
Nanny's Breast Augmentation...

Received Sunday, March 2, 2008- Perspective & Opinion
OK so i didn't spot a bad nanny or any neglect but I have a question of perspective and hopefully respectful opinion.

I am hoping some mom's/caregivers could give me insightful opinions. I am interested in having a breast augmentation to even out my breasts and to SLIGHTY enlarge them while im at it, im like hardly a b cup and would like to be a full b so don't worry fellow readers I'm not going to flaunt them around in the little girls face or wear low cut things. I'm very modest. At most i wear knee lenght shorts and a way above non-existing cleavage neckline shirt.

As a nanny taking care of a 8 month old baby I would like to know how woman have dealt with a baby post breast augmentation surgery. More spesific how did any of you deal with the lifting your child factor.

I am considering doing this about 5 months from now and wondering how this will affect my job. I know nurses who have gone back to work 2 days after surgery even though it is recommended 1-2 weeks. I'll be taking 10days (weekend incl) off. I'm hoping my baby will walk by then, even though she was premature. Though I realise the crib will mean lifting as well as the stroller. I've thought of how to deal with lifting situations... such as using the high chair on the low floor setting and myself sitting on the floor to eat so that i don't have to do too much lifting in that aspect. Playing on the balcony with the baby pool for the next couple of weeks instead of long trips that stresses the body.

Any tips perhaps? Do i tell my employers what i'm having done? Would they think of me as inappropriate? It really matters to me what they think as I respect them a lot though we aren't exactly so close as to share private matters but at the same time they need to be prepared for my situation as well.


  1. I am not bashing your choice,but breast implants make it VERY hard to detect breast cancer. I would love implants as well, but then there's the whole, death from undetected cancer and I think hummm..maybe just maybe my life is a bit more important than the looks of my ta-tas. Just a thought.

  2. I have size 49 H! No one who had hired mr has ever complained...

    My niece had BA last year and she was sore for a week and could not lift her arms without pain.

  3. I think maybe you should tell them about the surgery but not the implants. They are going to know you are out for something and also even tho you are only going up a tiny bit in size, you will be pretty swollen for awhile making your chest seem larger than it is and it may shock them. It is up to you tho. Good luck!

  4. 40h maybe that's why you got hired... :) i kid

  5. From 1992-1996, I worked as a nanny in California. I became pretty close with the Mrs. in the family and she gave me her old clothing (designer duds) and jackets and things. We spoke about body issues. She knew I had issues about my small breasts and she offered to pay for an augmentation. I accepted. For a few months, everything was coming up roses. And then, my boss started to resent me. Maybe what she perceived as my newfound happiness. And the pain that was fading away came back. I got my first serious boyfriend and was not embarassed to take my clothes off but I grimaced silently while he touched me. It didn't always hurt, but it never felt good. I was fired about ten months after the surgery. My boss claimed I had lost my focus on my job. I don't think that was true.

  6. Mimi, thank you for your concern about breast cancer. It's always good to make an informed decision.

    Fortunantly my husband is a surgeon and we have many plastic surgery and oncology friends who have been helpful in understanding all these questions about my health.

    Implants make mammograms more difficult and detection harder and require additional tests and more exposure to radiation to be able to conduct a proper mammogram but seriously, today you can't even drink our of plastic anymore or eat popcorn without getting cancer. So I say to the ta-tas come hither.

  7. lesson of the day: don't let your boss buy your boobs she'll wish she had them

  8. Or find yourself a boss that WILL pay for them and not fire your hot butt later

  9. I don't know. Did you mention to your doctor that you are a childcare provider, to an infant/toddler. I can see if you were watching a three year old. Even a two year old can be demanding. Wanting to be held, picked up, rocked, etc.
    If you are planning to work for this family for another year, can you wait?

  10. maybe her husband made a comment on how good she looked with the implants

  11. hey erics mom, i really cant wait anymore. ive waited forever. honestly i think its better to do it when she's walking but not too active yet. and jumping all over me.

    i've taken care of 2/3/4 yr old kids and older and it just gets more rough the older they get. i think this will be a good time. i hope?
    if anyone has some experience with lifting substitutes let me know

  12. When my friend had them done her boobs looked bigger then they should of been at first due to swelling. She also couldnt lift her arms for about 2 weeks after the surgery either, she was in too much pain.

  13. i certainly hope that you're planning to use your accrued vacation time to do this. you shouldn't put out your employer for a boob job. also, if you're young and haven't had children yet, you might consider waiting to see how your body will mature. ime, things like this become less significant with age. you get a better appreciation for what your breasts are really for by feeding a baby with them, ya know?

