
Thursday, September 18, 2008.

"Zanny The Nanny" May Have Been Named After Drug (Video)
Casey Anthony might have made up the name of Caylee's so-called nanny, Zenaida Gonzalez, from former classmates' names and the street name for a drug.
Casey Anthony said she used to call Zenaida Gonzalez "Zanny," which Eyewitness News found out is also the street name for the anti-anxiety drug Xanax. Eyewitness News has also learned that investigators have asked at least one of her friends questions about Casey and Xanax during a lie detector test.
Protestors Hurl Rocks, Insults At Anthony House
The night started with a handful of protestors throwing rocks and debris and shouting taunts at the Anthonys' Hopespring Drive home just before 2 a.m.
After the Anthony's gave deputies a statement, one of the protestors walked up to the Anthonys' garage door and started pounding on it. George opened the door and he and Cindy came out with a bat in hand.
George Anthony Scuffles With Protestors Again (Video)
When George walked down his driveway to confront the protestors one of them grabbed him by his t-shirt and tried to pull him on the sidewalk. When he broke free he grabbed his hose to fend off the chanting crowd. The protestors weren't deterred by being doused by the water. They continued to shout and yell.
911 Calls: Cindy and Casey Anthony Call The Police (Audio)
Two 911 calls, one from Casey and one from Cindy, about violent protestors early September 18.
Raw Interview: Protestors Involved In Scuffle Talk About Why Their Out At Anthony Home (Video)


  1. It just makes me sick to my stomach to think that every time someone asked, "where's Caylee", and Casey would say, "she's with Zanny the Nanny", that it could possibly be a moment that the poor baby was drugged with Xanax? How on earth could a mother do that?!

  2. i understand that people are concerned and upset over Caylee, but protesting infront of someones house is not called for. Pounding on the garage door ect. That is tresspassing, and in Arizona where we are still the wild west, we are allowed to shoot if they don't leave after three warnings. And the law says try to shoot to kill, so the tresspasser can't try to sue you if they get injured.

    Too bad they don't like in AZ. No one ini their right mind would protest at their door then.

    I hope they find Caylee, but this has gone too far and for the greiving grandparents, this is absolutly insane to do to these people

  3. I think Phoenix makes a good point. What is standing in front of their house yelling going to accomplish?
    While I firmly believe Casey is a reprehensible human being and that she killed her child on purpose...not with some sort of accidental overdose of chloroform...I don't consider it my right or responsibility to join a mob at her doorstep. Plus, what about her poor neighbors, who are probably just as sick about Caylee as we are, and deserve the right to sleep and live in peace? Frankly, I cannot believe this behavior is even legal.

    What makes me even more sick is to see the mobs of people and reporters on the lawns of families of crime victims. As if they aren't suffering enough, now they have to do it with a camera and a microphone shoved in their faces to satisfy the morbid curiosity of millions of total strangers?!

  4. Right, mom. And what about the poor children that some of these parents are dragging out there in the middle of the night? Or even during the day, to protest with them. Even DCF got involved because of it!

  5. Although I think its just plain wrong for the protesters to invade the Anthony's private property and/or engage in violence, I find it interesting that 911 calls were made by Casey. Too bad she didn't make a 911 call for her daughter.

  6. Excellent point, sprak.

  7. Ugh..I say let the protesters protest..I don't think the anthonys should be able to go back to the calm life they we living with no reminders that something is wrong. Every scream, shout ,bang is a reminder that the world is pissed that they are not doing a damn thing to find caylee...why should they watch TV in quiet and go back to living life...I say heckle them until they snap and spill some beans.
    I am glad people are on their lawn reminding them daily that they are true wastes of life. If Casey was my daughter she would be talking by now...I might be in jail for getting her to talk...but I would know what the hell happened to my grandbaby!

  8. You know what's strange? I've been without power for a week (hurricane ike) and as soon as I made sure everyone was ok all I thought about was Caylee Anthony. I couldn't check the internet and all the local news was about the hurricane so I didn't hear ANYTHING about the case. I had hoped there would have been a break in the case but I guess not. :(

    I do hope they find Caylee. I have a 2 year old and I just can't see how anyone could harm their own child. It's unfathomable to me.

  9. Thank you Mimi! My sentiments exactly!! How dare they expect to enjoy the peace and tranquility of life. And Thank you to the Judge that is allowing it!
    Casey needs to talk NOW.

  10. Oh, and tc - glad you're okay!

  11. Thanks nynanny. It was scary Friday night and Saturday morning and lost power for SIX DAYS!!! but we made it out just fine.

