
Saturday, September 27, 2008.

Would You Pay Your Nanny In Case Of A Natural Disaster?
Would you pay your nanny if a natural disaster hit your area? Monday I received an email from a nanny agency in this area asking me how I got paid during hurricane Ike. They sent me an email today with the poll results: 80% said wages were unaffected, 10% said wages would be somewhat reduced, 10% said no wages were paid during the time not worked.

Some families chose to pay a full wage but not pay the normal gas allowance since no driving was done. Some nannies worked a weekend in exchange for their normal scheduled days. One family had their nanny stay at their house during the storm's aftermath.

I ended up missing 7 days all together and my boss paid me for the entire time minus gas money (which is understandable) So what would you do? Would you pay your nanny the full amount? Half pay? Work out something else?
Special Thanks to TC for this Submission.

Mom's Education On Asperger Syndrome Leads To Book
Onlookers in her East Coast town would shake their head condescendingly. “Discipline him more — all he needs is a whack on the bottom,” they would tell the frazzled mother. What they didn’t know was that discipline didn’t work. Nobody understood.
“I had a degree in psychology and had worked as a nanny — I thought being a mom would be easy for me,” Mann said. “So it was very frustrating when I couldn’t soothe my own child. A lot of times, I felt like a bad mom.”


  1. TC,

    How are you doing down there? I hear some are still without power!

    I'm glad you were treated well by your employers.

    I have no nanny, but I suppose if I did and she was on a regular salary I would go ahead and keep on paying her. That's what a salaried employee is, right? If she were paid only on an hourly, per work done, basis, and was not a full time employee, I probably would pay her only when she worked. But if I was significantly cutting her normal hours and she was having a hardship because of it, I would like to think I would give her a bonus to help her through.

    Good grief, people donate money to help storm victims they don't even know. Why not make sure your nanny isn't one who suffers because you aren't having her work as normal?

  2. We are ok, got power last Thursday. My grandmother didn't get power till this Thursday and I still have a bunch of friends a tad closer to the gulf who still don't have power. A big portion of Pearland and Alvin still don't have power and my son's daycare is closed until further notice due to major damage. My school finally opens Monday!

    There are still 500,000 thousand without power, I feel so bad for those people.

    We lost the beach house, which we figured wouldn't make it but it was still a shock to see nothing but cement and pylons where the house once stood.

  3. Oh no! Is the beach house insured so at least you can get it rebuilt?

  4. Yes it was insured we would never have a house on the beach without insurance. But it just depends on if the insurance company finds a way to weasel out of paying....

    I don't know if we will rebuild. This isn't the first or even the second time something like this has happened. I think my grandparents are tired of having to rebuild, which will be sad because I have a lot of great childhood memories of that place and my son loves it there too.

  5. Last October here in San Diego during the wild fires. I did not get paid for the week i was off work and the family I worked for was evacuated. that week off hurt me financially.

  6. Nanny P I sympathize with you. I was worried that I wouldn't get paid and I needed it, we had to stock up on supplies and so forth and I went through a bunch of money really quick so it was a blessing that I got paid.

    A few years ago when Hurricane Rita almost paid us a visit I was working in a daycare and we were closed for 3 days...the parents were still required to pay for the entire week but we didn't get paid. I still had bills to pay and extra expenses due to stocking up on food in anticipation of the Hurricane so it was really hard for a few months there.

    It would be ideal that the nanny gets paid, after all just like the parents they have bills to pay. I would also assume that most parents got paid for their time off so why would it be any different for the nanny? She didn't ask for the time off.

  7. TC

    That doesn't make sense. If the parents were required to pay the weeks fee to the daycare, you should have been paid. Geeze, what was there excuse for not paying you? Its not like the parents were given a break and told don't worry theres no charge. The owner/director had some nerve not to pay you guys. They just pocketed easy money.

  8. I worked at a daycare center that was close due to bad weather for two days and I the parents still had to pay. The teachers? NO PAY! Ri-dam-diculous!! AND it was ran by a church! SHADY!!

  9. The parent i worked for still got paid thier salarys, one even went into work still. i still feel i should have been paid for that week i was off

  10. tc,
    Question. What category storm was Ike when it hit Texas?

    Surprisingly enough, we are getting very little Ike news here in Dallas, but we saw pictures today in church and it looks so much worse than I ever imagined. Weird, because Katrina news was nonstop, and we are closer and in even a better position to help "y'all" than we were for Louisiana.

    I was in NY when the storm hit and I called to check the kids and they said it was a category 1. That and the comparatively little media attention it has received up here left me with no idea of the devastation you have suffered. Guess you have to start shooting each other and looting the local businesses before the media wants to get overly committed. They show all that news under the guise of wanting to get people to help...but apparently that's not the whole truth, because we're not getting the same push to help like we did for Katrina. (Admittedly I am not much of a TV news watcher---and that is why--but with Katrina it was all we saw when we turned on the tvs. Looks like you got it just as bad as they did!

  11. The wind was a cat 2 but it was on the verge of becoming a cat 3. The storm surge was a cat 4 almost a cat 5. That's why we had so much destruction.

    I live pretty far inland , about 45 min, and we got 100mph winds...

    I'm a little bitter over the lack of media coverage we got, because along with lack of coverage we also got the lack of government and private funds (like the red cross)

    I think part of it was because of the wall street stuff going on but I think there is something else that kept us from getting the same coverage as the people in NO got and that is not something I will discuss on a board like this, but I think you already know what I'm thinking

  12. I'm a little upset myself. We all made such an effort here during Katrina...and almost nothing for Ike. WE still have pople living here on government $$$ from Katrina, because apparently not enough time has passed for them to start to put their lives back on track, or even look for jobs.

    That money now need to go to people in desperate need...not people who choose welfare as a career choice. And there is always a news story about how cruel the government is when somebody up here is about to be evicted from their apartment because the aid from Katrina has run it's limit for they are "Hurricane victims" and about to be turned into the street. And then somehow somehow the day gets saved and they get to stay on, rent free, job free, for an extended time period.

    Really, what is wrong with our government?

  13. I think the same thing. Houston opened it's arms for Katrina evacuees and we got repaid by a higher crime rate and more people on welfare. But we are TEXANS and we will rebuild with or without anyone's help. We are a strong bunch of people and we've got a work ethic.

    Also keep in mind there are still people without power and fema is dumping ice on the base in San Antonio rather than giving it to the people who still don't have power.

    My grandmother has a saying and it never made as much sense as has lately.
    "No good deed goes unpunished"

  14. well if the natural disaster hits my area than everyone of us will get affected by it and if i am at this condition to help her than sure i will but if i am myself in a condition that i needed help so how can i help her in that case.....


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