
Ah Ha Learning Center Class

Received Thursday, September 18, 2008
nanny sighting logo I assured everyone around me that I would report this nanny and everyone was so relieved and grateful. This nanny takes her charge to Ahha learning center class on Wednesday (9/17) morning. She wears a sparkly cap. The charge is a little boy with brown hair. He is probably between one and 18 months old. I know their names but don't know if it's appropriate to use them. Her name starts with a "C". How about that?

We noticed something was wrong when the little boy would not share and no one was around to help him. The nanny was sitting in a chair with her back to the boy while he used the open play area. This was around 9:15 a.m. After we helped him she reluctantly wandered over. Then during the class the teacher repeatedly had to ask her to join the group. The first time was after she hung back in a corner on her cell phone and the little boy, ("D" I will call him) ran into my daughter. During the play class the nanny was awful to the child. The point of the room is to let them explore. She insisted he not touch the beads, saying, "Get away from those. They are for girls." Clearly she is mean, uneducated and has no credentials for interacting with children. She forced the boy to participate by grabbing his arm. The teachers had said it was not important that the children join the group, they should just enjoy the time. The woman said no, the boy should learn to stop playing. Her phone rang during the circle song and she left the group to go talk on it. She was on the phone for much of the class, even though the caregivers were instructed "to be play partners for the children". The little boy was discouraged so he lay down on the floor and sucked his thumb. She kept trying to get him up. It was painful to watch. After all that, she set him in the stroller for more than 20 minutes (we timed it because by now we saw how neglectful she was). She was right next to the play area, so that the boy could have played with the children while she talked to her friends, but he was just stuck in that stroller. No interaction at all except to give him a drink.

I am spending my only free time today (while my baby naps) to write this. I am so sad for this boy, his parents, and our society. What will happen to these children as they grow up having their feelings stepped on. Please, please fire this nanny on the spot!!!!!
--p.s. I am an early childhood educator and a C.S.W.


  1. thats awful that she was like that. I hope you also reported her to her employers.

  2. If this child was part of a class, then the people who run the class must know his full name and all of his parent's info. Why don't they call the parents up themselves instead of posting here on a website where they may or may not see it?

  3. I agree with gimmeabreak - the people who run the class should contact the parents directly. If they didn't notice the interaction (or lack of), you might need to alert them to it and suggest that they contact the parents.

  4. Jane Doe-I believe it is not called Alpha Learning Center, and called Aha Learning Center. Its on the upper eastside of Manhattan. OP, am I correct about this? The reason I make the correction is because if the parents happened to be reading this site they may not even realize it is their nanny/child.

  5. OP, I love the suggestion of having the center contact the parents. They would probably be incredibly grateful for the call.

    I had my son in a class like this when he was a toddler. There was a mom who acted like the nanny you mention here...and the owner of the school would constantly get upset with her during the class because she never supervised her children...who were mean, disruptive, and out of control. Finally one day, when her older child (3 or 4 years old) picked up a ball and held it over his head, aimed and ready to throw at a sleeping newborn infant in its mothers arms...and the mom did not take the ball away, but sat there instead asking her child in a gentle singsongy voice to "think about making the right choice" (while he looked the whole time like he was going to heave the ball at the baby any second)...the instructor finally just went off and told the mom to "Just get him out of here...NOW!" She looked like she was in total shock, but he told her again that he was sick of watching this week after week and to "Get out!" and she took her kids and left. We were all glad. Hopefully that was a wake up call to her.

    These parents need a wake up call too. And having the center where they are sending their child for enrichment (presumably because they care about him) call to say that their nanny is neglectful, mean, and not suited to childcare would probably light a fire under them and get something done about this immediately.

  6. I take my charge to several classes and I would expect the instructors to call the mother if I wasn't doing my job.

    I will say this, keep in mind I am 100% not defending any aspect of what the nanny did.

    My boss wants a pic message every day and I usually take one during class and send it. So that means I'm texting on my phone. She usually responds and asks me a question and I respond to can go on for a decent amount of time and I have seen some glares from parents.

    My caveat is it may look like someone is neglecting a child while they are on the phone but it might not be the case.

  7. Jane, I think NYCnanny may be right about it being called Aha Learning Center.

  8. Oh man, this nanny sounds absolutely awful in every way.OP, I'd mention your concerns to the teacher and ask them if they would make a call to the parents alerting them to the ongoing lack of attention, since it sounds like this is more than a one-time situation. They may not be willing to stick their necks out though, unfortunately.

    Mom, that mother sounds absultely nauseating, and I bet the whole class gave a round of applause when she and her monsters were booted and publicly humiliated for their unacceptable behavior.

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  10. tc,

    you seem really nice, but your boss seems scarey! why does she want a pic message every day? maybe i am misunderstanding but that seems waaay too overbearing or paranoid?! why would she want to interrupt you during the class?

  11. TC,
    Those glares aren't just because they think you are not doing your job. It is distracting and disruptive when someone is using their phone during a class. I'm surprised the teacher hasn't asked that people turn off their phones. I understand you are doing what your employer wants, but to those in the class, it is rude. Maybe you can take the pic right at the end of class?

  12. i have worked for gymboree play before. we would not be allowed to call parents even if we wanted to, so if the teachers didn't call it likely would not be because they didn't want to "stick their necks out."

    perhaps this ah ha place is different, but as far as gymboree is concerned they care most about turning a profit, so as long as parents/caregivers are not directly endangering the children they won't say anything. (give them a break though, it is a BUSINESS first and a learning center second)

  13. I don't think it's scary in the least. She wants a picture and I don't mind it. Heck we text message back and forth even when I'm not working.

    It's not distracting, I have the volume turned off and no one can hear it.

  14. OP,
    What's the word on this?
    Have you seen the child again?


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