    (this isn't directed to you nynanny)

    Protesting would be fine IF the Anthonys were the only one on the street but they aren't. Would you like to to hear and see that everyday down the street from you? I sure wouldn't. They had nothing to do with what happened to Caylee so why should they suffer?

    Now wouldn't that energy be put to better use looking for Caylee? Texas Eqqusearch was begging for help searching for clues and there was a bigger turn out to protest at the Anthony's than to help look for Caylee....that's sad

    We had incident down here where there were a TON of protesters outside one mans house (look up Joe Horn online). It was pretty bad. I had a friend that lived across the street and he said he was scared for his life because the protesters were out of control. My friend did nothing wrong and he shouldn't have to suffer through the protesters and neither should the Anthony's neighbors.

    I do hope the HOA does something about the protesters

  12. Good points TC.

    I have no sympathy for the Anthonys either. But their neighbors don't deserve this. And I can't help wondering what people are thinking by standing on the lawn shouting all day and night. Maybe just the sheer frustration of the case pushes them over the edge? But I would never want my kids to see me doing something like that. IMO joinng a mob is pretty much never a good idea.

  13. I think that Caylee's mom deserves this, but the rest of her family and this isn't her house, it belongs to her parents.
    The protesting is uncalled for, period. Why don't these people do something useful, if they cared so much about Caylee then they would be looking for her, not standing on someones lawn shouting and harassing the family.
    If they cared they would hold a car wash or a bake sale or shift their anger into something positive for both the community and Caylee.
    What kind of example are the protesters teaching their kids? That it's okay to bully, to harrass? That it's okay if you miss school and stay up late to insult people?
    The cops should do something about this, I wouldn't tolerate this at all it I were the neighbors. I like my peace and quiet.

  14. This brings to mind a lesson I have been reminded of many times through the years. Although we might be really angry with somebody and really think we believe that we would enjoy seeing them cut down to size...revenge is never as satisfying and sweet as we imagine it will be anyway.

    I have thought of Casey many times that no punishment could possible be harsh enough to pay for what she's done...right up to and including the draw and quarter. But this morning I am remembering the day Timothy McVeigh was executed. I watched the television because I was so angry with him that he had killed so many children and I thought I would get great satisfaction in knowing he had finally paid for his crime. Nobody was as shocked as me when the announcement came that he was dead and I did not feel the joy I thought I would, and instead felt sort of a sadness at the waste of life that had occurred not only when all those people died at his hand, but also that his life had been such a waste. I wondered how his parents must feel on that day...probably ashamed, and yet mourning because that was their son. I still can't figure out where those feelings came from...but there they were.

    And I have had two times in my life where people were really rotten to me...and I imagined how nice it would be if everybody else figured out how horrible they really were and they ended up with no friends at all in the end. And both times (probably because they were actually horrible people) their worlds did eventually come crashing down around them after they crossed too many people...and both were sort of cast out of their social circles (with no help from me by the way.) And then seeing them in the position I had imagined I would enjoy brought me no joy at all. Instead it was sad and pathetic to see them so low...and all I could think was how glad I was that I had played no part in what had happened to either of them, because it was hard enough to witness even as a bystander.

    So those tings...and probably a couple of others have taught me to hold back just a little at the times I might not want to...because some things can't be taken back, and regret is a bitch.

  15. My personal belief is that the protesters should be at home nurturing their own children and families. IMHO, that would be the best way to honor Caylee's life.

  16. Mom, I just wanted to say that your above post is truly stellar and perhaps the best you've ever authored, in my opinion. It delivers a truly enlightening message for us all in that revenge is mostly not sweet. That's a lesson surprisingly learned when people we've eagerly awaited and hoped would get their come uppance are finally brought down, and instead of feeling jubilation, we instead feel sadness, pity or sympathy.

    What is going on outside of the Anthony home serves no good purpose. The parents, who are supporting their daughter in spite of their tumultuous feelings, emotions and probable suspicions, do not deserve to endure this additional aggravation and chaos. Their neighborhood or any neighborhood, for that matter, is entitled to a modicum of peacefulness, to say the least.
    As a mother, I can only imagine the guilt that Cindy's mother must be feeling, wondering to herself how she could have raised such a monster, yet praying beyond all belief that she is wrong and that Caylee is somehow alive somewhere. Cindy's father, an ex-cop who is trying hard to protect his family while reeling from the ensuing madness around him, may be at the point of breaking, at least that is how he appears to me when I've seen him on television lately.

