doing themselves and our profession and our democracy a disservice.
ReplyDeleteObama for prez,
ReplyDeleteYou should get your facts straight. You would be much more convincing if you weren't making bold-faced lies.
For example, Palin was cleared of any wrongdoing this morning and is no longer under investigation.
And for the record, Obama doesn't support gay marriage either, he just chooses not to make a stand against it. Because unlike Palin, he has no balls.
ReplyDeleteMy facts are straight. I just didn't know you needed an outline.
"For example, Palin was cleared of any wrongdoing this morning and is no longer under investigation."
*This morning? Oh, excuse me for not catching the update. I was out voting. :)
"And for the record, Obama doesn't support gay marriage either, he just chooses not to make a stand against it."
*But he DOES support Gay Rights: Civil Unions, Adoptions by Gays and allowing each state to make their OWN decision on marriage.. to me, that is just as good.
McCain/Palin 2008!!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeletemidwest nanny & victoria
ReplyDeleteWhy McCain/Palin 2008?
Tell us why you support these candidates?
ReplyDeletePalin would make the US even more of a laughingstock/global enemy than we are now.
I don't mean to be obnoxious, but Obama is going to win. Mainly because he will carry all of the gay and black votes.
ReplyDeleteAnd Palin will suck this earth into deeper despair because she is doing more harm than good in a world that really cares about it's environment. McCain lost when he picked her as his running mate. Sorry, but it's true.
You rule cali mom!
ReplyDeleteNO on 8!!!
ReplyDeleteI agree about McCain digging his own grave by picking Palin. Even many Republicans were turned off by that ridiculous, shallow, transparent and ill-thought out attempt to get the female vote.
True that, cali mom.
ReplyDeleteHowever, I need to ask a really hard question, and I need a really honest answer from somebody.
I know a couple of people that had wanted to vote for Obama. The reason they changed their mind, not only out of principle, but because there were many instances of black people using it as a platform to "get rid of whitey". Personally, it would be nice to see some equal ground from his Presidency, but I'm concerned. For example, those that may not know:
Today in Philadelphia, the Black Panthers blocked several voters from entering a building because they were trying to intimidate them with batons (sticks). They didn't want them to be able to vote for McCain. That isn't right. Are we really going to see an uprising? Also, just recently a plot to assassinate Obama was foiled. I am really concerned that he eventually will be. Probably by the white supremists.
Ugh, I hate Obama so much, I really do. I don't love McCain either but Id rather him be our president any day. Oh well, looks like Obama has won it already BUT all of you Obama supporters will see whats going to happen while hes in office-and when you do I don't want to hear it!!
ReplyDeleteThis is an abomination. This is an abomination. This is an obamanation. This is an Obama Nation. -LK 11/4/08
ReplyDeleteIs all I can say here.
With Obama in office, my angst and general disgust has subsided.
Women's rights can't be taken away! We won't have to resort to back alley abortions and trying to convince someone else what to do with our bodies.
Gay rights should NOT be something you fear not having access to. Palin and McCain just want to take over power and rule with a mighty fist and their wretched, horribly flawed sense of LOGIC they like to refer to as Christ and their religion.
(I am not anti religion, I don't have issues with people who are religious just because I am atheist. I DO have issues with people who think it is their right to make our decisions for us and then wave a book of fairy tales in our face and try to convince us that their way is the only one. The "moral" one.)
Palin supports drilling in Alaska, the place where she is oh so proud to be from. How absurd of a notion is this to anyone!? Even if they decide to go in and kill the environment and ecosystem for a break in gas and oil prices.. it would be years before there was any change. IF there was a change.
I could go on and on and on, but I won't. I will simply say..
...because baby, you and your bumpkin princess Palin never stood a chance.
Thank you Bush, for ruining our resources and pushing republicans so far away it made even states like mine see the error in ways and decide to vote correctly, objectively, sanely.. They voted Obama.
Kudos to all Obama supporters!
Wow..our world is falling apart little by little ........and fast..goodbye old fashioned morales and values..what a sad,sad day for our country to see so many women celebrating abortion..even right here on I saw Your is just sad...the fact that such an issue is even on a ballot is sickening.The strong,hard-working&responsible women who birthed our great grand mothers are rolling over in their graves right now......
