
Monday August 11, 2008.

Frank Sinatra - It was a very good year

What was your favorite year and why?


  1. Ahhh Frank, baby. He was the speaker at my college graduation. (But I did not follow him back to his hotel, show him my underwear by accident, or force him to answer untold numbers of tabloid type trivia questions about himself. Lucky dude!)
    There was a big flap because some people felt he had mafia ties. My feeling on that entire subject was, "Good grief."

  2. Oh yes Mom, he had ties. (can I say that and not get hurt?)
    I have some cool info I could share, but I better not.

  3. I love this song!!! so awesome!

    my favorite year? I guess the last two years since I have had my daughter: I cannot imagine a better time in my life than now, when she is growing and learning every day. It's amazing!

  4. One of my favs too, Umass.

    I'm with you... my best year(s) have been since my son came into my life!

  5. 2007. I finally married the man I'd known nearly 7 years. Next week is the 8 year anniversary of the day we met.

    Oh God, I was just so sappy I damn near barfed. Really, though... 2007- best year ever. So far.

  6. Well let's see Georgia is being stormed by killer communists. The Georgians lent 2000 soldiers to our efforts in Iraq and want them back. They are still being redeployed. Russia is mad we are cooperating with our standing agreement with Georgia. Israel doesnt trust Obama and they are ready to annihilate Iran before Iran annihilates them. So my best year? Any year before this one which looks to be the bloody scene of world war 3.

  7. t.r.

    you sort of suck.

  8. geez. lighten up, francis.

  9. I would have to say the year my son seemed to be fully recovered from his drug addictions. He has been clean ever since. That was the begining of 2007. I know it is a long road but I am happy and thankful for that clean year.It was probably the hardest year of his life.He is strong and I am proud of him. We went to many meetings together and he went to many alone. 2007 was a wonderful year.

  10. My favorite year was 1989.

    My grandparents took me along with my 2 cousins and brother to Dinosaur Valley State Park. It was the best time of our lives and so much fun. To this day we all 4 still talk about that trip.

    It wasn't all roses though, I ended up sleeping on the floor of the motor home because my cousin took over the whole bed, my other cousin left his shoes and we didn't know until we were already half way home and my brother was a whiny brat the entire time but it was still an awesome trip.

    I remember standing in the river and stepping in dinosaur tracks, playing in the pool with my cousins, all of us eating the oatmeal cream pies before we got there, and taking pictures next to the life size dinosaurs.


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