  14. of course its my vacation time

  15. I think it is the stupidest thing to get a boob job. Can I find any real women. You all are trying to be something your not.

    Reconstructive surgery - OK
    Getting your boobs fixed to be even - OK

    Getting them enlarged. - I have no respect for you

  16. I made the mistake of getting silicon in my lips. They are not overdone, no one notices. I had uber thin lips and now I have lips. The problem is that I now have twin 2 year old boys. Every time they accidentally kick me while I change a diaper or toss a toy my way, it hurts like hell. It hurts in a way that would not hurt if I did not have this foreign substance in my body. I have seriously been reduced to tears by a 11 poung baby's chew toy.

  17. Did you realize that breast implants need changed every 10-15 years, and that the complication rate is quite high, meaning it is often not just the one surgery per time? You are setting yourself up for a repeated surgeries throughout your lifetime, and for what? So that your eventual husband, who is supposed to love you, not the lumps of fat on your chest, will have something extra to look at or to squeeze bags of water under your skin that are not even really you? I agree with the person above who said you might want to think about waiting a little longer until you are a little older and your priorities are more set.
    I have the same size chest as you and have come to appreciate a lot of things about being a little smaller. For one, small breasts stay firm and perky a lot longer. And if I ever go to Rio I will be like a supermodel! (hehehe)

    Here is something I have learned through living. A person who values you more for the way you look (as in men especially)often tend to be the type of people who always have their eye out for the best looking woman. If you do land one of these men because you have a spectacular chest, you might just find yourself always scanning the room to see where his eyes are. Somebody who truly loves you will not want you to risk your health on a superficial operation, and will love you because of how you are, not in spite of it.

  18. PS Nobody's boobs match exactly.

  19. PPS Real men don't like fake boobs, large or small. Please reconsider this idea. You sound very young.

  20. First-living in one the largest plastic surgery cities in the world, there are now techniques they use to make it easier to detect cancer. Including MRI's, cat scans, digital mammograms. Or possibly just using more film in a traditional mammogram. Any plastic surgery website will give you the same information.

    Second-you can't "even out" two different breast sizes without the implant at "normal" sizes. It doesn't work unless she was the 40H like one of the other posters on here and wanted a REDUCTION.

    Third-there are all kind of men. How in the world does Playboy sell so well with all it's plastic parts monthly. That comment was just asinine and unrealistic. Who gets to decide who is a real man?

    Lastly-the OP wasn't looking for a judgement call. I'm sure she has weighed the pros and cons extensively in her mind and was looking for advice from women WHO'VE ACTUALLY HAD THE PROCEDURE DONE. That disqualifies about 3/4 of the posters here by the sound of it.

    To the OP: This is the wrong place to get non-judgemental real advice on a subject like this one. I suggest you ask your doctor if he has a couple of patient referrals you can speak with-women who have young children and who've had the procedure. Any doctor or practice worth their salt will have a couple of eager customers to give you some peace of mind.

  21. I had a breast aug. about 3 yrs. ago when my son was 2 1/2. I'm not going to lie, it was painful.
    I'm sure you've talked to your Dr., and he's told you that you won't be able to lift anything (including the babies), for several weeks. And don't forget, you'll be on some strong pain medication ...

    I would tell your employer about getting the surgery. You don't have to mention what kind, but I'm not sure you'll get away with it ... this is your job, and they might not understand why your unable to do certain things.

    Being a nanny is very physical, and 10 days probably won't be enough time. Sure, you may be feeling much better pain-wise, but there will be lots of stuff you still can't do.
    Talk to your Dr. to be sure.

  22. I forgot to mention, my sister came to help me (with the kids and house) while I recovered. Most post-op patients have some help. And I'm concerned your going back to your job in 10 days?

    I hope there is someone to help you at home at least?

    Good luck!

  23. Nobody is judging her (at least I didn't mean to sound as though I was.)It sounds more to me like people are offering genuine concern for what sounds like a very young girl making a major life decision with long term implications.
    If she were my daughter I would suggest she wait and think about it a little longer. Not because I would judge her and hold her in disdain, but because I would want the best for her.
    Don't be so quick to judge other people's motives.

  24. My advice, if you really want a boob job, wait until after your children are born and older than carrying age. First, you'll be older and a perky rack will make you feel like a hot lil' kitten again and second, maybe you'll be like 40 or so and only need one or 2 more revisions before you drop dead. I hear the men in nursing homes and retirement centers are all about the silicon. got to get the silicon boobies.

  25. Here is a very useful forum for people who are considering or have had plastic surgeries. I'm sure you could get some good and relevant feedback there from women who have had the procedure.