ReplyDeletebefore you bleeding heart liberals come at me about womens rights and what if someone is raped..facts are the amount of abortions due to rape are less than 5% ....5 PERCENT!!! How about those that play God..can't have any babies..then get pregnant with 6 and abort 3 or 4..that is what this country has come to...and people are claiming victory because they can do so?!!
I would like to state that I am an advocate for abortion rights. Do I feel that abortion should be used as a form of birth control? No. But it is a woman's right what she chooses to do to her body. It needs to stop being a moral thing, start being a right. As a human being to decide what and how you want to treat yourself.
ReplyDeleteHaving said that, I've been pregnant. I've had an unplanned pregnancy. Have I aborted five or six times? No. I chose to have my son even though I KNEW I could not raise him to standards I felt he needed and deserved. What did I do? I made the heartbreaking, difficult decision to place him for adoption. He's now 3 1/2 and thriving and I am lucky enough to be a part of that, being his birth mother in an open adoption.
I am one of those "bleeding heart liberals" you speak of. Yes. I applaud women's rights, voting rights, gay marriage. I think those are nothing that someone else should be allowed to set a precedent for.
We're not these careless, heartless people you seem to think we are. I just don't think it's okay that everyone can't have equal rights. I also don't think it is okay to tell a woman she cannot abort a fetus she does not want to carry. What happens when she is told no? She tries to abort herself be it by poison, pills, a botched abortion that kills her in the process. By saying "she deserves it" makes you so much worse than any ideal you have in your head as to what "we" liberals are.
Liberal I am..
ReplyDeleteUHh.. That "fetus" you speak of aborting is a LIFE! I agree, people should have the right to be in charge of their own bodies but abortion is murder.
ReplyDeleteOkay. You're on your way to the parking lot after shopping at the mall. It's getting late and you have to hurry home to fix dinner. As you get to your car, a van pulls up beside you and 3 men jump out and grab you. They pull you in and drive you to some deserted area where they commence to rape you for the next 3 hours.
You find out later your pregnant from this attack. Wouldn't you like the RIGHT TO DECIDE whether or not you have an abortion?!
If the fetus was gay, would you still be defending it's right to live, Sad Woman?!
ReplyDeleteI have to laugh.
ReplyDeleteAfter all his promises, Obama and the media are already making excuses for him as to why we can't expect the change he promised in even one term. At least I can have the pleasure of knowing I didn't help put him in office. God help us all.
ReplyDeleteI think 'a sad woman' has made herself perfectly clear in that she would still keep the child.. no matter what. But that has got to be the most outrageously stupid question ever asked on this site! You make it sound like Gays are birth defects!
Please tell me how we are to know that a fetus is Gay? However, you did get one thing right.. it does start there. I believe 100% that people are BORN gay. They have NO choice.
And BTW, I am not gay, but I do believe in equal rights for all.. Blacks, Whites, Men, Women AND Gays.
And to answer your question.. IF there was a way of knowing whether or not my child was Gay before it was born - your damn right I would keep it!!! But I would think long and hard about keeping a child that was the product of rape!
I didn't want to sound like against gays. Sorry.
ReplyDeleteI got the idea from here:
I will not even answer your ridiculous "if the fetus were gay" are a nimrod!
ReplyDeleteI was raped at 19 after my tire blew out on the freeway in Pomona california at 2am.A car stopped to help. My boyfriend watched as a gun was held to him and I was raped. It was the most degrading and painful thing I have EVER been through. Whats worse is that I actually felt more pain for my boyfriend as he was helpless and never forgave himself.
The result was a pregnancy,that I carried until 5 months when I miscarried due to a RH negative blood incompatibility.
So,yes,I would keep a baby that was the result of a pregnancy.
As for gays..don't be so quick to judge,my kids have more Mary's for Uncles than you could ever imagine.My husband and I have several friends who are gay.They are welcome in our home,have been to baby showers,birthdays and most family functions.We have taken vacations with one couple.They are no different than any of our other friends accepting that they are same sex couples. Some of them are brilliant..some are funny but most importantly,they are friends who we respect,trust and care for. I also have a sister who is currently living a gay lifestyle.Something new to her after a 15 yr marriage to a man..more power to her. I don't judge someone by there sexual preferences..I judge them by the way they handle themselves and treat others..I do hope that anyone wanting to vote continues to do so while living the lives they on the other hand with your idiotic questions and assumptions..well,I wish your rights to vote could be taken away!! You my friend are the reason this country is where it is today.
