
Wednesday August 13, 2008.

In the News:

More charges may be filed against Caylee's Mom - Video Update
Home raided in CraigsList hoax - Video
Cult to blame for child's death? - Video
Doctor reprimanded for secret sterilization
Last year, when a woman in Berryville, Arkansas went into the hospital to deliver her baby by Cesarean section, she did not request or authorize her doctor to also perform a tubal ligation. But that minor detail didn't stop Dr. Shirolyn Ruth Moffett from doing just that.

Your thoughts?


  1. I think it's really sad that so many people are choosing to judge this doctor for what she's done; as if you know for a fact she was acting with malicious intent. I know this doctor and she is oustanding. She has no ulterior motives. Her career has been driven by her compassion and the outstanding care she provides for her patients. She made a mistake, and she has paid for it. Lets let her get on with her life without all of this hateful gossip.

  2. I am in an unpopular minority that supports this doctor's actions. I believe it was done with good intentions and she has been punished. Let it go.

    I also would like to see forced sterilization for people who continue to breed as a means of upping their public assisted income. As a tax payer, I am tired of paying rent, clothing, food, medical and dental care for the people in my town who have 3,
    4, 5 or more kids, with no signs of stopping, no menas of income and refuse to do any sort of work. If they want a bigger apartment or a raise, they just pop out another child. Since we can't starve the child or let them suffer, as it's not their fault, we should prevent the parents from being allowed to continue this nonsense. We have
    3rd and 4th generation welfare recipients in our state, it's disgusting and not fair to those who are truly down on their luck and really need public assistance. it's also not fair to us the taxpayer, who work hard to earn our living.

    As for Caylee's mother, here is a case where torture for information is perfectly acceptable. Take her in a room and beat her until she tells us where this poor little girl is or what she has done with her. Enough is enough.

  3. I don't know what hateful Gossip you're referring to, as you can see, you are the first poster that's commented on what your Dr./Friend did, but since you brought it up ....
    Whether she meant well or not, what your friend did was disgraceful. She took a Mother's right to have more children away. It was NOT her choice to make this life-altering decision.

    Had this Mom been given the chance, who knows what incredible Dr. she may have found to correct her health problem. It would've only been detrimental to her had she gotten pregnant again, so it was not an acute condition that required emergency surgery right then and there.

    I imagine this Dr. must have a pretty good record and be well-respected in her Community to have only been reprimanded, but what she did was intensely wrong and she should do whatever she can if it takes her the rest of her Life to make it up to this Patient.

  4. Abc/123
    I'm not sure I agree with forced sterilization, only because it's not realistic, but you've made some very valid points.
    However, good intentions or not, the bottom line is that this Dr. had no right to take this Mom's choice away from her.
    Who's to say that she isn't a really wonderful Parent? Wouldn't that then make it all the more egregious what this Dr. did?

  5. "Moffett performed the tubal ligation without the patient’s permission, even though the procedure was not required.

    Moffett admitted that she did not tell the patient what she had done afterward and did not document the procedure in the patient’s medical records.
    The doctor said she was afraid to admit what she had done for fear of the consequences.

    Moffett said she knew she should have let the patient decide whether she wanted the procedure done.

    In an e-mailed statement, Mike Peters, St. John’s vice president for public affairs, said the hospital made the right decision in revoking Moffett’s physician’s privileges after finding out about the tubal ligation.

    She now operates a financially struggling gynecology practice in Eureka Springs.

    Moffett said she’s had to put her house up for sale and move in with her mother."

    - Good. At least she's not delivering babies anymore.

  6. Once we start telling women what they can/can't do with their bodies, then it gets scary. Not only is it unrealistic, as mpp said, but it would be unwise since: who would make these decisions? Would it be doctors? Politicians? ABC/123? How would one go about discerning the ability of these people to make this decision?

    I see your point, abc. I pay my taxes too. However, there are many, many people who should not, in theory, have any more children, not just people on welfare. But that's not for us to decide.

  7. "I see your point, abc. I pay my taxes too. However, there are many, many people who should not, in theory, have any more children, not just people on welfare. But that's not for us to decide." - Umass

    If I had the right to discern who could or couldn't have babies, the Mother's who use the Government for
    "upping their public assisted income", would come in second to those that should be sterilized for abusing and neglecting their children.
    It's something that sounds appealing, that's for sure, but again, not ethically or morally right.

  8. Well, It seems forced steralization was the ulterior motive if you ask me.
    After reading a few more articles, though they give out very little info, it seems our recipient of the complimentary Tubal Ligation was a patient with "learning disabilities"

    This Dr is a joke. This is all politics.
    She knew what she was doing.She knew!

    If she truly did it for medical reasons,out of concern of a future Uterine rupture,why not put it in the patients medical records? Why did she HIDE the fact that she did it? Only to be revealed 3 weeks later to a co worker?

    She has since left the hospital and opened up a OBGYN office elsewhere.
    She has had to sell her home and move in with her mom.
    I think she should be in jail for medical malice.

    And by the way.........
    Lazy welfare recipients continuing to have babies, working the system are not the reason for the growing Welfare problem in this country, the idiots who hand it out like candy are!
    If you offer a mouse free cheese, he'll take it!
    If you build it they will come.

    Welfare was created by an elite group(CFR) and is in place for a reason.For beyond what many could even imagine.

    Its too easy to get and always available to those on baby #4..wheres the insentive to go out and get a job?

    Shame on anybody not holding the government responsible...instead, praising some tube tying caped crusader with a God complex as an answer to all the Welfare problems!

  9. wow, nothing like repeating the last 3 or 4 posts! I type way too slow!
    I agree with you Umass, Banana & MMP!great posts.

  10. If I had my way, the parents who are racists and homophobes would be sterilized. Just going along with MPP's train of thought. We don't have the right to decide, though.

  11. Great post, Umass!
    And Sydney? Damn, did you ever know that you're my Hero? LOL
    Excellent job! Thank you!

  12. sydney,
    spme excellent poinst. but not every mouse will take free cheese. some like to have the dignity of earning their own way, no matter how hard. And those who really NEED the free cheese for a little while, probably resent the free cheese freeloaders who give the whole idea of anybody who needs free cheese for circumstances beyond their conrol a bad reputation!

  13. I like your post, mom! That was cute, lol. And to sydney, "tube-tying caped crusader"? Omfg, that was awesome!
    You sound almost as pissed as I was when I read that story. Thank you for a great post! Btw, bfn?

  14. mom, you are right! Thanks for bringing that up. I should know better than to make such general statements! Some people do work really hard to get off welfare and some who really need the help won't because they want to make it on their own. I have known a few of those myself! Thanks again for the reminder.

  15. cfg,yes,I was pissed.This doctor should not be practicing medicine anywhere. She should be shoveling horse shit for minimum wage at a farm somehwere. As for opening an OBGYN office elsewhere,IMO,the only ass she should ever touch again should be attatched to a set of big teeth and long gray ears!

    Guess great minds think alike!bye

  16. From
    One Police Officer's opinion about the disappearance of Caylee Anthony.
    Really good read.

  17. Sydney, so what do you suggest? let the children of lazy welfare recipients starve and have no healthcare? Your post proves my point entirely, sterilize the parents, then they can't ride the system like a mule.

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