  26. I would tell the family. I am not sure what I would tell them. I don't condone lying but I would make it a round about situation. Are you familiar with fatty tumors? My friend has a large fatty tumor under her left armpit and it is going to drastically shrink the size of her left boob. So she can have a ping pong ball and an orange or make the other one an orange too. I would be as vague as possible but there are reasons that people have to have their boobs measured out. I would play down the vanity part of it, not that I see it as vanity. If there is something about your body making you feel self conscience and you can get it fixed safely, do it. Of course know it won't suddenly make you happy.

    I would start by stockpiling playdates and favors with other nannies. Surely you know someone? Or does the family have a housekeeper. Look within your circle of associates for back up help, just in case.

  27. VS makes some great padded bras! Looks like the real thing(s)! Plus, surgery is scary, I will only get it when it's a medical must.

  28. 5:07
    Really good suggestion about her "reason" for having the Breast Augmentation ... without actually having to come clean.
    It really isn't any of their business, but I understand they have to be told something.

  29. All you idiots with your answers to questions that weren't even asked... JEEZ, shut the F up and answer her question or DON'T, it's like a freakin' peanut gallery here.

    OP --

    I had breast augmentation. I went from a B to a C (sorry to the Yenta that has no respect for me!). Although I flew home three days later (I even lifted my carry-on over my head to stow), I WAS on lots of pain pills, which you will be too. If you're getting them under the muscle (which I have and recommend), it will be a lot more painful to do things like lift babies. And I don't know about you, but pain pills make me wonky; definitely not a state I'd ever want to be in when I had the responsibility of watching kids. Just something to think about.

    And don't listen to these stupid posters with their scary mammogram tales.

  30. Gppd lord im not 18 people. I'm a grown married woman. Who ever said i was young? Though I'd like to think so...

    As for the idiotic posters who think I care what their behinds think about me and "respecting" me. I don't care. I have done the research for years. I know what I'm doing. I didn't ask for opinions or concerns on my health. Just advice and being curious as to how others have dealt with the situation after surgery. So you can go write that on your forehead.

    Thank you for the helpful notes though.

    1. Silicone rock
    2.Under the muscle yeah
    3. I;m making an informed decision.

    thanks fellow BA ladies.

  31. Okay so I understand that maybe the medical world is now having to come up with different breast cancer testing for people with implants and I get that it still is possible to find cancer in people with implants...But really what I am saying is..

    I dunno call me bitter. I spent the first 3 years of my nanny life nannying an 18 month old (at the start) who had rabdomyascarcoma (I am SURE thats spelled wrong..right word though) Who spent his days with a IV pic line hanging from his neck and had such intense bone pain he vomited, ate only pancakes plain because they stayed down and spent his nights falling asleep with his little fingers buried in a bowl of jelly beans because the sensation lessend the bone aches in his fingers....and then I just can't wrap my head around the thoughts of anyone wanting to make detection any harder...

  32. You should take the time off you need and tell your employers why. They may or may not cover your salary for the time off (after all, they will likely have to pay for another caregiver for the time you are taking off), but if this is a job you want, you shouldn't lie.

  33. breat cancer has a 90% survival rate now FYI

  34. False. The best cases have a 90%+ survival rate. Not all cases, even when detected early, can boast such fine odds. There are too many variables to make such a blanket statement as you do at 11:02.

  35. actually one of the best cancer centers in the country employs my sister's Dr who just disagnosed HER and told her those very words.

  36. I am a nanny and had a BA a year ago. My employers were cool about it. I basically just told them what I was planning. I was nervous, but I knew I had to be honest because I would be restricted doing the everyday tasks.

    I told the kids that I had back surgery so we couldn't rough play for a while.

    Taking 10 days off will be plenty of time for your body to heal enough.

    As for size, if you are a B already, then you may want to consider more than a full B. You adjust to the size super quick, and I was bummed for a while that I didn't go with the bigger size that my PS recommended to me. I started out as a tiny B and went up to a small D. He was suggesting a full D. Though now, I am super happy with my results.

    Good luck with your decision!

  37. 3:58
    I was going to say the same thing ... I would think OP may regret going up so slightly for all the pain and aggravation she'll be going through.

    Any reason why you only want to move up 1/2 a size? I get that you don't want to flaunt yourself, but if this is not a correction for something, and your just looking for fuller, prettier breasts ... why not maybe a full C? (I won't say anything bigger because you give the impression you want to be more modest about it).
    Thanks, good luck!!

  38. Thanks for all the tips about post op child care. I am more exited every day just knowing the time is closer and closer every day.

