
Early Childhood Library on Leroy Street in NYC

Received Tuesday, December 4, 2007
Tuesday, December 4, Early Childhood Library, Leroy Street, New York City.
A toddler girl named Sophie (that's what I think she said her name was) was left to her own devices at the library play room, with her nanny off in the other part of the library on the computer. Sophie was white, with curly hair, about two, wearing jeans and a striped shirt. The nanny was tall, African-American, wearing a long tan skirt. Sophie was standing around in a very defensive posture - arms folded in front, or clasped behind - and quite unhappy, with no interest in the toys or books. Her nose was runny and she had a cough, and another nanny wiped her nose for her twice. She wouldn't join me and my daughter when invited to play, instead saying "I'm going home." This is not nearly as bad as many of the things I've read on the site, but she was neglected, unhappy, and didn't feel well.


  1. It doesn't matter if it's "not as bad as many other things on the site" it's still neglectful and sad!

    I hope that mother finds out and fires the stupid nanny. I mean honestly when someone ELSE is wiping the kids nose something is wrong!

  2. Uh - MOM should be fired! Allowing your SICK child out in the freezing cold, AND hiring a thoughtless, lazy no good nanny!

  3. This time of year is hard in New York and New Jersey. If you kept your child home everytime they had a runny nose, you would never get out of the house. I agree though if it was a really bad cold, the mother should have had her stay in the house. Why get everyone else sick.

    What is it with people leaving little kids alone. Don't they read or watch tv. Children snatched in stores, and while playing.
    Isn't that considered abandoment? Not sure if I spelled that right???

  4. I hope the next time the nanny goes on the computer she reads about herself here!

    No, it isn't as bad as some sightings, but still something the mom should know about. This is not responsible care.

  5. If this was in a supervised play room, which I suspect it was; then it doesn't seem so bad.

    If Sophie is old enough to interact and talk with other children, and the area is supervised by library staff... maybe leaving the child there to play alone with other kids isn't so bad?

    But taking a kid with a runny nose to a public area is never a good idea. It spreads germs, and is selfish on the part of parents/caregivers.

  6. We are wondering whether Sophie is our little girl and would very much like to get some more information from the original poster offline from this blog. If you are the original poster and feel comfortable sharing more information with us, please email us privately at nyc1q2w3@gmail.com and we can figure out something from there if it's appropriate to discuss further.


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