Liberal I am..How dare you put words in my mouth..I NEVER said "she deserves it". I know I did not deserve it. But two wrongs do not make a right.
God help America. I am with you.Nor did I help Obama make his way to the White House!
That's a terrible story, A Sad Woman, and I'm sorry it happened to you or that it happens to anyone. I am proud, however, that you and I live in a country where you have the CHOICE to do whatever you decide with your won body and the fetus growing within it. I believe that life begins at conception, but I don't think that fact has any bearing on what our laws should be in a country where there are so many unwanted children, so many uninsured children, so many suffering children.
ReplyDeleteI look forward to the day when I can put the time and energy I now apply to protecting CHOICE into counseling young women to chose LIFE--but that can't happen until CHOICE is protected and we put abortion as a "political issue" behind us.
Forgive the typo, I meant "own body".
ReplyDeleteLiberal girl in a stellar mood!...
ReplyDeleteAnother ignorant happily drinking the media Kool Aid
And I expect nothing less from the idiotic Cali Moron.
There is a reason every one of our enemies wanted to see Obama elected. You fools have no idea what we are in for!
God help America
ReplyDeleteOkay, bigshot. What are we in for? Don't be so full of hot air. Speak your mind - that's what this platform is for!
ReplyDeleteGotcha. Thanks.
God Help America,I could not agree more.
ReplyDeleteWe have elected officals who support dumbing down our nations children, by filling our classroooms with anything but useful knowledge,filling our streets with ilegals,promoting abortions for teens and all the while people are too busy watching mindless television that consists of fart jokes,loud burps,sex and violence..grown up cartoons like the simpsonsor some of that other crap on thre Cartoon network that promote no family values and.... all these same people watching this crap are the people out there voting.
I have said it before and I will say it again...the CFR & The Trilats have us right where they want for you
and your "Hot air remark" why make GHU a little footwork yourself....look up the CFR..look up the Trilateral Commission..look at what you have just voted into the White House!!! GHU is have NO idea what you have done!!
YES WE DID!!!!!!! WOOHOO!!!!!
ReplyDeleteBLB, if that sums up you and your neighbors, then maybe you should move to a better area and make some changes in your lifestyle.
ReplyDeleteIf it was just meant to be a ridiculous sweeping stereotype of everyone in America that you've never even met, 'nuff said.
I can only assume that God help America is one of those multi-millionaires who has gotten away with paying 2% income tax for way too long while the average US citizen pays closer to 35%+, and has all HER needs met so doesn't give a rat's ass about anyone else's. Boohoo, go cry in your brandy and berate your nanny to cheer yourself up.
cali've got people on here calling you a moron,yet you pick on me!!???
ReplyDeleteTake it somewhere else..please!!Shit!
ReplyDeleteThat right there is the difference. I do not think of a fetus as a baby. It isn't, not in the early stages we speak of.
You see abortion as murder, I definitely do not. I don't believe a woman should decide to abort when she is already 5 or so months pregnant. If you've waited that long to make a decision, you're kinda out of time and by then the right thing to do would be having it and choosing where to go from there.
(btw, partial birth abortion isn't even term used in the medical field. It's something the pro life media came up with to use for shock value. The procedure itself is Intact dilation and extraction)
Doesn't it bother you to think of what will happen to a baby when the woman is denied an abortion she is asking for? If someone makes a decision of that magnitude it's something that is followed by a lot of thinking and emotion. Being denied that choice will likely just begin self destructive behavior for the woman AND fetus.
Babies being born with horrible complications, addicted to substances, unhealthy from lack of nutrition and general care. Why bring a child into a world like that? So CPS can take the baby away and so nurses can spend days weaning it off of various addictions?
Abortion is not for every one, I am aware of that. But the women who do want one and are told no will almost surely just continue with the life style they are having or make it even worse in an attempt to miscarry.
Women who make that decision should be allowed to go through with it, instead of giving birth to a child that is in pain and may never be 100% healthy.
Cali mom
ReplyDeleteLove you to death, but I agree..
you let someone slip calling you a moron, yet you jump on BLB? Hmmm. I know you're not loosing your touch! C'mon now, girl. I've been waiting all day for your retort!
Loosing>> Losing
ReplyDeleteAnd Liberal, I am: Excellent post!!!
