
Kudos from a North Jersey Mom

North Jersey Mom here and I just wanted to let you know that mothers, nannies and caregivers have been looking for an outlet for their sightings for awhile now. Check out this article from the Montclair Times.


  1. I have read the blog postings. I recognize that some may seem petty. I can imagine that perhaps on some occassion a nanny might actually be a parent. I can digest all of that. What I cannot digest and what has caused me tremendous struggle is the outrage of so called "good nannies". Why would a good nanny be apalled that such a sight should exist? This troubles me. No, this scares me. I work in a corporate environment among colleagues that are all similiarly experienced and educated. We operate under the same basic job title but our bosses clearly recognize who are the standouts or the "big sellers". Just the same, last year when a certain account was pilaged of more than six hundred thousand dollars, the integrity of all of us was called in to question. Bad apples always spoil the bunch and any good employee in any field would not tolerate working arm in harm with someone who by very existence makes us all look bad. Once all of these bad "nannies" (I agree they are more likely sitters, illegal at that) are expunged, perhaps people will have more respect for the nanny profession? The fierce anger directed at this blog, particularly by people who seem at best "unschooled" makes me value my tried and true nanny all the more. She is one of the good ones, that at times people sometimes raise their eyebrows at because of the sheer volume of non professional nannies out there professing themselves to be nannies! A change needs to occur. But attempting to stiffle the reporting of bad sitters? I don't think so.

  2. This is going to sound awful, but anyone who wants to come on here and say how "wonderful" nannies are should take a lap through Edgemont Park. The upclose, first hand, live view of nannies in action is what makes nannies look bad. Offering a format to compile the various sitings is not the problem!

  3. I am a Professional Nanny and I do NOT object to this site at all. On the contrary, I support any avenue that promotes child safety and health.

    The only qualm I have is that so often the media gives attention to only the horror stories. There are good nannies out there...

    The answer I think is that there needs to be an accreditation process for nannies to weed out the "bad apples" and also more public education.

  4. Dear Nanny Above,
    You would have better luck finding a new title for those accredited and professional nannies because I doubt you will have any luck convincing the public that what they see in public is not a nanny. I was FURIOUS to read the commentary in the comment section from one mother insisting (repeatedly) that hiring a nanny that does not speak english is a good thing for the child. How ignorant was she to even call such a person a "nanny". I wonder what the "nanny's" job description entailed? My guess is a whole lot of housework. What better way to guide your "nanny" towards the polishing of your stainless steel appliances than to make sure your own child cannot come to her and ask "play a game with me".

  5. The International Nanny Association has a nanny credential exam and works quite hard to promote professionalism within the industry.

  6. Why would a "good nanny" be upset? Because the woman you are sighting are not nannies...

  7. as to why a good nanny would be upset. you are kidding, right? These women are hired as Nannies. Their employers are called them nannies. I understand why a nanny could be angry- but I see this blog as illuminating the difference between nannies and those not really nannies. Go on craigs list and look at the "nannies" looking for jobs. NOT Nannies. Even the au pair who shook the baby to death was called a nanny in the media. Your fight is bigger than this blog. I see an insurgency rising from within the depths of nannyhood. Might I suggest you go after those agencies touting themselves as "NANNY AGENCIES" and profiting off destroying the concept of nannies? In New York, I know agencies where illegals who barely speak English and don't drive and couldn't help a child with "triangle and square" homework are put to work as nannies. With jobs that include washing all family laundry, cooking family meals, handling recyclables, taking out garbage, picking up dog crap and cleaning the entire house. As wrong as that is, Why is that what the majority of "nannies" are thought to do? Then you go as a professional nanny in to that same job market deluged with illegal domestics who clean the house and try to ask for the salary that a REAL nanny deserves. You won't get it. Who has polluted the description of what a professional nanny is? Nanny agencies. Why? To make a buck. There are exceptions but the bulk of the agencies who promise nannies who are familiar around a bottle of spic and span and a mop bucket make it harder for a parent to even think that they should go to a good agency.

  8. I work in a community with tons of nannies. I am a nanny. I know all of two nannies that could pass the nanny credential exam. I know all of two employers who would even care. Who is the enemy here? Parents who are comfortable leaving their children with somoene I wouldn't trust alone with my schnauzer.

  9. I am a nanny, and I would certainly report a bad nanny on this site.
    what is painful to me is the contempt for nannies in general that is expressed by some parents here, and on other parenting boards. The commeter above made some good points about the hiring of cleaning women, and calling them nannies. Those lazy negligent women sitting on the bench talking on their cells are not real nannies!

  10. That park should be feautured in an expose on crappy nannies. And as the nannies leave the park they should be photographed and tagged. Or deported as many a case would be.

    Damn you people, did you ever see Mary Poppins? You so know what a real nanny looks like, don't you?

  11. I understand why nannies wouldn't approve of this site, simply because all of the negative comments on it are hearsay, and the saying innocent until proven guilty doesn't apply because truth or not, the damage has been done. It's just like ruining someone's reputation with only one side of the story. If a parent posts something negative about a nanny and it is untrue or exaggerated and the nanny is unaware of the post, her reputation could be unfairly ruined without her even knowing.

    That, to me is a major problem with sites like these.

  12. In most instances, I don't think there is enough information published to publicly identify the nanny to anyone but her employer.

    Having said that, there are two sides to every story and a nanny is welcome to share her side of the story.

  13. I disagree. I have read many posts in which people in that area could very well identify the nanny.
    This site was created so that people other than the employer could identify the nanny.
    And again, if the nanny is not aware of this site or the post, it is indeed unfair and damaging.
    If an employer posted hearsay about me and included even my first name and location, I would spend every last dollar I had and take them to court.

  14. Good God, lady you wouldn't get very far! I guess you have no experience about the legal system!

    Oh vey!

  15. I have a comment for the poster who began with,"I disagree". If you are a good nanny and there is no reason for anyone to see you doing anything wrong, then why are you worried about it? I am a professional nanny and this site does not bother me at all because I know how I handle the children in my care and I know that to everyone looking in, I could be Mary Poppins!


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