    The sheer viciousness of the crowd reminds me of a scene from the Frankenstein movie when the townspeople decides to go after him and kill him. If I recall correctly, it's a night scene and the angry villagers are carrying lanterns and assorted weapons and determined to destroy the monster. I felt such pity for Frankenstein. More frightening than Frankenstein ever was to me, though, was the raging mob crying for blood.

  17. mom and phoenix
    why shouldn't the parents bring their children to protest? as long as they do it responsibly - which most have, it is teaching them about their 1st amendment rights!

  18. Oh I def. don't condone people leaving their children to protest, or bringing children with them...both are horrible. But I think if your childless and you have the time...go find their house and protest. I do feel bad for neighbors but in all reality, even if the protestors left that neighborhood would still be buzzing with media.
    Maybe the deal should be they can be there all day and must leave at night for the neighbor's sake. But I think that they don't deserve to sit in there, watching TV, trolling the internet without the constant reminder of what they are hiding..
    And I think the parents deserve to be disruppted as well. know as well as any that a former police officer (caseys dad) would be the perfect person to know how to get rid of Caylees body. I think he doesnt want to lose his daughter as well...And for all those who say the protestors should search a) the anthonys will not release any clothes to search dogs for scents (humm whats that say???) and b) your not going to find her , caseys father helped her put her somewhere she will never be found so he can keep his daughter...

  19. Thank you Sprak ;)

    And I don't think such a protest as this is a place for children.

    If you want to bring your children to a rally, I would think maybe starting with a candlelight prayer vigil for a missing or dead child might be a nice start. Or to see a presidential candidate speak. In general, I think any protest with angry chanting and high tempers is too frightening for small matter how "worthy" the cause.

  20. Mom - I loved your post. My friend was murdered in a high profile car-jacking. The press were insane, posting untrue things about the victim... nothing demeaning but not bothering to get the truth. Like they said he was an athlete when he was a musician.

    There was a petition circulating to have the case tried federally so that the 5 assailants would face the death penalty.

    I had always been against the death penalty and in that moment, morning my friend, looking his family in the face, I could not sign that petition.

    I wanted the case to go federal so that the threat of the death penalty would get those who made deals life w/o parole instead of life w/ parole... but I could not wish death upon those that killed my friend.

    It was moving.

  21. Well, TC, Much to most posters dismay here,I am sure..I am one of Joe Horns biggest fans. I think that we should have a right to shoot and kill anyone that breaks into our homes or our neighbors homes or who comes into our yards after they have been told once to stop and freeze,yet keep coming.
    This world is so caught up in what is politically correct and what is P wrong that thiefs and child molesters..people who's toddlers dissapear have more rights and opportunities( once education and health meals.. free sad is it that on another thread I just read about nannies paying$400-800 a month for health ins...and here murderers get it free..sickening!!)than most law abiding citizens!
    If more theifs and murderers knew that there was a joe horn in every home..there would be a lot less theft and alot less kids molested,killed or missing!!
    If casey knew that a missing child,dead child or otherwise abused&neglected child meant automatic death(not sitting on death row for 20 yrs,but hanging day after being found guilty of such child neglect,death,molestation or abuse) what do you want to bet her child never would have come up missing?? So many children would be alive because the world would make sure that they were protected and that justice was searved.. The system in place now is a joke. The man arrested and convicted of molesting an 8 yr old girl at Disney World will sit in a prison cell for the next 30 or so yrs?? WTF is up with that?? That bastard should burn in hell..hang his ass and let casey know..if she does not start talking..and produce a child or her childs body..she is next!(sorry that is worded so harshly) I just really have strong feelings about this.
    People need to start taking back this country and fighting for what is theirs and protecting what is theirs. Missing children..molested children..unexceptable!Somebody spending 30 yrs receiving free legal council,food,medical care,education and room and board AND get their own webpage for fan mail..because they killed or raped a child..disgusting!!
    Sorry to go off on a tangent!

  22. Joe Horn supporter here, too. Great post Butt looks big.
    I grew up in a house with guns, and was taught to shoot when I was big enough to hold a gun - and by the time I was 11 years old, I was a pretty damn good shot.

    My dad always said that if someone ever broke into his house, and he caught them in the front yard, he'd shoot them and then drag them back into the house because homeowners aren't given enough support by lawmakers to protect life and property. Of course, I'm sure he was being facetious - but he's right. Why should there ever be a homeowner charged if they shoot somebody AFTER they've broken into the home and CAUGHT in the front yard. It's only ok to shoot them while they are IN your house? face to face?