ReplyDeleteOn your comment: Look up The Trilateral Commission... I did. And I am not condoning anything Obama may have done, but there are fallacies MUCH worse than this that are being committed by other Politicians everyday. Obama has a relatively squeaky-clean image... minus a few "hanging out with the wrong crowd" strikes against him. I mean, come on, this Election was won by a landslide. If he was so dirty, please tell me how so many good American people can be wrong?
And it wouldn't have mattered anyway, based on this, who won... McCain was backed by The CFR, too.
(He was being supported by several Trilateral Commission giants including: Henry Kissinger, George Schultz, Lawrence Eagleburger and Alexander Haig.)
Even George H.W. Bush, Bill Clinton, Al Gore and Dick Cheney are all members.
Every major crisis we face today is directly attributable to policies put forth and executed by members of this Trilateral Commission: Banking/lending/mortgage crisis, energy/gas price crisis, food/shortage/price crisis.
Obama or McCain: The lesser of two evils??
"Change has come to America!"
obama for prez..well, I am glad you looked into the CFR & Trlats.
ReplyDeleteIt is rather scary and it is all true.
The fact though that people are celebrating "the lesser of two evils" is what is bothersome.
It is not a victory in my opinion.
As for "if he was so dirty,please tell me how so many good American people can be wrong"
Please believe me, this is not something I want to be right about. I just happened to be in the right place at the right time for a ten yr period of my life and..saw what the CFR & Trilats are capable of. And,the good American people are wrong.
The CFR could make a dung heap come out looking and smelling like a rose bush without thorns if they wanted the "Good American People" to vote for it.
Want to do something really interesting? look up all the many belong/belonged to the CFR & Trilateral Commission..otherwise known as the Brotherhood of Death. Voting is a scam..we don't choose who sits in office..they do because anyone running not backed by them will never have a chance!
anyhow..enough ranting..I could go on but don't really want to take over this thread.
I am glad you looked it up.I hope others will too.
And thanks for the feedback.
This is an interesting article that might explain a little more of what I was getting at.I hope the URL works..
ReplyDeleteYou're not ranting. I think discussing Politics is what this thread is for! :)
And I am well aware of the "brotherhood" - that's why I was wondering why it made a difference whether it was Obama or McCain who made it into the House. If they are basically "equals" in The CFR, what's so wrong about just agreeing with Obama's other issues and "choosing" him to be my next President?
But I do thank you for one of the best discussions I've had on here in a long time!
OKay, this is the last one,I promise!
ReplyDeleteIf the CFR & Trlats does not make the hair on your neck stand up..this should!! Several of your past presidents,(Clinton & Reagan are just 2 of several) and Obama will be headed there soon too, dress in black hooded robes and watch a boat,with a casket in it,sail across the lake..then they burn it!
It is called the "Cremation of Care"
NO women are allowed to attend any of these for you miss"now womens rights cannot be taken away" Boy are you wrong!!You truly have NO idea!!
These men have no respect for women,children or anyone but themselves. They are sick and how scary that you probably voted for at least one of them in the past! I hate to tell you but your precious Obama is one of them or he never would have made it to the top.
Cali mom.."Yes we did"..Whhoohoo"..
Are you aware of this ritual? Will you still be voting for Obama after he joins in? Or do you still think I need to change my lifestyle and better myself? Can you honestly tell me that this is ok?Normal?If the local principal did this you would have him thrown out in a second....Perhaps it is you who should open your eyes and take a good look around at who you just so proudly voted into office.
You are the exact stereotype I was talking about! Clueless!
Just in case the URL does not work..look up Bohemian Grove
Dear Obama for Prez..I see your point and agree that you are right. Really never looked at it that way!!I just get riled up so easily about it. I fear for our nation and for those who don't understand just how powerful these people are.
ReplyDeleteSo much of it is so blatant too and people just don't see it?
anyhow..this was a good topic and I too enjoyed your views . Thanks!!
Wow! what a bunch of red hot topics on this thread! I'm so impressed by all of these intelligent, objective opinions. And no serious fights even!
ReplyDeleteWell, Ms. God help America was the one who called me a moron, and I did address her/it, and the sour caviar she was choking on.
