Today marks not only the 25th day since Caylee Anthony was reported missing, it also marks the Child's 3rd Birthday (Video)
Emotions run high in the Anthony Family - Raw Video
Casey's Lies? A Look at the Search Warrant - Video
August 8, 2008 Anthony Home Search Warrant - PDF
Happy Birthday Caylee, Our Prayer's Are With You
I just read through the entire search warrant.I am shocked. How can you forget the date that you last saw your child or grandchild?
ReplyDeleteFirst it was june 9th now it is Fathers day?
Whatever has happened,mom and granma are both in on it.They both know where that baby is.
Where are the lie detector tests?
Granma, Granpa, Casey should all take one.zaneida too.
how strange is it that the apartment casey claims belonged to the nanny Zaneida was vacant. But the manager found that he had showed an apartment to that same woman a few months earlier?
and she claims not to know casey or caylee.How does that work? thats just too much of a coincedence right?
many prayers and thoughts are with you caylee,wherever you may be.
Wow. I cannot believe that search warrant! I don't think Casey would know the truth if it came up and bit her in the ass. She is so obviously hiding something, and I don't think it has anything to do with "fearing for her daughters safety". She's just giving those detectives a big run-around, trying to confuse them. The biggest thing to cast doubt for me was her friends stepping forward and speaking out against her! I found that pretty interesting.
ReplyDeleteThis search warrant sounds to me like they might know more than they're letting on. I'll bet we see murder charges within a week or two. Those DNA tests should be back by then.
cfg, as sad as it is, I think you may be right.I am still puzzled as to grandmas involvement.Ithink she knows more than she is saying.
ReplyDelete-- and happy birthday, Caylee! I pray you find your way home safe!
ReplyDeleteHave you heard -
ReplyDeleteI am actually starting to think that the very first night, maybe Casey said something to her mom. Something more than "she's missing". I don't know. I can see both of her parents are very angry, while Casey is totally emotionless...very weird!
cfg, When I was listening to one of the 911 calls (that Jane or MPP posted) I remembered hearing her mother say"I've already given you 31 days" or something similar to that. They were arguing in the background while Cindy was placing the call and talking with an operator. I thought that in itself would warrant more attention from the police in grandmas direction?
ReplyDeleteYeah, Cindy said that she meant that she had given her daughter 31 days to "produce" Caylee because she hadn't seen her. But yes, why didn't they press more on that? Because I also heard Cindy say, "Casey always had a reason I couldn't see Caylee, like she was in bed or something".
ReplyDeleteThat comment heard on the 911 call sounds like an exasperated mom trying to find out what the hell her daughter did with her grandchild.
I didn'y hear about that part.(producing Caylee)
ReplyDeleteMy mom would sure as hell have called the cops asap if she thought for one minute something fishy was going on with my kids. She talks to them atleast every 2 days and she never would have waited 30 days.I don't know how often Cindy talked with caylee. Thought they lived there. But sounds like they moved out around the time Caylee came up missing?
God forbid I ever did anyharm to my kids. I could only hope to get to the saftey of a jail cell before my mother got her hands on me.
Caylee Happy 3rd Birthday.
after watching the "raw video " of Cindy talking to reporters outside of her home,I think I am wrong.
ReplyDeletecfg,I think you are right. grandma IS trying to find out what happened to her grandaughter.I really thought she was in on it but now I am no longer sure.
She seemd pretty sincere .
There is absolutely no way to know for sure at this point. We can only hope.
ReplyDeleteHappy Birthday, Caylee, you sweet girl, we are all praying for you.
This is pretty hard, not knowing where the little girl is, and the Grandparents must be freaking out. For a long time, a lot of people started to think Elizabeth Smart was dead, too, but when they found her I even cried.
ReplyDeleteIt's just not looking too good for Caylee, though. Those detectives look like they are on to something, and reading that warrant kind of cinches it for me.
I hear what you're sayin' Umass, but don't you think it's looking grim?
This is so sad. She can't even spend her birthday with loved ones. Happy Birthday Caylee, come home.