    Size is still negotiable as i am super petite. But i do appreciate every ones kind thoughts on going too small. It's not something I'm going to discuss here because I'm afraid all those feminist woman out there are going to have an additional heart attack. I will say this is not about my husband, family or friends. It's about me. For me. Why wear padded bra's if it only does good for the onlookers and not me? I'm not wearing push ups for anyone elses pleasure. I want to look good, even though I think my breasts are pretty, when I look at myself in the mirror.

    Ya'll have been helpful! I'm going to keep a blog of my journey. Should be fun!

  39. "Size is still negotiable as i am super petite. But i do appreciate every ones kind thoughts on going too small. It's not something I'm going to discuss here because I'm afraid all those feminist woman out there are going to have an additional heart attack" ....

    And you should care about them, why?? They don't know you! Your body is YOUR business! Just because you should maybe go up one more size ... it's not like your telling everyone here your going for a double D on your petite frame.

    Good luck to you. And if you think a full C looks good, go for it, honey!! Just remember ... most women wish they had gone larger, not smaller. And as long as you keep it proportionate, you'll look beautiful!! (No porn star boobies, lol!)

  40. Oh I don't care I just don't want to read it between the posts -that's what i mean.

    C sounds very reasonable. I still have to go to my post op so i'll take care of the size matter then. In the meantime I've been doing the rice test at home, actually more like a pea test. I didn't have rice so i chose the next best thing in my pantry closet. Hope your enjoying your BA! Sounds like you've had a positive experience. I so appreciate your input!

  41. Good luck :) I'm glad you've made an informed decision and are doing something which you obvioously want and have been thinking about and planning for ages. Me, I'll stay with my AA's anyday!!, but I wish you all the best with the surgery.

    I'd also suggest you talk to your bosses so that should you NOT be able to work after 10 days off they have a back-up plan - perhaps an aupair or a full-time housekeeper to assist you for a few weeks?

  42. OP
    Please update us after you talk with your employers. Let us know what you decide to say - and their reaction.
    I appreciate when ppl post back. It helps everyone to know what advice worked best!

    Good luck, Be safe!

  43. I promise to do so though keep in mind it won't be for another 3-5 months that I have the actual surgery.

    I have not quite decided what I will say to be honest.

    I think I'll ask them for my 6 working days off so that I have 2 weekends to recover. Tell them that I will use the time off as part of my holiday agreement.

    Perhaps I'll say that I am having a feminine surgery but that I will be back at work as usual and that it would be nice if they could be understanding if I might have some muscular discomfort in the mornings and evenings and that I would have to take it a bit easer for a week or so before things are back to normal.
    Basicly, no airplane in the sky motions with the baby or continues holding on the hip while I'm making breakfast for her. More floor time. Walks. Eating on the high chair on the low setting so she can climb in herself with minimal help. Changing diapers on diaper matress on the floor as aposed to lifting her to change on her dresser. The small things. i don't bathe her, that's something they do.
    Also I think it will be useful to tell them that I won't be on anything stronger than tylenol/advil once I'm back. Sound reasonable? I mean, what can they say? But i'll let you know

  44. OP, I've never been through this and am curious, what is the rice test? I'm guessing you fill your bra with rice to see how it looks in different sizes?

  45. Yes, Cali, that's it. My friend did that.
    OP, now that I realize you're not an 18 year old college student, HAPPY PLUMPING! (Just the protective mommy in me leaping out before.)

  46. Dear fellow BA
    We won't forget about you. Post back in 5 mo., ok?
    Good luck! It sounds like you know what you need to do to TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF once you go back to work ... hopefully your employers will be understanding. You seem like a really sweet girl.

  47. Oh my gosh you guys are all the best! I just want to hug ya'll for being so sweet and caring not to mention protective.

    I started a blog yesterday named and any thoughts and ideas can be posted there in the future and that way you guys can follow my journey. I'll update it on all aspects even photos of before and after once it gets closer to the time.

    Take care guys! Can't wait!

    And protective mommy i understand.

  48. Yes rice test is a method where you fill knee length stockings with rice or peas or whatever to a certain weight. Say 250cc would be 1 cup cc=milliliters etc its fun

  49. Good luck with your blog I wanted people to report bad mams so istarted and nope. never took off.

  50. I just got my breast augmentation surgery done and I love it! If I were you I would get done but make sure you get the right doctor.

  51. There are no negative post surgery experiences on breast implants till date.I recommend that you sort out a reliable source within your locality. The cost of the procedure will vary with respect to the type of result that you are looking for.

    Breast augmentation price Philippines

  52. There are so many benefits of
    breast augmentation surgery. This was just the information I was looking for. I have been thinking about getting a breast augmentation for a while now. I'm planning to have one late this year.

  53. Hi fellas,
    Thank you so much for this wonderful article really!
    If someone want to read more about those boob job gone wrong I think this is the right place for you!


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