ReplyDeleteBLB, you think I should be dismayed and shocked into revulsion at the notion of some guys who watch a boat sail across a lake and then burn it? As long as there is not a living person being locked into the casket, exactly what is it I should be so incensed by? That women aren't allowed to join the ritual? So what? Women have organizations that men aren't allowed into. As long as women are allowed to do things that are important (like CHOOSE whether or not to give birth to a baby conceived as a result of rape or incest, or just by accident *like Palin's daughter*) and earn the same salary as a person with a penis earns for doing the same work, so fricking what? I bet you go purple and bust some veins just thinking about people being allowed to go to a dominatrix and get whipped and humiliated for a price, or all the other things people are allowed to do that don't appeal to you personally.
BTW, my dad attended Burning Man 2 years ago and I was slightly envious that I couldn't get away to join him so the thoughnt of some rich guys burning a boat as a symbolic gesture is hardly something to freak out about.
ReplyDeleteCali mom
ReplyDeleteExcept at Burning Man, women are allowed! ;)
But I get your point, and it was an excellent one. Funny too, because I once had a BF tell me I would've made a great dominatrix.
Thank Gos change is coming. GOBAMA
ReplyDeleteGod Help America, I think you'll find that a great many terrorists were sad to see the end of the Republican administration. So says the Washington Post:
Obama was the best thing to happen to the US in a very long time. Slowly, in time, we might see America's global reputation as the ignorant bully of the free world subside...things can only get better because they sure as hell can't get worse.
And BTW, no on Prop (H)8!!!
Well goddoesn'tevenhateidiotslikeyou, I have to say this is the only sensible thing you've written here so far. I am absolutely appalled and disgusted that Californians caved in to hate, ignorance and prejudice and voted AGAINST civil rights for all.
ReplyDeletewell, I would hardly compare a gathering of 2,000 white men cheering for a satanic ritual, a mock human sacrafice with Grove members carrying torches,wearing hooded robes and buring multiple effigies to an Art festivel of sorts..but hey..perhaps that is the difference between you & I?
ReplyDeleteAs for your silly dominatrix scenario..I really don't care how people get their groove long as they are getting it on!!!
I most certainly don't want people telling me what to do in my bedroom,kitchen or on my living room coffee table...Don't be so quick to judge people just because they disagree with you on one certain subject!
You know that old catch phrase
when you make an ass of u & me!
so lets not assume..lets just lay down the facts.
You voted for someone you know nothing of except what the media fed you and wanted you to know.. You did not know he belonged to the CFR or The Trilateral Commission when you voted and now that you do you compare their men only,satanic rituals to that of an art festivel. You have no clue as to the Secret Societies that truly run this country.It appears you really don't care now that it has been brought to your attention.That is your perrogative
Here is another fact. You voted for one of two pawns placed in the public eye by a very elite group of white men that run this country. fit the stereotype to a tee!
Don't let your dislike for me keep you from getting the facts about what is really happening in this country....
Being one in a huge group of sheep,one blindly following the other, is not something to be so proud of.
"yes we did... whoohoo"
Where did Goddoesntevenhateidiotslikeyou post before cali mom?
ReplyDeleteDid I miss it up above somewhere?
Prop 8 is a shameful, hateful piece of legislation. I bet Sad Woman and God Help America were farting in unbridled happiness when they heard it passed.
ReplyDeleteoh,but how could the majority of good American people be so wrong? Obviously more people agree with me than you!Sorry charlie &
ReplyDeletecalimom & god does not hate idiots
but the world is a lot bigger than your liberal ISYN blog spot!
The passing of yes on 8 proves it.
BLB said: "I really don't care how people get their groove long as they are getting it on!!!"
ReplyDeleteWell then, why do you keep spewing about what the guys do at the Bohemian Grove? They're just getting their groove on, so what business is it of yours? Your hypocrisy is ridiculous. Why is their ritual "Satanic"? Because they wear black robes? even if it were, they'd simply be practicing their freedom of religion. And Why is it any different than a bunch of people crawling around on their knees with their mouths open begging for an appointed authority figure to stuff a piece of stale white bread in their faces and mutter things in a foreign language at them while they imagine they are being "blessed" by the Big Sky Fairy via the old man in the white robe?
Sad, "the world" was not allowed to vote on Prop 8. Only the residents of California.
ReplyDeleteSome of you will enjoy this greatly, some of you...won't.
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeletecali mom...having sex in the privacy of my own home on my own coffee table with a leather paddle to my husbands ass and my tax payer money being spent by the leaders of this country in a satanic ritual out in a Grove are two very different things.