ReplyDeletejanes addiction
ReplyDeletei thought the same thing. how in the world is the one nanny that's connected to those apts. be the one and same the police find, and when they show casey a photo of the nanny, she doesn't know who she is? casey is starting to trip over her own lies, and i hope they find out real soon where that baby is.
happy third b-day caylee. :(
I have Nancy Grace on...Cindy (the grandma) just said "casey comes from a very loving family , you have pictures that show you that Caylee WAS loved as well" WAS??? How about Caylee IS loved as well. Grandma is a waste of space, she raised Casey (who is a loser) and now she let her go missing for 30 plus days before she did anything. My mom would have had me by the throat in a week DEMANDING she see her grandbaby....I find it immpossible to believe that "grandma" doesn't know where Caylee is...She knows Casey killed her and knows that she already lost her grandbaby so she doesn't want to lose her daughter...and is any one else pissed we are calling an imaginary "sitter" a NANNY???
ReplyDelete2 things struck me very strange with this whole situation.
ReplyDeleteFirst was the fact that the grandparents never met the nanny. I've been a nanny for 2 different families and I met ALL of the extended families. I met the grandparents who all live out of town about 2 months after I started working for the first family and about 3 months after working for the second family. How did Caylee's grandparents not know the nanny? ESPECIALLY since she lived with them most of her life.
The second thing that struck me as odd was the fact that the grandparents hadn't seen their grandchild for a month. If my grandmother had gone more than a few days without seeing or hearing from me when I was little she would have raised all sorts of hell until she saw me, she wouldn't have waited a month to start to worry and I can't see how it would be any different for Caylee especially since she LIVED with her grandparents (except for the month she was missing).
I believe something tragic happened to poor Caylee and the grandparents are trying to help the mother cover it up. I truly hope I'm wrong though and they find Caylee very soon happy and healthy.
you're right, cfg, it doesn't look good. it breaks my heart.
ReplyDeleteI was driving through Orlando the other day and I saw two huge billboards with Caylee's picture on it and the number to call with information on her. It was so sad, I started to tear up.
ReplyDeleteI was watching Nancy Grace last night too and she had another special about this whole case. Have you seen the new pictures of Casey out clubbing while her daughter is missing? It makes me want to slap her until she tells someone where that poor baby is.
My suspicion is that the grandma may know that Caylee is not coming home and is now afraid of losing her daughter too, so she is backpedaling on a lot of things she said publicly when she was mad at Casey and hoping to get the baby back.
ReplyDeleteCasey is obviously an irresponsible, selfish, and clearly unbalanced "adult child" who has a lot of serious problems and her parents realized this and were used to picking up the slack for her and fixing her mistakes. She probably needs psychiatric help that I haven't heard anything to indicate she was getting...and she had no business having access to Caylee. If her parents wanted to remain in denial about the depth of Casey's problems, fine...but they should have stepped in and protected the baby by trying to get full custody. When Casey went missing with Caylee, the grandma should have reported the car stolen IMMEDIATELY, and filed missing persons reports...not a month later. Clearly she knew there was a potential problem because she eventually did report the car stolen.
I think she pretty well knew Caylee was dead when she reported the dead body smell in the car. After the shock wore off and she was able to think more clearly she started covering up for her daughter...by lying and washing the clothes int he trunk, etc.
I believe the child was buried in the yard and then moved. Who knows if granny helped with this?
I really hope that, if this turns out to be the case, that the family will also be charged with a crime for interfering with an investigation and lying to investigators. Hopefuly they will drag them before a grand jury and get them on perjury charges if they lie there too.
And yeah, I wish at certain times that we did allow torture for recovery of information...when we are sure somebody has information that could potentially save a life and they refuse to talk.
Unfortunately, as long as Casey can maintain any shred of doubt as to whether Caylee is dead or alive with her elaborate lies, she has a better chance of not being convicted of a murder...which she probably realizes.
Clearly we can see where Casey learned to lie. Mama seems to have no qualms about telling really stupid,obvious lies either.