  23. I am a Joe Horn supporter too, I was using him as an example because it happened here. My friend has first hand experience dealing with a mob in his neighborhood and having to deal everything that went with it. I feel for the Anthony's neighbors. They don't deserve to have their life turned upside down because of what one person did.

  24. Y'all come live here in Texas with us! Unless I am wrong, our law was just amended to allow people to shoot people who break into their homes...even if they turn to run when they see that you too have a gun and you have to shoot them in the back.
    I am so scared of intruders (long sotry) that I am happy for the right to do whatever I need to protect myself and my family against them. It's not like they "accidentally" break into homes and are unwitting victims. It's just that they think they can freely victimize others, who they assume will be defenseless...only now we " potential victims" have a fighting...make that "shooting" chance too! Fair seems fair.

  25. My friend shot a man coming thru her front door, he had been trying long enough for her to get the gun..she shot him as he entered..never even saw it coming. When our police dept. arrived on the scene they dragged him in to the house (because he fell back out the door he was barely in) And she didn't face any charges...thank god for a good policeman. Because in my state up until recently it was the law that if someone broke into your house YOU had to make every attempt to flee and could only use deadly force if backed into a corner (like literally) how fucked up is that?? _I am in Ohio by the way!

    We have 2 guns in our home, and I am telling you now, law or no law, I am shooting to kill if you enter my house. Just last week I put all 15 rounds at 25 yards into a pie come one, come all you wanna be thiefs....

  26. Hey mom I don't know if you want to tell people to come down here right now. I'm down in the Houston area....we just got our lights back Thursday and our beach house is gone.

  27. Good point TC!

    I just watched one of those crime shows where a Grandma and her granddaughter shot an intruder (he was laying on their front lawn by the time I tuned in) multiple times, while one of them was on the phone with 911 reporting what was going on. Every time he would try to get up, granddaughter would take another shot at him, and granny would report to the operator, "She shot him again." The operator was finally going, "Stop shooting him. The police are on the way." The intruder finally got up and ran away....while the granddaughter unlaoded her gun trying to stop him. The police eventually found him hiding in the neighborhood. He recovered, and the Granny and her granddaughter got in no trouble at all.
    I must clarify my earlier point. I don't think we should go and automatically kill every intruder who may come into the house...but if I felt threatened in any way by one, I like having the option to do so wihtout fear of spending my life in prison for acting in a way I felt I might need to to defend my life, or my children's.

    the granny and granndaughter was clear by the 911 cal that they were hysterical with fear and she was shooting because she felt he would get up and come back after her. And firing after him as he ran was also clearly a result of her hysteria, which grew more intense with every in that case I say he got what was coming to him.

  28. Well, I was carjacked in 1997. Long story short,I had just divorced and was forced to live in a less than desirable part of town. I literally had nothing and could afford a migrant shack in a fairly seedy ,rural area.The back country road that led to this area was very quiet this night and I had only passed one other car so far.It was almost 1 am,I had taken my son to visit grandma (who lives 3 hrs away)and we had to get back home as I had to work the next day.
    I came upon an accident. It must have just happened as the tires were still spinning on one of the cars. It was very foggy. I slowed so as to avoid hitting anything in the roadway. When I did two men jumped into my car. One in the front seat, one in the back.
    My neck was grabbed from behind and I was told to drive. Out of fear, I did.
    These men spoke broken English and I spoke no Spanish. Much to there horror,and mine, they finally noticed my 5 yr old son asleep in the back in his boosterseat.
    We came to a red light, I pulled my gun from the console and screamed"OUT" "OUT of my car!" The guy in the front seat grabbed for my gun and I shot him in thigh. The guy in the back jumped out.At this point my son was screaming bloody murder . I got out of my car opened the passenger door shoved the guy out.I grabbed my son from his carseat & I drove to the police station with my son in my lap.I was literally in shock. The police went back to the scene and found no one but did find a lot of blood. There was also a lot of blood in my car.
    The cop had the nerve to ask me if "I shot him because I feared for my life"??? What a question.
    My best girl friend came and got me and my son that night.
    I do not know what might have happened had I just driven them where they wanted to go but I most certainly was not willing to find out either.
    My son remembers this and tells the story quite often!( he is 16 now)
    I learned a lesson though and that is to always lock my doors when driving!

    My mom used to always say" I would rather have a gun and not need it, than need a gun and not have it!"

    mom & tc, I hope you and your families are doing ok . Have been thinking of everyone who found themselves in Ike's path!

  29. mimi, I loved your post.."So come one ,come all" LOL


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