
Kid's Kingdom playzone in Northvale, NJ

Received Friday, September 12, 2008.
nanny sighting logo I was at Kid's Kingdom, a playzone in Northvale, NJ and my friend came out of the women's room with a little boy (age 2) with no pants on...she found him in there when she went in to change her daughter's diaper... The nanny was on the other side of the place and had noticed her before because she was by herself on the cell phone. It was so disturbing because he got all the way across the building by himself without her looking for him.
I heard her saying to the manager 'thank you, I watch him' but she really wasn't. She got into a light blue sienna with NJ plates. If this 2 year old boys parents are reading I hope that he is okay...


  1. Wow, that's pretty scary. I hope they see it too.

  2. This mother is just wrong! Plain wrong! And this isn't the first time she's posted things that make me question her judgement in parenting!? Please Jane Doe post this for others to see!

    Here is the thing that made me cringe:

    "We got stopped at a 4 way red light where all 4 lights was red for the minute we waited and DH decided to run it. The whole way there I had bug in my lap rocking her singing,tried to nurse her twice & talking to her and she screamed the whole 20 minute drive. DH was doing 90mph at one time."

    AH! Unconstrained child, 20 mintue drive, run red light, 90 mph!

    Here is the link:

    Thank you for your wonderful site!

  3. I'm confused too but whoever that blurb was about should be sterilized ASAP.

  4. I read the op posts and then went to the other link. What has that got to do with this post?

  5. lurkie,
    Is this a submission to the blog?

  6. After working up a sweat to explain 'whatever' to my two year old, she goes... "Huh, what?" and I laugh/faint.
    I thought of her after reading
    lurkie lou. lol

  7. Jane, yes sorry I couldn't find the usual first post for submissions you used to have. :)


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