ReplyDeleteIf you truly see them as the same then perhaps you should re-think voting!
You are stretching here to make a will most likely fly with most but not me.
You run across this board with an "I am right about everything attitude" well guess are waayyy the hell out of your league on this one just as I am at times.
This is huge and you can ignore it and make stupid comparisons but you have no freaking idea what you are talking about.
Hey ignorance is bliss right?
I am are not interested, I get it!
but just for shits and giggles..go check it out next know where it is!!
Liberal? Argh.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeletecalimom thats funny cause the way I see it more than JUST ca voted against gay marriage
ReplyDeletethis one is for you sweetheart
coast to coast baby coast to coast
try again
ReplyDeletenewsday november 6th reads eleven states banned gay marriage
ReplyDeleteyou are right calimom its not the world but its not just califonia
Smelly Wo- I mean Sad Woman, just because a majority of mouth-breathers thinks it doesn't make it intelligent, or morally right.
ReplyDeleteThe masses do tend to be asses, after all.
Speaking of ass-related things, why don't you wrap yourself up in TP and flush yourself awaaaaaaaaaay!
BTW, you think this site is liberal?? I say it was 10% liberal, 50% mentally challenged, 39% rich bea-yotch and 1% cool beans - me!
W3ell BLB, you still haven't managed to explain why you imagine the ritual that you were frothing about is supposedly Satanic.
ReplyDeleteAnd once again, even if it were, people are allowed to practice Satanism just as they are allowed to practice any other religion. And can you link your source for the part where your tax payer dollars are funding this club? If what you mean is that politicians spend their SALARIES to participate in the activities, then YOU are stretching to make a point. I guess by all your anger towards this club that you have chosen to never vote for any elected official? Because your argument againts Obama is that he will soon be a member of this club, and that all presidents have been, so according to you every one of them has been a Satanist?
Sad thing, yes, this civil rights argument WILL make its way to the state supreme court on every state where prejudice is being codified. Not that long ago people like you were squalling about being forced to accept interracial marriage and desegregation of schools. But the times they are a changing and this ignorance will be overcome in our lifetimes.
ReplyDeleteSatanism? I don't know what you crackies are on about but it sounds like one of you has a certificate from the Bill O'Reilly School of Assclownery.
ReplyDeleteI was just reading some of the comments left on this part of the blog and I also heard about California and other states banning gay marriage. All I have to say is how dare anyone the government or anyone tell anyone else WHO they and cannot marry. Its so funny because if you look at the divorce rate in America its so sad and ridiculous. If two people of any sex want to get married who are we to stop them. And the people who have the nerve to talk about the Bible need again to look at the divorce rate in the country. If marriage is suppose to be so "sacred" as you say why is it that spouses cheat on each other and commit SO many sins within the marriage? I have many Gay and lesbian friends who are in committed relationships and the love they have for each other will put most to shame. Its just sad that they can't have the same rights as everyone else because of ignorance. It makes me so sad to know that. I will never understand it. I hate hypocrisy and its sad that this country is run on it
ReplyDeleteOK, I wil try to get back to the nanny-related topics on here, but I do feel really strongly about this and have to chime in one more time.
ReplyDeleteYes, I just don't get the whole "our way of life is threatened-we must 'protect' marriage" bullcrap. Do people think that a gay guy or lesbian is suddenly going to bust into their house and seduce their spouse away from the? That their husband will finally run off and marry his gay boyfriend if OTHER people besides themselves are allowed to get married at will??
And the old "we have to 'protect' our children" hysteria...As far as I've always known, marriage is all about not ONLY love (the obvious element) but commitment, monogamy and responsibility. Do these pseudo Christians really feel we need to "protect" children from the concepts of monogamy, commitment, responsibility and lifelong LOVE?
One last hairball I've heard people cough up about how "same sex marriage doesn't produce children so it isn't really marriage", well I guess then, that if a woman has had a hysterectomy and survived uteran cancer, her marriage should suddenly be declared null and void. How about men who have had a vasectomy? This would mean they can't legally marry until it's reversed. And in order to prove it has successfully been reveresed, they must impregnate someone or have their sperm count tested.
Just WTF. To believe that voters have the right to dictate whether or not a specific group of people ought to be discriminated against IS clearly UNconstitutional.