
Pierrepont Playground - Brooklyn Heights

Received Tuesday, August 5, 2008.
nanny sighting logo Oblivious nanny, Pierrepont playground, Brooklyn Heights, Tuesday 8/5, 12 noon-ish. Your 5-6 y.o. daughter, Juliette, was playing on the monkey bars in the section of the playground fenced in for young children. She has long dark hair, lovely eyes and smile. She was wearing a light-colored skirt and a green spaghetti-strap shirt with a wide hairband in her hair. Juliette is very agile on the monkey bars and enjoyed hanging upside down--until she fell on her head. I picked her up as she was crying--she was holding her back as well--and asked if her mommy was there. She said her babysitter was over there reading a book. Where? Where was on the other side of the playground sitting on a bench reading a book (outside of the fenced-in area and completely out of eyesight of your daughter). At first I thought Juliette said the nanny's name was Fiona, but then it sounded like she called out to Ginna. At any rate, I walked Juliette over to her, and she did not look up from her book until we were standing right in front of her, and I had to say something to get her attention. Juliette's nanny looked young--early to mid-20s, white, with light brown hair. She spoke Spanish or another language to your daughter.
I didn't notice what she was wearing, but she had a very large, silver leather bag on the bench next to her. I'm sure you're paying the nanny good money to WATCH and interact with your child. She was not doing it today. Juliette is a very sweet, engaging little girl. My 3 y.o. dd enjoyed playing with and trying to imitate her on the monkey bars. Juliette deserves a nanny who will play with her and watch out for her--not sit around reading a book.


  1. Fell on her head? I hope she wasn't hurt too badly.
    Thanks for the post, and for looking out for the child, OP.

  2. Good sighting OP...I really, really hope the parents see this. I'm glad you were there to help her considering her nanny wasn't.

  3. Of course the nanny should have heard her crying and responded.

    But that wouldn't have prevented her from falling either. Problem is, at age five you have to let the kids climb things themselves. Most children that age do not need assistance on the equipment, and they don't have that kind of attention in kindergarten.

    I am super cautious myself, but even I let the kids climb the equipment by themselves. I watch them, but I am rarely close enough to prevent a fall. Just my perspective.

  4. I agree As A Nanny...but that's not really the point. This nanny is paid to provide one on one care for this child, and while she didn't need to be standing on top of a child that age, her eyes still should have been on her at all times. Reading a book is inexcusable. Nanny really did seem to be completely oblivious. There's a big grey area between smothering a 5 year old's young sense of independence at a park and being completely clueless as to where she is for several minutes at a time (which I can only assume was the case in this particular sighting).

  5. Whether or not the girl needed to be spotted, the nanny should have been nearby and watching. Kids love to show off their skills, and you can be cheering them on, without making them feel you are helicoptering.
    Personally, I don't think any caregiver, mom or nanny should be reading in a city playground. It isn't the same as a backyard.
    Good post OP. BTW, if you see me in the playground wearing all my diamonds, don't assume I'm paid "good money". They are gifts from my many admirers!

  6. That is really bad! It amazes me how careless these caregivers can be. As a babysitter myself, I would feel terrible if something happened to my charges under my watch. I sincerely hope the parents of this child see the post.


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